Slain Reporter's Father Fears For His Safety As He Takes Up Gun Control Activism
Andy Parker is even thinking of buying a gun of his own.
HuffPost's reporting:
"When you're in the media, as you know, and when you're taking on an issue like this, there are a lot of people who take exception to what you're saying," Parker said during a press conference Friday afternoon.
He added that he doesn't own a gun but he may buy one to protect himself. Although he hasn't received any threats yet, he said he doesn't want to "take any chances."
"I don't own a gun. We don't have a gun in our family," Parker said. "I'm probably going to have to get one. Sad to say, but I -- unfortunately, that's just the world we live in."
Now just who would those "a lot of people" be? Are we getting the "gun-owning RKBA activists are just waiting for the chance to blow someone away" canard? I can't see any of the anti-rights folks pushing for more ineffective "gun control" being inclined to bust a cap in his *expletive deleted*ss for hitting the "we need more and better laws because we are not enforcing the ones we already have, and besides criminals just might obey it if we come up with the right one" campaign trail. father of slain television reporter Alison Parker, after taking aim at the gun lobby, now worries he might need a gun of his own.
Andy Parker acknowledged he might exercise his right to bear arms after unleashing yet another withering attack Friday on the National Rifle Association and timid politicians.
“I don’t own a gun,” Parker told reporters outside the Roanoke television station where his daughter Alison worked.
“We don’t have a gun in our family. I’m probably going to have to get one. I mean, sad to say, but I — unfortunately, that’s the world we live in.”
OK, it's not all gun owners - just the NRA. I should have figured that out by myself.

It looks like some of the MSM dropped a word in their quoting of Mr. Parker:, Parker said that he is “probably going to have to get a gun” because of the culture in the United States.
“When you’re in the media, as you know, and when you are taking on an issue like this, there are a lot of people who take exception to what you are saying, so I will probably have to do that,” Parker said.
He does not currently own a gun, but said: “I don’t want to take any chances.”
So glad to hear that the latest man who wants to control firearms thinks he is special enough to need one for himself. Too bad he did not try to crowd-source the money necessary to buy armed guards like all the really big people do. Speaking of which, why is Bloomberg not financing Mr. Parker's personal protection team?
stay safe.