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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2007, 02:49:03 AM »

RE: "We didn't bust Saddam merely for being the Butcher of Baghdad."
LAK wrote: "Right, and this underscores my main point."

Quote, because it wasn't the SOLE reason, we get no credit for it???
There were a number of purported reasons; among them that he was some kind of "butcher". I have already stated why we are in Iraq, and none of the reasons warrant any "credit" for the murder of an untold number of Iraqi people, the murder of a great many civilized and educated people, to rile up a huge number who are not - who in turn have had years of free reign in the vast areas of Iraq that we do not have control - to murder a great many more.. And to sacrifice our soldiers in the process, and drain our resources.  

LAK: "This is a bone of contention as far as I am concerned. There were no proven WMD"

Nizar Nayuf (Nayyouf-Nayyuf), a Syrian journalist who recently defected from Syria to Western Europe and is known for bravely challenging the Syrian regime, said in a letter Monday, January 5, to Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf,” that he knows the three sites where Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are kept.
Really? And who exactly is Nizar Nayuf - another British intel recruit? Another crook like Mr. Chalabi? Who vetted this guy? If he has been "bravely challenging the Syrian regime" - why has he waited so long to suddenly tell a Royal Dutch Shell news rag "he knows"?

As in the case of G H W Bush's starring actress, I am sure that they will not have much trouble cobbling together some "evidence" with gullible eye appeal and bury it in the desert somewhere and send in a team of more gullibles to "discover" it.

Doctor Gary Samore of the International Institute for Strategic Studies noted that during the 2003 invasion, there was "chatter" among Iraqi forces that was interpreted to mean that a chemical weapons attack was ordered.

"Chatter"? This buzzword has been bandied around since 9/11, and so long it is pitiful; as if calculated educated people engaged in a war, or have a plan to hit one or more targets for a particular reason, must get all worked up about it  - and "chatter" beforehand using means that even a high school punk would know could be intercepted and traced.

On 3 February 2004, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw announced an independent inquiry, to be chaired by Lord Butler of Brockwell, to examine the reliability of British intelligence relating to alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.[72]

Jack Straw? A familiar name in british politics to me, as I lived there for a decade and a half. Jack is global socialist, like his boss comrade Blair.

"We conclude that, on the basis of the intelligence assessments at the time, covering both Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the statements on Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa in the Government's dossier, and by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, were well-founded. By extension, we conclude also that the statement in President Bush's State of the Union Address of 28 January 2003 that 'The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa' was well-founded."

An "independent" report issued by Baron Von Butler? Butler has been a permanent fixture in high level british gov regardless of party since Harold Wilson. His springboard was largely his position at the Bank of England; one of the wonderful leaders in fleecing serf's of their wealth. Post invasion Iraqis, now "liberated" from their awful civilized, educated and cultured "oppression" can look forward to a similar economic enslavement. Those that have survived that is.

There is as good a chance that the Niger deal was a british intel concoction.

On May 2, 2004 a shell containing mustard gas, was found in the middle of street west of Baghdad.

Wouldn't surprize me. I'd bet that there is not a country in the middle east that if enough people looked hard and long enough, more of the same or similar items could be found. Reminds me of the bazooka shells, grenades and other fascinating artifacts that turn up in urban dumpsters here from time to time, make the news, and get people all excited.

On May 16, 2004 a 152mm artillery shell was used as an improvised bomb.(Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program Annex F. Retrieved on 2005-06-29.) The shell exploded and two U.S. soldiers were treated for minor exposure to a nerve agent (nausea and dilated pupils). On May 18 it was reported by U.S. Department of Defense intelligence officials that tests showed the two-chambered shell contained the chemical agent sarin, the shell being "likely" to have contained three to four liters of the substance.

"Sarin" made or imported by who? Improvised bomb by who? Fired by who? Saddam Hussein?

What "intelligence officials"? Does not our department of defense have a head? A named party who would make a public statement positively affirming such if it were in fact true? If not - why not?  But look up sarin anyway; see what "three or four liters" of sarin would have been certain to do - if it had in fact been sarin, and burst in the vacinity of two people.

After he was captured by U.S. forces in Baghdad in 2003, Dr. Mahdi Obeidi, who ran Saddam's nuclear centrifuge program until 1997, handed over blueprints for a nuclear centrifuge along with some actual centrifuge components, stored at his home — buried in the front yard — awaiting orders from Baghdad to proceed.
Really? And what public official publicly stated this as fact for the record?

