Author Topic: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention  (Read 2314 times)


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A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« on: April 27, 2017, 09:57:26 AM »
Trump returned land seized by Obama for the federal government back to the states. This is a big deal for the people in those states. In doing so, he stated that this is not the property of the federal government.

This may be one of the most conservative things he's done, and it's something I don't believe another president has done. I remember when Clinton grabbed the Escalante Steps area of Utah, and the residents there were fighting mad.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 10:25:36 AM »
Technically, I believe he "ordered a review" and not any specific changes.
While Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said he didn't want to pre-judge what recommendations he would make on the new Bears Ears National Monument in southern Utah or other monuments, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence said the executive order would result in changes to the designations by previous presidents and potential tweaks to the Antiquities Act that Roosevelt signed into law in 1906.
I suspect it will get more attention (good & bad) when the actual changes are recommended and made.
In the moral, catatonic stupor America finds itself in today it is only disagreement we seek, and the more virulent that disagreement, the better.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 11:08:55 AM »
Technically, I believe he "ordered a review" and not any specific changes.I suspect it will get more attention (good & bad) when the actual changes are recommended and made.

Yeah, that's correct. It's still a good move, and unusual.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 11:11:06 AM »
Not that it's something I've been bitching about for decades.  Literally.

Example, me on March 29th, this year:

One thing I hope for in President Trump's second year would be for him to start backtracking on all the redesignations of large areas of land to "National Monuments" and "Primitive Areas" where shooting is prohibited.

Over the decades, possibly starting with Clinton's administration, I've "paranoidically" seen this constant reclassification of lands to non-shooting, non-hairy-assed recreational pursuits as back-door choke points for shooting (and other manly) pursuits.

I may edit that^ statement because I don't think I put it clearly or forcefully enough before my coffee's ready.

I don't mean to imply that nature photography, bird-watching and "100% purity hiking" are un-manly, but they seem to be encouraged over things like the shooting (and off-roading) hairy-assed sports.

Well, as far as I know, at least they haven't stopped antelope hunting on my beloved Grasslands.

But President Trump's got enough on his plate right now, dealing with all the BS from whacko left-wing buttholes...

Heh.  Hey, Donald Trump Jr., you reading this, perchance?

Heh.  :lol:

Terry, 230RN

End quote

(You may thank me by making a generous contribution to the NRA-ILA. :D)

Terry, 230RN

« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 11:45:22 AM by 230RN »


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2017, 12:31:26 PM »
The people in the Escalante Steps area were upset because Clinton federalized lands between ranches. In some cases, the ranches had been in the families since the 1800's. They moved cattle between ranches using ATV's. After the federalization, they were forced to use horses, or not run cattle over the land at all.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2017, 01:02:19 PM »
The people in the Escalante Steps area were upset because Clinton federalized lands between ranches. In some cases, the ranches had been in the families since the 1800's. They moved cattle between ranches using ATV's. After the federalization, they were forced to use horses, or not run cattle over the land at all.

Well, now, see what I mean?  Horses aren't modern hairy-assed things, like ATVs are.

Hmmm.  Wait.  There's something wrong with that statement.



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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2017, 01:17:35 PM »
I wonder how I can get him to give us in Southern Arizona our mountain tops back.
After years of closing access roads his last day in office he turned 10's of thousands of acres into Wilderness areas. Areas that once had had mines & settlements & ranches were now virgin wilderness off limits except on  foot or horseback. Otherwise, STAY THE HELL OUT! Too old or don't have time to pack in, can't afford to keep horses, it's not yours anymore.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2017, 01:43:22 PM »
Over the decades, possibly starting with Clinton's administration, I've "paranoidically" seen this constant reclassification of lands to non-shooting, non-hairy-assed recreational pursuits as back-door choke points for shooting (and other manly) pursuits.

Still some issues with the big through-hikes, though; I'd like to see some Federal preemption on state restrictions on firearm carry, moderate impact camping, (i.e. being a good Boy Scout, but not the "nothing but tiny alcohol stoves, pack out your urine and make sure to number the leaves before clearing your campsite so you can put them all back in the right places later" level of minimizing impact) subsistence-level gathering and small game hunting on the AT and other long trails so it would still be possible for hikers to pack a .22 and live off the land for ~6mo rather than spending a fortune on restocking food, spending nights in motels, etc.  Essentially, designate the nationally-significant trails themselves, and a reasonable amount around them ("reasonable" being variable; maybe a few hundred yards in the wilderness, but only a few feet where they pass through towns) as primarily Federal jurisdiction, with regulations designed for viable types through-hiking, ranging from pure traditional to ultralight modern.

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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2017, 04:27:27 PM »
Trump order threatens 24 national monuments

Trump is targeting all or part of monuments that make up 100,000 acres or more, and were created by presidential proclamation since 1996. The White House released a list of 24 of them on Wednesday


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2017, 04:52:48 PM »
I don't have a problem with areas being designated for some degree of protection but when they designate 100s of thousands or a couple million acres as a "Monument" it is far too much of an over reach.
Designating over a million acres as a monument to ostensibly protect a particularly sensitive area of maybe a few thousand acres is bullshat.
If they just have to federalize an area at most it should be a "National Forest" type designation and if they are seriously worried about protecting an area then put enough rangers there to actually hammer the scumbags that might screw things up.
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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2017, 07:37:25 PM »
The people in the Escalante Steps area were upset because Clinton federalized lands between ranches. In some cases, the ranches had been in the families since the 1800's. They moved cattle between ranches using ATV's. After the federalization, they were forced to use horses, or not run cattle over the land at all.

Correct. All part of the great "roadless initiative."

Pres: I designate all these areas as roadless wilderness.

Aide: Mr. President, all those areas have roads in them.

Pres: Reprint the maps.

And that's exactly what they did. They took huge tracts of land that were criss-crossed by roads and trails, some more than a hundred years old, and essentially erased the roads from the maps. The roads are still there, and now that they aren't being used and maintained they are causing erosion and pollution. But ... "roadless."
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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2017, 03:48:25 PM »
Trump order threatens 24 national monuments

Trump is targeting all or part of monuments that make up 100,000 acres or more, and were created by presidential proclamation since 1996. The White House released a list of 24 of them on Wednesday

"threatens," "targeted?"

Mere semantics, though.  Mere semantics.


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Re: A Trump EO that didn't get enough attention
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2017, 04:31:25 PM »
I'm surprised he didn't just stop at "knock it off" but is also looking at reversing the previous designations. Under Bush, the pahuahammamawamahookiedookepookie monument was the largest in history at that time (possibly just marine), and Obama made it four times bigger, supposedly to stop overfishing as a major reason, even though it was only something like a dozen boats that had a license to fish there.
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