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Quote from: French G.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2015, 07:16:13 PM »
Immigration without Assimilation is Invasion.
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

Bring me my Broadsword and a clear understanding.
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing.
Take women and children and bed them down.
Bless with a hard heart those that stand with me.
Bless the women and children who firm our hands.
Put our backs to the north wind.
Hold fast by the river.
Sweet memories to drive us on,
for the motherland.


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 12:15:31 AM »
Warning: short story length text ahead.

The poll might not be entirely correct, since it is self selecting rather than random. OTOH, they, along with another polling agency that is also considered not-very-scientific were the closest to the actual results in the latest election and the one before that. With this in mind...I'm pretty confident in these numbers.

Now, with that out of the way - it is in no way surprising. The Sweden Democrats have successfully branded themselves as "the only opposition party". Remember, we have 8 parties currently represented in Riksdagen. Last election, rather than allying themselves with the Sweden Democrats, the center-right* Alliance for Sweden coalition (four parties, centrist to right of center) decided to let the leftwing alliance consisting of Social Democrats & Green party form a minority government, with support of the Left Party in the Riksdag.

Last December, after the Sweden Democrats sunk the left's budget by announcing they would vote for the budget proposal made by the Alliance. After much political wrangling, the so-called "December Agreement" (Decemberöverenskommelsen, DÖ, which funnily enough means "die" in Swedish) came to be in late December, where the Alliance promised to ensure that minority government budgets went through. This upset quite a large number of people in the four Alliance parties, as well as old school Social Democrats and probably a few old hardliners from the Left Party.

Now, to add to this, there is what people have named in an enormous thread on Swedish internet forum Flashback, the "beginning of a media war about multiculture?" - the thread started right after the 2010 elections, and is now up to 32000+ replies discussing, arguing and (correctly, it turns out) prediciting how certain media outlets will inevitably become more anti-immigration - all of these predictions turned out to be true. Earlier this year, Gothenburg newpaper Göteborgs-Poster (G-P from hereon) hired a new political editor in chief, liberal-conservative Romanian born Alice Teodorescu - this caused no end of butthurt among other editors and journalists, who either went on long term sick leave because of hurt fee-fees or simply resigned. While she doesn't outright support the Sweden Democrats, she is intellectually honest and is openly discussing the effects of immigration, the spiking costs, along with the political and cultural effects of Third World immigration.
Several other newspapers are also displaying political dissent in disturbing (if you are from any of the seven parties that aren't Sweden Democrats) amounts as well - most famously is probably Stockholm based Svenska Dagbladet (SvD from hereon), where editor Per Gudmundsson have written about Islamic terrorism & Islamic fundamentalism for years - but now, the rest of the paper is slowly catching up with him from time to time (on other occasions, they are again full retard). Many other smaller papers around the country are also now openly dissenting on their editorial pages as well. It is quite shocking to see the sometimes almost 180 degree turn that many of them have made in less than a year. Even famously leftist public service channel Sveriges Television (SVT) have been asking some very pointed and difficult questions, and recently they even allowed a representative from the Sweden Democrats to speak freely until he was done, without interrupting!

To add to all of this is some very clever campaigns by the Sweden Democrats, along with some bold statements by party leader Jimmie Ã…kesson made at Almedal Week in early July, where he reminded listeners that they promised they would reach the Riksdag - and they did, they promised to double their numbers - and they did, and he also reminded them that they were going to be the biggest party - which they now are. Add this campaign here, mentioned in my "Trolling as a political strategy" thread, which also shows one quarter of the Sweden Democrats' best campaign workers - the autonomous left, doing what they do best, which is to throw a complete and total shitfit, start fighting amongst themselves about inconsequential bullshit not related to the current issue at hand (the little demonstration they had quickly degenerated into "muh anti-capitalism, muh trans rights, muh feelz"), followed by acting like the thugs they are.
The second quarter of unintentional campaign workers for the Sweden Democrats are the politicians from other parties - whether is is famous Social Democratic window-licker** Mona Sahlin, who declared, amongst other things that: "Swedes have to be integrated into the new Sweden, because the old Sweden isn't coming back", or "I believe that is the reason why many Swedes are envious of immigrant groups. You have a culture, something that binds you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and other silly things like that.", or former "conservative" Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt: "Ur-Swedish is pure barbarism.", or "we need to open our hearts", or "...I've flown over Sweden many times, and there's so much open space here"***. People remember these things. People remember broken promises about "we will make proficiency in Swedish a requirement for getting a Swedish citizenship" - which never happened.