Why, after an invasion would such "blueprints" not be cast onto a hasty fire? Unless the conscience stricken Obeidi had kept them to sink his leaders after the invasion. Are we to believe that he was some kind of "captive" dissident Iraqi scientist all these years?

October 3, 2003 - David Kay's Iraq Survey Group report that finds no stockpiles of WMD in Iraq, although it states the government intended to develop more weapons with additional capabilities. Weapons inspectors in Iraq do find some "biological laboratories" and a collection of "reference strains", including a strain of botulinum bacteria, "ought to have been declared to the UN." Kay testifies that Iraq had not fully complied with UN inspections. In some cases, equipment and materials subject to UN monitoring had been kept hidden from UN inspectors. "So there was a WMD program. It was going ahead. It was rudimentary in many areas," Kay would say in a later interview. In other cases, Iraq had simply lied to the UN in its weapons programs.  ... [ETC]

How did Mr Kay establish this evidence of "intent". He a mind reader or do they have documents that were presented to our gov, analysed and proven geniune and archived for inspection?

"We have not yet found stocks of weapons, but we are not yet at the point where we can say definitively either that such weapon stocks do not exist or that they existed before the war and our only task is to find where they have gone. We are actively engaged in searching for such weapons based on information being supplied to us by Iraqis."

Not only is this inconclusive, merely speculative - it is post invasion. This is like burning down a house, murdering part of a family who resist - and then hunting for "evidence" to support what you have done after the fact.

"With regard to delivery systems, the ISG team has discovered sufficient evidence to date to conclude that the Iraqi regime was committed to delivery system improvements that would have, if OIF had not occurred, dramatically breached UN restrictions placed on Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War."

Well, you know what I think of the great gulf fraud, and why. The "U.N." is an international criminal cartel with a global socialist agenda. Their crimes in aggregate since WW2 make any transgressions by Saddam Hussein appear rather small.

"We have discovered dozens of WMD-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations during the inspections that began in late 2002."

And finally, let's consider that Iraq was a sovereign nation, and would have been expected as such to pursue the means to defend itself from anyone else in the region.

LAK: and had I been Hussein - I would have told the "U.N." to get stuffed as well.

Actions have consequences.

They sure do; you can't dance with the devil and walk away. But then the oligarchs who front people like George Bush have no intention of walking away from their international criminal cartel cronies.

Quote: We didn't invade merely because he had supported Islamic and Palestinian terrorism and was eager to do more along those lines.
LAK: I don't buy this for a second.

In a January 26, 2004 interview with Tom Brokaw of NBC news, Mr. Kay described Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs as being in a "rudimentary" stage. He also stated that "What we did find, and as others are investigating it, we found a lot of terrorist groups and individuals that passed through Iraq."[98]

"Passing through"? If I had the time, I would post a list of the countless publicized incidents of people in and around our gov, elected and appointed officials that have more then passing connections to some very interesting people and organizations over the last several decades.

Let's revisit the reluctant FBI's stonewalling over the release of the identities of one hundred or so foreigners - Saudis - who flew or were flown out of this country immediately after 9/11 while every one else was grounded.

Who were they? While we are at it, who were the lucky investors who placed large and significant put options on American Airlines and United Airlines stock right before - within days - of 9/11? Where are the indictments? Who is protecting them?

In responding to a question by Mr. Brokaw as to whether Iraq was a "gathering threat" as President Bush had asserted before the invasion, Mr. Kay answered:

Tom, an imminent threat is a political judgment. It’s not a technical judgment. I think Baghdad was actually becoming more dangerous in the last two years than even we realized. Saddam was not controlling the society any longer. In the marketplace of terrorism and of WMD, Iraq well could have been that supplier if the war had not intervened.

This is avoiding the fact that pre-invasion disruptions were largely a result of UN sanctions; food and other shortages. I have a BBC(UK)/NHK(Japan) film documentary series made in 1979 that includes Iraq; there is a sharp contrast between what has been thrown around about life in general in that country and what was apparent then. 

LAK: Hussein was fairly educated, starting in the late 70s began to start a major industrial program.

...which included the Osirik nuclear reactor. Why does a country with that much oil need a nuclear reactor?  For bonus points, describe the god Osiris for whom the reactor complex was named, and list key events in the race for the Islamic Bomb.

We have plenty of oil - why do we need them?

Osiris? Was that on a plaque at the gate? Or from elsewhere?

