Republicans, (neo-cons and conservatives both) win on the biggest issue of the day: national defense.
Right, because of course we haven't had any attacks on US soil since 9-11-01.
Hey "Bubba Clinton" was a huge suck-cess too in that case from 1993 on in the case of A-Rab terrorists at least.
Republicans win on the Iraq war.
Yes by brain washing the masses into believing some nonsense about having to kill Iraqis in Iraq or they'll be here and we'll have to kill them here.
Also calling insurgents "terrorists" and the Iraq war "the war on terror" (terror is a tactic by the way, not a noun) seems to do good for the radical religious righteous right.
Wait, I'm not seeing the winning here.
Republicans win on the economy, which is outstanging right now BTW.
[f-word!!!] I didn't notice! Well if you and Booshy say it's good, it must be. At least gas prices dropped down to something nearly affordable. I guess the economy is doing great if you're an oil baron/pharmaceutical company/gov't contractor/etc.
Republicans win border security.
"You are putting facts in your head" Yeah the border is like totally secure, dude. And Bush is SUPER concerned about illegal immigration too. So I guess that's a win?
Republicans win on gun control.
Hmmm I say both parties
LOSE on gun control. Damn.
Republicans win on taxes.
If you're rich.Republicans win on national spending (Republican spending is up, but just imagine what it would be if the Democrats were in power...)
National Debt 10/30/2006: $8,562,455,433,495.19Awesome! Super big WIN in that category!!!
National Debt 09/30/1999: $5,656,270,901,615.43Imagine if the Democrats were in power?? I remember those days. Is $3 TRILLION more debt winning anything?
1. Claiming that Kerry was telling a "joke that was obviously about Bush." There are only two explanations for such a ridiculous claim:
- You telling a lie to stir up controversy.
- You have been completely brainwashed by Kerry (and some of the media's) outright lies. (It's certainly well beyond spin.)
Neither trolling nor kool-aid consumption make for good contributions to the board.
Okay now
YOU are trolling.
I had no idea what this whole crap storm was over, having only heard a snippet about this on NPR about responses to what he said.
I looked up what he said. The first thing that came to my mind was Bush. But maybe my brain engages a little quicker than some folks.
But of course I'm either making this up, or I'm a super die-hard Kerry lover.