When they started pounding on car they volunteered to be speed bumps
In at least the first video it appeared that they started beating on the car AFTER he had plowed into the crowd. Escaping the mob I don't object to. Plowing into them in the first place does.
Firethorn, were you failing at scarcasm or have you never filed an insurance claim or run a small business?
I think you guys are misreading what I attempted to say. I was trying to say that arson against a minority church/religious building attracts federal attention due to incidents in the south back in the day, specifically due to hate crime legislation. That's why the feds are involved in that. It was NOT a value judgement on the laws or investigation.
As for the stores, it was specifically mentioned that they were all NATIONAL chain stores. MechAg94, 'insurance and deep pockets' IE insurance for 'most of it', the bank account for the rest. Running a church, for most churches, is a lot more like running a small business than a national chain store. Thus my increased concern for it, because I'd rate it less likely to have the reserves, much less full insurance, to recover from the incident.
That DOES NOT justify arson Hawkmoon, that justifies it being a local police investigation as opposed to federal involvement.

Ron was the one that got it - I wasn't objecting to the attempt to flee. I was objecting to making light of running over people. They're protesting, they should be allowed to protest(peacefully). Not have somebody in a car plow through them.