If Saddam Hussein was such an islam-o-looney; why was he protecting one million Chaldean catholics all these years from them? Why is it that a million catholics lived and practiced with complete freedom in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, whereas almost everywhere else in the middle east they can not?

LAK:Even if Hussein had been involved in some questionable activities, getting involved with Islamic loonies (the very ones that were a threat to civilized Iraq and his government to begin with) and "terrorists" would be literal suicide - national and personal. He and all around him would have known this without a shadow of a doubt.

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein provided bases, training camps, and other support to terrorist groups fighting the governments of neighboring Turkey and Iran

Really? I thought it was Iran that was now a bigger islamo-bogieman than Iraq. Which is it going to be? But this is a ridiculous inclusion; we supplied all kinds of stuff to the Hussein gov to fight Iran for a long time. Turkey has had it's own agenda with the border region of Iraq for a long time. Who cares? Turkey has a wonderful reputation of it's own.

as well as to Palestinian terror groups. Iraq has helped the Iranian dissident group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, a separatist organization fighting the Turkish government, and several far-left Palestinian splinter groups that oppose peace with Israel.

Which palestinian terror groups? Helped in what way? The state of Israel was funding Hamas at one time - so what?

Funny, the Hussein gov was fighting Kurds as well. Perhaps the Turks have committed more alleged atrocities against Kurds than Iraq. But the red kurds are getting alot of attention in "liberated" Iraq. What if they "democratically" obtain a significant part in postwar Iraq? Who are they murdering in Iraq now in all the vast areas we do not control?

Iraq also hosted the mercenary Abu Nidal Organization, whose leader was found dead in Baghdad in August 2002.

"Hosted" meaning precisely who, what, where and how?

Saddam was a secular dictator, and his regime generally tended to support secular terrorist groups rather than Islamists such as al-Qaeda, experts say.

This reads like part of a CNN transcript.

But Iraq also supported some Islamist Palestinian groups opposed to Israel.

There are plenty of christians in Palestine who could not give a rat's tail about the state of Israel either.

and   In violation of international law, Iraq has also sheltered specific terrorists wanted by other countries, reportedly including:

 Abu Nidal, who, until he was found dead in Baghdad in August 2002, led an organization responsible for attacks that killed some 300 people.
 - Palestine Liberation Front leader Abu Abbas, who was responsible for the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Laurocruise ship in the Mediterranean. Abbas was captured by U.S. forces April 15.

You mean like Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov's spokesman's Akhmed Zakayev given asylum by Comrade Blair's gov wanted by Russian authorities? And Ilyas Akhmadov given asylum under George Bush?

"It is strange that a country that has suffered from terror and is waging an armed struggle against in jointly with Russia has granted political asylum to Ilyas Akhmadov, who is on the international wanted list .... " - Mikhail Margelov, Federation Council (international relations committee) 08/06/04

Very strange indeed.

- Two Saudis who hijacked a Saudi Arabian Airlines flight to Baghdad in 2000.
Abdul Rahman Yasin, who is on the FBI's "most wanted terrorists" list for his alleged role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Maybe Hussein is protecting the identities of the appointed or elected officials who stonewalled our FBI agents who were hot on the trail of the 9/11 suspects.

Iraq has also provided financial support for Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestine Liberation Front, and the Arab Liberation Front, and it channeled money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.
So has the state of Israel. In addition to getting caught funding Hamas, the state of Israel has also staged terror attacks of it's own - going back to Operation Suzannah.

In April 2002, Iraq increased the amount of such payments from $10,000 to $25,000. Experts say that by promoting Israeli-Palestinian violence, Saddam may have hoped to make it harder for the United States to win Arab support for a campaign against Iraq.

Funny, the "experts" writing the 9/11 report couldn't tell us anything about the funding of that operation, or who and how someone(s) knew exactly when to dump a pile of United Airlines and American Airlines stock in the last week of august 2001 and the first week of september 2001 - but they can tell us all about what Saddam Hussein has been doing.


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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #51 on: January 03, 2007, 02:56:55 AM »

The knee-jerk comment is one of those that applies to Ezekiel, and not to you.  Other than that, blah, blah, blah.  I'm trying to figure out why it would matter, to our decision to invade Iraq, whether one of his atrocities was the fabrication of some, uh, whoever you said he was.  Is it your contention that every story of Baathist outrages in Iraq was trumped up?  If not, what is the point?  That Bush I was taken in by someone twenty years ago? 
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2007, 03:05:17 AM »
I have already stated why we are in Iraq, and none of the reasons warrant any "credit" for the murder of an untold number of Iraqi people, the murder of a great many civilized and educated people, to rile up a huge number who are not - who in turn have had years of free reign in the vast areas of Iraq that we do not have control - to murder a great many more.