The third quarter of these unintentional campaign workers are criminal immigrants - and their defenders and those who try to play it down by saying "violence has decreased, we've never been safer". I'm thirty years old, I started to read the newspaper when I was probably about...7 perhaps. I sure as hell don't remember reading about shootings every week, about gang rapes, about cars exploding, about 30 explosions in Malmö just in 2015. This is where mainstream media plays an unwitting role - in their "if it bleeds it leads" they are helping the Sweden Democrats, because by reporting on grenades being thrown (and people can figure out that the one's responsible for that are more likely to Ali or Mohammad rather than Johan or Erik), people start thinking that maybe we should do something about it - the Sweden Democrats are also big on law & order, and while they haven't made any noises about that, I wouldn't be surprised if they have a plan somewhere for being able to strip citizenships from foreign born criminals, which is probably what people expect from them and would like to see.

The fourth quarter of the useful idiots/unintentional campaign workers for the Sweden Democrats - the Roma beggars from Bulgaria & Romania. They are literally everywhere. Every community large enough to have the smallest grocery store, you can count on atleast one Roma sitting there, cup in hand, "hej hej korona plizz?". Train stations, bus stations, metro stations, walking about bothering people who are sitting at outdoor tables at pubs or cafees, people enjoying a beer in the park - everyone sees them. And everyone reads the stories in the papers - see what I wrote about media & crime - about the million it cost to remove 21 tons of garbage from one of the sites they had occupied, and then clean it up and try to restore it. About how crimes against the elderly are suddenly on the rise, and the perpetrators are described as being swarthy-ish, garishly dressed and not speaking Swedish or speaking it badly. Pickpocketing, child prostitution, the always increasing demands to be able to set up camps where ever they want, the entitlement shown by squatting on public & private property.

With all of this in mind, and the increasing dissent being voiced by politicians from atleast six of the seven parties who aren't Sweden Democrats (dissent from members of the Green Party seems very unlikely), I wouldn't be surprised if the next election comes earlier than 2018. At which I expect the Sweden Democrats to have increased to probably 30-35% of the votes. The accusations of racism & fascism (atleast the ones thrown against the voters) have decreased markedly - I guess even media have realized how unlikely it is that a (very) possible quarter of the population have suddenly turned fascist.

*comparatively - all of out political parties are at, the most, level with blue-collar democrats when it comes to being conservative.

**former Social Democratic PM Göran Persson famously said about her: "One credits her with greater capacity than what she actually is not that peculiar, what comes out of her mouth. But her strength isn't in thinking."

***compare with any East or West Coast liberal who makes statements about "flyover America".

edited for some minor spelling mistakes
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 11:21:42 PM by Viking »
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 12:31:41 AM »
Interestingly enough, the writer of article/editorial/blog post that Balog posted was discussed in the thread I mentioned on Flashback. The editorial/blog post he mentioned & guest article for SvD was quoted, but not much came of it. I'll translate the only noteworthy post about it:
There is something that fails when foreign guest writers tries to make a statement about the Swedish political debate. What the Englisman is missing when he applies the same solution that worked in England to kick the legs from beneath the Sweden Democrats here, is that he doesn't grasp how far the debate has been driven in Sweden. He completely fails to notice that the others can't take the Sweden Democrats' place in a believable manner. There is not an ounce of credibility left in the traditional parties when it comes to these issues. That's why they're keeping their mouths shut.

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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2015, 02:11:04 AM »
That's fantastic, thanks Viking!
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2015, 02:18:14 AM »
You're welcome. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision when I decided against studying political science after both my cousin & his girlfriend (both pol sci majors) tried to argue me into it. Seems I have the occasional talent for writing these things.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2015, 02:46:30 AM »
Something very peculiar about SD is how they are shrugging off scandals (or for that matter, "scandals". There's one from a few years ago, a few members of the party had been out having a few drinks in Stockholm, when they suddenly found themselves about to get assaulted by some leftists. One of them walked into a construction site, grabbed a piece of aluminium tubing to use as a weapon (in media, referred to as an iron tube, hence the name "järnrörsskandalen "the iron pipe scandal"). Despite this...their numbers increased. Same with others. Hell, just a month or so ago, one member was caught with half a ton of explosives and possible ideas of doing a new Breivik...and it just fizzled out.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2015, 02:31:24 PM »
Holy coincidence, Batman! The previously mentioned Alice Teodorescu wrote an editorial today, putting it down what immigration critics have known for a long time - we can either have a welfare state, or we can accept almost unregulated immigration. Not both. I'm almost about to start making myself a stylish hat of tinfoil here. [tinfoil]

Jokes aside. I think we're winning. I actually feel hope. I mentioned that certain newspapers had previously made a 180 degree turn. I think this new position is about to be cemented. I think some previously hardline pro-immigration & pro-multiculture newspapers will suddenly consider the benefits of criticizing current immigration policies. I'll take the liberty of translating a post from the previously mentioned thread on Flashback - the thread, in my opinion, probably contains some of the most astute and insightful political debate and analysis in Sweden.

