Author Topic: Progressive's science contrary to progressive's ideology?  (Read 5478 times)


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Re: Progressive's science contrary to progressive's ideology?
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2006, 04:57:28 PM »
Australopithecus afarensis was bipedal and arboreal, with human-like lower limbs and long chimp-like arms. It had a chimp-like face but human-like teeth and a larger brain. 3.4-3.0 million years ago

Homo habilis was also bipedal and arboreal, with a bigger brain yet, and even more human-like teeth. 2.5-2.0 million years ago

Homo erectus was a full biped with an even bigger brain, and virtually modern teeth. 1.8-.4 million years ago.

Do you want me to also include pictures? The links are not missing - that is just a phrase people use when they don't have all the information.

IIRC, all the early hominids show a steady progression from the ape-like form to a full biped with a higher developed cranium and jaw structure.  What I dont understand is the jump from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon and the apparent slip back to modern man.  Neanderthal averaged shorter and stocky to the Cro-Magnon tall with a large bone structure, with modern man falling in the middle for height and a lighter build in general.

Roscoe, are there any articles you could point me to, to bridge that gap? 
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Da bianhua


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Re: Progressive's science contrary to progressive's ideology?
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2006, 07:11:09 PM »
In all likelihood, Neandertals were a side-branch that were not our ancestors. If you look at Homo heidelbergensis (AKA archaic Homo sapiens) in Africa, they make a much better ancestor to modern humans. They are essentially an advanced form of Homo erectus, with larger brains. The first modern humans appeared in Africa at about 200,000 years ago and descended from H. heidelbergensis. There are a few scientists who hold out hope that Neandertals somehow intermixed with the modern human line, but the anatomical evidence is very weak, and the analysis of Neandertal DNA is starting to foreclose that theory altogether.

The height/stockiness thing may be a reflection of adaptation to climate. African Homo heidelbergensis and H. erectus was tall and slender; probably around our modern height, while Neandertals, in the glaciated European climate, were short and muscular, like today's Inuits and Eskimos.

Basically, Neandertals were replaced by modern humans from Africa completely by about 25,000 years ago. Modern humans had been migrating into Europe from Africa for tens of thousands of years and the Neandertals were ultimately driven to extinction, probably just outcompeted, as the modern humans were quite a bit smarter.

There is quite a bit of literature on the debate - many careers have been spent grinding through the Neandertal issues. PM me and tell me if you want scholarly articles, or broader-interest writings.