I'm at the computer, surfing a few random things before turning in. I hear a noise outside, so I go out on my balcony to have a look-see. Nothing to see, so I get ready to go back in. A guy walking down the street tells me some kids just slashed a tire on the minivan parked in front of my house. It's my mother-in-laws van. She's been visiting since Friday. From CA.
Now, it wouldn't be right, but I could at least make a connection if some kids had a beef with me, but weren't men enough to have a face to face talk. But, WTF? My in-law has only been here three days.
GRRRR. Some people just need killin'.
Now, I'm wondering if I dare sleep, lest the little unmentionables come back for my vehicles. Time for those "security" lights I've been putting off.