Why you had to use that particular expression I don't know. (SADShooter searches frantically for brain bleach.)
That said, another tidbit: When people think of school violence they think of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook, with Va. Tech having the largest death toll at 33.
They don't consider this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster
So, what is the largest act of school violence in U.S. history? A bombing. In 1927.
I maintain that the mass murderers choose their form of weapon based on what they think will inspire the most fear, not the weapon that will kill the most people. As long as the general public fears EBRs, we will have these mass shootings. If the general public stops being as fearful of guns, we'll get more bombings and chemical attacks.
The Colorado nutbag is a prime example. He had the expertise and know-how to kill every person in that theater with chemical. Instead, he used a firearm. The goal wasn't killing. It was to inspire fear.
*shrug* and there will always be a nutbag who wants to do stuff like this. It doesn't matter which weapon they want.
In an odd way, these crazies using firearms over other forms of killing probably saves lives.