Quote below
"I suspect that editorials and debate pages in general will become even more querulant in the near future. This is because of what I perceive as a recently reached milestone in the media war, which is that those who are critical of immigration have successfully conquered the privilege of defining the problem here in Sweden. We can now, in the wake of SD's aspirations on becoming the biggest party see how even their biggest detractors and the whitewashers of immigration politics will start revealing facts to the public that has previously been seen as Nazi propaganda. Simple facts such as Sweden being the country that takes in the most asylum seekers in Europe will be presented in publications that have previously done everything in their power to hate, agitate against and bully SD.

Suddenly, even the media establishment will describe our immigration politics as abnormal. And if there is something the average Swede fears, it is not being normal. The air has been knocked out of the white-washing agenda, in the future, basic facts will reign supreme, even from the establishment. We will therefor see the foundations of the immigration critical side being confirmed on a wide front in the near future - asylum immigration will be described as abnormously high and extremly expensive. Regarding this, both sides of the media war will agree. This is where we are now. The propaganda agenda will only live on with a few extremists.

The next step is conquering the privilege of forming the solution. In step with the problems becoming obvious and uncontroversial, public discourse will start looking for solutions.

This is probably where we will see a wave of one way guilt transfer from the media establishment to the political establishment coming up. Journalists and debaters who for decades have fought for the unique immigration policy will, from self preservation, turn against the politicians responsible and with an accusing finger ask them "Well? How are you going to solve this? What is your plan for this?"

And no, there is no plan from the responsible politicians, because Swedish politicans have continued this insane agenda in deep symbiosis with with the journalist collective. No critical questions have ever been asked about the asylum disaster, and the slightest step out of line from this unique insanity has been branded with satanic nazism by the journalist collective. Now media will break the pact with the politicians, pick up their megaphones and louder and louder exclaim "What the hell have you been thinking?". Politicians will stand dumbfounded, mouths agape, now that scrips of empty words are no longer useful.
("We only did what you told us to do!"

After a few months of this scratched up record, the solution forming privilege will, by the method of elimination, be conquered by the immigration critics. And at that point, it is time to lock the thread."
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2015, 04:02:50 PM »
Viking you should submit some of your writing for publication. It's better in your second language than most contemporary news authors first language writing, and good political insight there.  Probably needs shortening and more inflammatory rhetoric, but I can see that as being publishable in right wing press at least. Breitbart London or The Blaze are probably a little too salacious for your writing, but the Washington Times or Free Beacon, the New York Post, something like that. Seriously.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2015, 04:16:39 PM »
Nopenopenope. Not happening.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2015, 01:33:30 PM »
Another opinion poll - they remain the biggest party, confirmed by another polling institute. Seems like people aren't buying the feelz-bullshit. Turns out that the father of the drowned Kurdish kid might've been a refugee smuggler himself. People read alternative media which reports these things. No wonder journalists for traditional papers, as well as our Ombudsman of the press, wants to restrict freedom of speech here.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2015, 05:45:39 PM »
Hilarious, in a way. Paper over here ran an article today about a whole college dorm who had been evicted, because the owners of it wanted to house refugees there instead. Realistically, the students most likely voted for this *expletive deleted*it. I wonder if they are reconsidering their political opinions. But keep it up, people. I think I have to add a fifth group to the "unintentional election workers for SD" - the asylum industry, those who make hundreds of millions by housing refugees where ever they can find an old hospital or whatever to purchase and make into living quarters. Or in this case, evict students. Keep it going, by all means.

Also, Germany is "temporarily" reinstating border controls. I'm wondering if this might be the end of the EU. >:D
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2015, 02:54:55 PM »

I heard the Swedish government was planning on giving permanent residency to most of the Syrian refugees? And allow them to import family members?
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2015, 07:18:53 PM »
Not planning - we already are. Considering the chronic housing shortage, crappy job market with a lack of low-skilled jobs, not to mention the costs associated...this is increasingly unpopular.
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2015, 08:38:13 AM »
Not planning - we already are. Considering the chronic housing shortage, crappy job market with a lack of low-skilled jobs, not to mention the costs associated...this is increasingly unpopular.

In other words, the government probably handed SD a stunning victory in the next election?
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2015, 10:00:37 AM »
Perhaps you can release all the "refugees" up in Lappland and let the Lapplanders hunt them down and eat them.

The "refugees" get a new home (for as long as they outrun the locals).  The Lapplanders get a source of protein.  Win-win.

Wildman says, "Mohammedians taste just like chicken."