Read carefully, LAK.  You cannot state why we are in Iraq, so don't claim to.  You have proven that you cannot possibly comprehend why we are there.  Not for lack of intelligence or because you don't want to read the details of these matters.  But because you refuse to evaluate these things honestly and consistently.  I hope you do not live in my country; if you do, GET OUT!  How dare you blame the US for the fact that Middle Easterners are benighted by hatred.  It is not our fault that they refuse to live under anything but utter tyranny or bitter tribalism.  We liberated them.  That is an irreducible fact.  If they can't live up to it, we are not to blame.  How dare you? 
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2007, 03:45:50 AM »
There is one point I'd like to reiterate:

"Just a swingin'... "

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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2007, 07:41:04 AM »
Good reads Iain. People like Abu Nidal, Zarqhawi and Saddam dead, Abu Abbas in custody? I'd say things are going just fine, regardless of how we got there.
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #56 on: January 03, 2007, 01:37:08 PM »
It is Wednesday and he is still dead.
Just say no to Obama, Osama and Chelsea's mama.

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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #57 on: January 03, 2007, 08:35:29 PM »
It is Wednesday and he is still dead.
Not only is he still dead, but the world is still a better place because of it.

This discussion reminds me of the opening scenes of the recent James Bond movie.  Bond catches a terrorist bomb-maker, but he gets caught.  Right before making his grand escape, Bond kills the terrorist.  The murder is caught on tape and proves to be a huge scandal for Britain and the intelligence service.  Bond's boss rips him a new one for failing to exercise good judgment.  Bond responds "I did exercise good judgment.  I judged that one less terrorist bomb-maker in the world would be a good thing."


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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2007, 12:32:28 AM »

I certainly can state why we are in iraq; there is no mystery to this as it goes back not only a couple of decades, but back to the first decade of the 20th century. The only fools in this arguement are those that have a mental block when it comes to geo-political history and live in attention span modules of a decade or less - and seem to think that somehow every time some criminal in the WH or any other significant department of our government is given a free pass everything starts with a clean slate.

If you think the removal of Hussein and his hanging was something to rejoice about - dance away. But don't try and tell me that what has been wrought upon an enormous number of innocent people there was somehow worth the price.

I was born here, served here - and was prepared to die doing so if necessary - to defend it. This is my country - not yours to tell me where to go or not.



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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2007, 03:00:41 AM »
Get out anyway. 
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2007, 04:34:22 AM »
Then what would have been YOUR solution to the whole mess? That's what I keep hearing from people with your opinion. Everything is being done wrong.  I never seem to hear counter solutions. The enemy has rooted itself in among these people, how would YOU suggest approaching the situation. Sit back and negotiate while our enemy uses negotiation time to further it's cause? Please, they have to be kept back on their heels and that's just one effect the Iraq war is having. To me the ousting and hanging of Saddam is just a sideshow in the overall picture of not seeing another 911 like attack. They're there, we are in there getting them. Get it through your head. These people (Islamo-facists NOT Iraqis) want to kill you, me and everybody else that doesn't agree to their special ides of waht religion should be all about. They want to kill your children over there and then they want to come here and kill you. They will wait and work patiently for GENERATIONS to achieve this goal. What is so hard to understand about this? Iraq is just the first step and I think it was a good one. There's several less A-holes in the world because of it. So yeah, I'll sing, dance and rejoice in urinating on their graves if given half the chance. We did not bring this upon the Iraqi people, the Islamo- Fascists did. Get that straight too.
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #61 on: January 05, 2007, 12:26:22 AM »
The solution? Iraq was not a problem to begin with. There was never any solution needed to Iraq - at least nothing that warranted a military invasion and the destruction of it's infrastructure, and the death of thousands of Iraqis, and many more thousands set up for it through a lack of control and order. While Iraq has been made to appear to be our problem, the outright lies, contradictions and inconsistancies betray those who have engineered this facade.

And we do need to put the brakes on this insane, murderous and perverse geo-politcal agenda of theirs, and detach ourselves except perhaps in some very limited and controlled trade with those countries whose governments are riding ideologies contrary or hostile to our own. That includes that body of international criminals which calls itself the "United Nations".

