The comparison was appropriate to the thread - this is about lamenting how having gays in public causes child abuse. I'm pointing out that old timey sexual morals don't necessarily amount to anything good.
Comparing Islamic sexual mores with Judaeo-Christian sexual mores is apples to potatoes.
Let's compare and contrast:
Last I checked Judaeo-Christian western culture has for most of it's history stood against homosexuality, bestiality, and pedophilia. Let's see where Islam stands on those matters:
So in DeSelby's opinion refusing to bake a cake for a same sex couple is the same as this: and goats? In the west they are jailed and punished, in the middle east....
And of course there's an
entire thread on this subject: West, we once again frog march perpetrators through court and into prisons. Ask Chris about it, if you don't think we do.
So in general, it would appear that the West is incredibly tolerant of Homosexuals (even if a few folks don't want to bake the wedding cake or lease out their farm for a same sex marriage), while in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and just about everywhere in the Islamic world they are thrown off buildings and/or stoned to death.
We imprison those that practice bestiality and pedophilia and provide help to those people traumatized by pederasts, yet in the Islamic world, those practices are condoned, if not actively encouraged.
So yes DeSelby, you are absolutely right. The Islamic world with their "more traditional morals" are EXACTLY like the US and Judaeo-Christian culture....[/SARCASM]