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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2015, 11:30:12 AM »
In other words, the government probably handed SD a stunning victory in the next election?
Yes, whether they win or not. If they get 49% of the votes and the remaining 51% form a coalition to keep them out...some of the other parties are already slowly, slowly approaching SD's views, along with large newspapers who are turning around more quickly. As as soon as the media turns around, the parties will turn around as well. Then again...some 65-70% (IIRC) of people polled believes that the asylum immigration we're receiving is too much - it's just not their most important issue. Yet. So there is a chance of SD actually getting either their own majority or ruling by a coalition government. Which party they will form a coalition with might end up surprising. Yesterday it was also reported that SD have been in contact with representatives of The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, to discuss ways how the country could become more business friendly. This might get make them more attractive to many members of Moderaterna who might be against immigration but at the same time being worried about things that concern businesses and how to make the country friendly to conducting it.

Most concerning now is that fact that SD broke with their youth organization SDU (Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom), supposedly because SDU is "too nationalistic" and also doesn't mind informal contacts with certain "questionable" (read: actual fascist & identitarian) organizations that tend to like reading Evola and others. Still, I fear that without (the current) SDU, SD might just become too milquetoast and losing sight of important issues and to start pandering too much to other parties. They basically need to keep SD from liberalizing too much.

Perhaps you can release all the "refugees" up in Lappland and let the Lapplanders hunt them down and eat them.

The "refugees" get a new home (for as long as they outrun the locals).  The Lapplanders get a source of protein.  Win-win.

Wildman says, "Mohammedians taste just like chicken."

We're not uncivilized degenerates. :P

Also worth noting: Finland is reinstating border controls. Good job, Swedish government. We've had a passport union with the rest of the Nordic countries since 1958, allowing citizens of these countries to move freely between them, with no permits needed to stay to work...and it looks like it might be going to hell now, thanks to our irresponsible politics. Was fun while it lasted. I'm not surprised though, people at Swedish forum Flashback have been predicting this for many years now. I wonder for how long my passport will remain god-tier, allowing me visa-free travel to much of the world?
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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2015, 12:18:38 PM »
Perhaps you can release all the "refugees" up in Lappland and let the Lapplanders hunt them down and eat them.

The "refugees" get a new home (for as long as they outrun the locals).  The Lapplanders get a source of protein.  Win-win.

Wildman says, "Mohammedians taste just like chicken."

Because murder and cannibalism is generally a bad thing? 
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2015, 12:32:58 PM »
Because murder and cannibalism is generally a bad thing? 

1. Killing invaders is not murder. 

2. Why should we let stuffy old Christian taboos against perfectly natural dietary arrangements limit our actions?


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2015, 12:47:13 PM »
1. Killing invaders is not murder. 

2. Why should we let stuffy old Christian taboos against perfectly natural dietary arrangements limit our actions?

Nothing like free range, Halal long pork.. :laugh:
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2015, 12:55:59 PM »
1. Killing invaders is not murder. 

2. Why should we let stuffy old Christian taboos against perfectly natural dietary arrangements limit our actions?

1. Yeah, it is when they're being nonviolent.
2. You're correct on that point, but in this instance, it's more of a prion thing. And also the whole homicide aspect. I'm not sure what will happen if you side step both concerns with cloned human muscle tissue or whatnot.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2015, 01:56:31 PM »
1. Yeah, it is when they're being nonviolent.
2. You're correct on that point, but in this instance, it's more of a prion thing. And also the whole homicide aspect. I'm not sure what will happen if you side step both concerns with cloned human muscle tissue or whatnot.

1. If the border is not guarded, the invader need not be violent.  Yet he is still an invader.  Support troops for an invader organized on western principles are generally not violent, yet killing them is not murder.  You might have been able to ask Emperor Valens about such a thing were he not killed by folk who non-violently entered his realm.

2. Good point.  Hack their heads off before processing and eliminate most the risk.

Nothing like free range, Halal long pork.. :laugh:

They might even make artisanal sammiches out of the bounty of the harvest.


All gustatory jests aside, the gov'ts in charge had best get a handle on the invaders lest their native constituents start breaking out the long knives and start a-cutting invader and worthless bureaucrat.


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2015, 05:04:45 PM »
Nothing like free range, Halal long pork.. :laugh:

Mmmmmm... but what about Meat Loaf?

Would you exchange
a walk-on part in a war
for a lead role in a cage?


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Re: Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pulling ahead
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2015, 10:15:19 PM »

Mmmmmm... but what about Meat Loaf?

Touche  :lol:

They might even make artisanal sammiches out of the bounty of the harvest.

Long as the artisanal tag is in play,  you can easily charge triple.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.