In the interests of security we need to get control of - as far as possible - secure our national borders, and get those people in this country that don't belong here OUT and keep them out. This is what the WH should have set to immediately on September 12th, 2001, and been in full swing within a couple of weeks of that event. We had the troop strength, and a declared state of national emergency would have covered the legal bases and been more than justified. The fact that they did not do so indicates that their "war on terrorism" (which is the erroneous use of language) is a fraud, and a vehicle and means for something else.

Just as there is of course no such thing as a "war on terrorism", there is no such thing as a "solution to terrorism". A nation can only secure it's borders as far as possible, ensure that those who should not be there are not allowed to do so, and thoroughly vet anyone that wants to come in, and promote a stable culture.

I would limit visas for third world nations to student only - whereby they must have a special endorsement of their true identity by their home gov, are allowed to attend schools and universities here only for the duration of their course - then return back to their country of origin and put it to good use. Anyone who outstays their visa is sought out and deported for good.

It is simply undeniable that the actions and inactions of the Bush administration have left us wide open and significantly contributed toward our destruction as a distinct nation. His geo-political agenda with his cronies north and south are going to finish the job, now to be taken up by the "other party".

Is George W Bush really that stupid? No, I don't buy it for a second. He knows exactly what he has been doing in regards to our security. He's a fraud, as are his cronies in crime. It's more than disgusting that our military is being used as a tool in this, as it was in the case of serbia under another perverted thug - William Clinton.


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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #62 on: January 05, 2007, 02:36:10 AM »
The solution? Iraq was not a problem to begin with. There was never any solution needed to Iraq - at least nothing that warranted a military invasion and the destruction of it's infrastructure, and the death of thousands of Iraqis, and many more thousands set up for it through a lack of control and order. While Iraq has been made to appear to be our problem, the outright lies, contradictions and inconsistancies betray those who have engineered this facade.

I would like some of what you've been taking.

Iraq had a long history of supporting terrorists (the mastermind of the Achille Lauro was found in Baghdad when we invaded), supporting terror (Saddam paid $15,000 to the family of every suicide bomber in Israel), terrorizing other states (Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia by threat anyway), and terrorizing his own people.  There was additionally prima facie evidence that he was mainaining weapons in violation of previously signed accords.  There is actual evidence that he had development programs for WMD and was planning to start them after sanctions were lifted.  Further, he subverted sanctions through bribery of UN officials and others.  He also plotted actively to assasinate the president.  Moreover he was in violation of numerous UN resolutions, some of which explicitly promised military action if he failed to comply.  The UN proved itself spineless in not backing up its threats (as they continue to do with Iran).  The US simply made good on those threats.
These facts are well-known and incontrovertible.  A president considering the intelligence picture, the history and the known facts would be grossly negligent of his duties if he failed to act decisively.  Fortunately this one did.  It was a tough decision and things havent always gone the way we'd like.  But it is too easy to sit back now and pretend that there was never any threat, now that the threat has been removed.
Fight state-sponsored Islamic terrorism: Bomb France now!

Vote Libertarian: It Not Like It Matters Anyway.


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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #63 on: January 05, 2007, 03:30:50 AM »
 There's an old saying, "The best defense is a good offense." in this "war on Terror' that you call a fraud it is better put, "The ONLY defense is a good offense." So don't talk about sitting back and strengthening our defenses while our enemy builds his offense against us, tell us about YOUR offense. Where would YOU have started? You're going to take a good portion of your military/police right after 911 and use them to round up and oust or inter undesirables? Sounds familiar, I think both sides tried that in WWII. One a little more vehemently than the other I'd say. I'd say we showed the world our better side this time by avoiding that and it worked. We remain the stable country we are becasue of that, among other things of course. To have done such a thing to our Muslim population would have torn this country apart IMHO. I haven't got the time to bang my head up against your wall too much, so I'm going to leave this here.
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2007, 07:34:21 AM »
280, I don't think LAK was proposing quite what you think he was.  However, you are correct about offense over defense.  While I think we should do more in terms of border security, that will not be effective enough.  It has been said that the defenders must be right all of the time, and the terrorists only right once.  Really, the need to be right a few times in order to accomplish their goal.  That goal is frightening Americans into complying with their demands.  That's why the fight must be taken to, as Bush said, "a time and place of our choosing."

In the big picture, the Iraq war has at least drawn the terrorists away from the soft targets here at home.  I am beginning to think this was a major reason for the Iraq war, but one Bush couldn't announce beforehand and probably wouldn't admit now.  How would it look for Bush to say, as many have said, that "at least they're over there and not here"?  It wouldn't take long for the press, the terrorists, anti-American interests in Iraq and elsewhere to realize a possible implication of this statement; that Americans don't care if Iraq is terrorized, so long as we are not.  That would be a fine thing for the President to imply, wouldn't it? 

But it IS better for the terrorists to attack in Iraq than here.  The 9/11 attacks were a major humiliation for America and the whole western world, and a huge boost to Islamist ambitions.  Why?  Because two to three thousand Americans died?  Because our economy suffered a temporary setback?  Because a major military nerve center was physically damaged and took casualties?  No.  The decisive victory was in the demonstration that America is at the mercy of bin Laden's whim.  That the mighty super-power can be struck in its very heart.  That no American is safe, anywhere, from the hand of Allah's faithful.  And so on. 

But what happens when terrorists strike in Iraq?  First of all, they tend to get offed by American military and sometimes by the soldiers of the alleged puppet government.  Secondly, they kill far more Iraqis than Americans.  Thirdly, their terrorist intentions are often taken for sectarian infighting.  In the big picture, we have put the terrorists where we want them, while Americans sit comfortably in their high rise buildings and attend the Superbowl without incident.  And Osama can only respond by making scary tapes.  Saddam Hussein, symbol of defiance to America, hides in a hole in the ground, throws fits before judges, and then gets unceremoniously hanged.

Unfortunately, the media has been so insistently negative on Iraq on and America's intentions there, that the Iraq war has been just as bad for American prestige as another severe terrorist attack on American soil would have been. 
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2007, 12:32:53 AM »
The Rabbi

I would like some of what you've been taking

Nothing. I flushed all the pills, capsules and shots containing emotional bias and influence triggered by decades of "education" and carefully crafted propaganda in various forms, and historical amnesia, compartmentalization, and distractive entertainments.

A president considering the intelligence picture, the history and the known facts would be grossly negligent of his duties if he failed to act decisively.  Fortunately this one did.

"This one" is a big, criminal, fraud. Were he not, he would have shut our own border down in the first days or weeks following September 11th 2001. His compliance with the geo-political agenda in the middle east has nothing to do with our security.

Our immediate security problem is within our government; people with no solid allegience to this country or any other, foreign - hostile to the United States - ideologies, and spies. And a few significant nations like China.

There is no country in the middle east that has the brains or means to be a threat to the United States, if the government of the United States does what it used to do many decades ago, and is supposed to have been doing all along. Ceases to deal with any government of any nation in the middle east except in regards to very limited trade, and stop meddling in their affairs.

There is nothing we need from the middle east that can not be found all over or under our own landmasses and continental shelf.



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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2007, 01:03:24 AM »

There's an old saying, "The best defense is a good offense." in this "war on Terror' that you call a fraud it is better put, "The ONLY defense is a good offense." So don't talk about sitting back and strengthening our defenses while our enemy builds his offense against us, tell us about YOUR offense. [etc]

See my post to the Rabbi above.

We do need to go on the offensive; against the elements I have cited above. And get those people out of this country who do not belong here and send them home. All of them.

We need to cut off the feeding tube to that monster known as China before it becomes big enough to swallow us whole. The day is not far off. Russia is not nearly as weak as it has been made to appear. That is another problem.

If the global socialists in europe want to support and perpetuate global socialism in the middle east and central asia, bring it under economic slavery and plunder the resources - them them do it with their blood and money. Not ours.



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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2007, 02:05:54 AM »
And get those people out of this country who do not belong here and send them home. All of them.
Unfortunately that idea, while it has merit, is logistically impossible. Let's just use that 11 million figure. How are you going to RELIABLY FIND, round up and deport 11 million people? It would take a terrific amount of manpower and money. I don't agree that the Iraq war is all a big gov conspiracy, I believe it was a good logical step toward winning the global war on terrorism and I still support it. Least ways, we've been making it a bit harder for these people to gather and train to wage war against us. Plus, up to this point, it's been showing the rest of the world that we are NOT paper tigers and that we will commit and stand by our commitment. Besides, and this is the part I love. Before ANY of this BS over WMD and the like Saddam had renegged on his GW1 agreement to let inspectors in to assure there WERE no WMD being produced. When he started denying them access there was nothing else to do but assume it was because he had some agenda in the way of WMD. That would be a logical conclusion. If he has nothing to hide, why restrict the inspectors? That fact ALONE was enough, in my mind, for us to invade and put a stop to whatever he might be doing and, quite honestly, I was one who was wondering what took us so long to get in there. But then, we know Bill was too busy with getting little Willy wet at the time. The very first time he gave the inspectors trouble, we should have been knocking on his palace door.
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2007, 03:25:01 AM »
The Rabbi

Nothing. I flushed all the pills, capsules and shots containing emotional bias and influence triggered by decades of "education" and carefully crafted propaganda in various forms, and historical amnesia, compartmentalization, and distractive entertainments.

"This one" is a big, criminal, fraud. Were he not, he would have shut our own border down in the first days or weeks following September 11th 2001. His compliance with the geo-political agenda in the middle east has nothing to do with our security.

Nah, no emotional bias here.  Just plain facts speaking..... rolleyes
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #69 on: January 09, 2007, 12:30:15 AM »

Unfortunately that idea, while it has merit, is logistically impossible. Let's just use that 11 million figure. How are you going to RELIABLY FIND, round up and deport 11 million people?

Certainly more feasible and effective than chasing Al Kidya and a thousand other groups, and who knows how many millions all over the globe.

Allowing an enormous number of question marks to remain roaming our own territory is insanity. The Bush administration's insistance on doing this either proves theirs, or that there is another agenda underneath. The former is ridiculous, and contrary to what is a popular view, George Bush is not that stupid, or insane. He knows exactly what he is doing.

You can believe whatever nonsense you choose to believe. The "war on terror" is a sideshow; it is never going to end, and is simply an instigated means to an end.



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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #70 on: January 09, 2007, 12:32:24 AM »
Facts, Rabbi?

"This one" is a big, criminal, fraud. Were he not, he would have shut our own border down in the first days or weeks following September 11th 2001. His compliance with the geo-political agenda in the middle east has nothing to do with our security.

That's a fact. We are wide open, right here.



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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #71 on: January 09, 2007, 01:52:18 AM »
See, I think you just don't understand. We need to keep the pressure on these people. If we back off they will simply regroup and come back at us again as hard as they can. We have made it more difficult for them to operate. Now you want to lose the initiative, or worse, never take it to begin with. The hole in your round em up idea is that here we are, 6 years later, none of the "question marks" has done a damn thing other than maybe take free welfare from us. Looks to me like you would have taken a lot of money and manpower and accomplished very little with it.

Why don't you describe exactly what this "geopolitical agenda in the middle east" is. What IS GWB's TRUE agenda there that most of the rest of us can't see? What are his goals?
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #72 on: January 09, 2007, 02:19:33 AM »
Facts, Rabbi?

"This one" is a big, criminal, fraud. Were he not, he would have shut our own border down in the first days or weeks following September 11th 2001. His compliance with the geo-political agenda in the middle east has nothing to do with our security.

That's a fact. We are wide open, right here.


It is a fact that Pres Bush is a "big, criminal fraud"??  What court has convicted him?  What charges has he faced?
As for "shutting down the border" do you have any idea how much cross-border traffic there is, on both the Canadian and Mexican side?  Do you know how much disruption would have occurred doing that, even if it were feasible?
No, you have no idea.  You don't care either.  You are only interested in declaring Pres Bush a "big criminal fraud" because that description soothes you and confirms your general world view.  That the view has nothing to substantiate it is immaterial.  Because you care nothing for facts or argumentation.  ALmost every post of yours is filled with left-wing rhetoric of no substance at all.  It is laughable.
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2007, 03:12:50 AM »
Certainly more feasible and effective than chasing Al Kidya and a thousand other groups, and who knows how many millions all over the globe.
Which is why we're engaging them in Iraq.  The more we talk about this, the more I'm convinced that the Iraq invasion was mainly for that purpose.  It didn't have to be Iraq, but we had to be somewhere, killing Islamic militant fruitcakes.  As soon as we halt our "imperialistic war-mongering," they will have the initiative again, and they will use it. 
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?
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Re: Reuters is reporting that Saddam Hussein has been hanged.
« Reply #74 on: January 09, 2007, 08:50:06 AM »
who knows how many millions all over the globe.
We may not know how many but we DO know it's less than there were a few years ago.
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