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Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« on: June 15, 2017, 01:32:25 PM »

Short story long, yes, left wingers may not individually be skilled or equipped but they have superior organization at present. They have a good track record of not just committing violence, but getting away with it on a regular basis. They have entire institutions built for pressuring the government and organizing people. They practice on a regular basis. They have lateral integration between barely or unrelated organizations under umbrella ideology. Much more wide spread networking and sharing of tactical information.

A perfect example is the travel ban from certain countries with a high correlation to terrorism. Within, what, hours? They had people at airports with signage and a pretty unified narrative. The narrative was well divorced from objective facts. And they SOLD it. Eventually it comes the truth because it is repeated and remembered, the objective reality isn't. They have professional paid organizers. Rightists tend to have amateur volunteer organizers.

This is why leftist Marxist bombers in the 70's work at universities and rightist abortion clinic bombers work in prison laundries.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2017, 01:55:30 PM »
I read that the other day where it was being shared around in some other places I frequent.

That's always been the case. The Left has always had that "structural advantage". Academia, .gov bureaucrats, students, union members etc. form an entire ecosystem of people who can be deployed for political or social causes.

However, the implied warning, that the Left could well come out "on top" in some putative CW2/Matt Bracken murder-cube is one hell of an extrapolation to make.

It could just as easily mean that the Left can amass bulk targets of hundreds, even thousands, easily taken down by a dozen rightists who set up a properly coordinated "L" or "V" shaped ambush with intersecting fields of fire.

I get that the author is on "our side" making this warning, but a lot of this has an eerie echo to the hand wringing about Iraqi "numerical superiority" in the run-up to Gulf War 1, and the unending drumbeat that Schwarzkopf and Powell were running the U.S. into a meat-grinder.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2017, 02:08:19 PM »
However, the implied warning, that the Left could well come out "on top" in some putative CW2/Matt Bracken murder-cube is one hell of an extrapolation to make.

It could just as easily mean that the Left can amass bulk targets of hundreds, even thousands, easily taken down by a dozen rightists who set up a properly coordinated "L" or "V" shaped ambush with intersecting fields of fire.

Then that dozen rightists are arrested, or shot by the government. Labeled as racist evil puppy kickers and their families are sued by the victims or victim families. The cops or troops are unhappy, but hey, they got orders and a family to feed. In the case of the cops, their union is friendly with other unions who are friendly with certain causers. The dozen rightists are used as an excuse for more civil liberties being stripped away. The Matt Bracken fantasy is always that they send gang members to collect the guns and plucky dozen rightists will mow down hundreds of Leftists. Instead of say, Leftists shutting down ammo factories or banning the importation of lead to be used in ammo. Lead mining having been effectively 'outlawed' domestically by restrictive regulation.

People always assume one side wins in a Civil War. That's... well, not uncommon. But things are rarely that clean up.

Rightists likely COULD engage thousands of hippies or college kids or ethnic groups. Said folks are not stupid. Well, not suicidal anyways. Do you see them rioting outside of their safe zones? Nope. They'll do what everyone else figured out. Low grade harassment over time to wear out the other side.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2017, 02:15:59 PM »
I was about to say that the right has no equivalent groups because if the right were to so organize, they'd be immediately decried as militias and nutjobs.

And then I recalled the anti-antifa groups who ARE starting to organize. They'll probably be called violent racist misogynist bigot, [fill in the blank]ophobes but it looks like some on the right ARE working on organizing the angry, disaffected, right leaning youth.

As I've said elsewhere- this won't end well.
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2017, 02:24:07 PM »

Short story long, yes, left wingers may not individually be skilled or equipped but they have superior organization at present. They have a good track record of not just committing violence, but getting away with it on a regular basis. They have entire institutions built for pressuring the government and organizing people. They practice on a regular basis. They have lateral integration between barely or unrelated organizations under umbrella ideology. Much more wide spread networking and sharing of tactical information.

A perfect example is the travel ban from certain countries with a high correlation to terrorism. Within, what, hours? They had people at airports with signage and a pretty unified narrative. The narrative was well divorced from objective facts. And they SOLD it. Eventually it comes the truth because it is repeated and remembered, the objective reality isn't. They have professional paid organizers. Rightists tend to have amateur volunteer organizers.

This is why leftist Marxist bombers in the 70's work at universities and rightist abortion clinic bombers work in prison laundries.

I can certainly buy this. On the tangent, it's likely why conservatives/republicans can rarely get anything done in Congress. Those of us that lean (whether conservative, libertarian, or whatever) away from socialism have, I think, an innate and stubborn "individual" streak that always makes it hard to play with others. The left wing can create large herds that get along, at least enough to reach their goals. The right can get a large herd together, but it's always made up of a bunch of smaller herds that are often at odds with each other.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2017, 03:50:26 PM »
But we are talking about political violence here.  It is specifically designed to be seen and heard in the media, not necessarily at the place it is happening.  They are trying to create a narrative, a political show with paid actors taking part.  It appears to be working in part.

Also, the people committing the violence are only able to do it because they are unopposed.  As soon as anyone opposes them with pretty much any force, they are run off.  This is also why they are only doing it in locations where they have friendly political support.  In the places where the cops actually clamped down on anything that wasn't actual protest, it was just a bunch of noise.  

I think we are a long way away from civil war, but the people behind this want to create the impression that we are close. 
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AJ Dual

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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2017, 04:28:30 PM »
Then that dozen rightists are arrested, or shot by the government. Labeled as racist evil puppy kickers and their families are sued by the victims or victim families. The cops or troops are unhappy, but hey, they got orders and a family to feed. In the case of the cops, their union is friendly with other unions who are friendly with certain causers. The dozen rightists are used as an excuse for more civil liberties being stripped away. The Matt Bracken fantasy is always that they send gang members to collect the guns and plucky dozen rightists will mow down hundreds of Leftists. Instead of say, Leftists shutting down ammo factories or banning the importation of lead to be used in ammo. Lead mining having been effectively 'outlawed' domestically by restrictive regulation.

People always assume one side wins in a Civil War. That's... well, not uncommon. But things are rarely that clean up.

Rightists likely COULD engage thousands of hippies or college kids or ethnic groups. Said folks are not stupid. Well, not suicidal anyways. Do you see them rioting outside of their safe zones? Nope. They'll do what everyone else figured out. Low grade harassment over time to wear out the other side.

Those are valid points. Although there's a wide array of assumptions. I wouldn't postulate that Rightists would be doing this in any coordinated fashion "today", but only after things had gotten worse. Much worse. I'm talking worse than the 60's/70's... which I think you and I are in agreement we have not reached even 50% of yet. It only seems worse because of the modern electronic mediascape.

And holding off like this, that in of itself is one of the Right's attributes. The whole "too busy living my own life"-factor, which makes their overall threshold for action much much higher than the Left's. So my assumption is that by the time the Right is actually trying to get it's licks in at some rate that stands clear of the usual signal-to-noise ratio, things are pretty far gone already. And when things are that rodeo, fear of getting "caught" is greatly reduced. Conversely, security for ops is probably easier.

And there's already been enough examples of internecine fights within the Left, BLM shutting down gay-pride LBGTQ events etc. depending on how the violence is carried out, nobody may actually know who's done what.

And considering ALL the broad-based stereotypes of a nominal "Right" vs. a nominal "Left" who has more ability to pass through or into each other's AO's? Truck drivers, cops, construction workers etc. work in their areas. OTOH, the other sides types don't generally work or pass through ours. The productive class still has to enter into certain Leftist areas to work, be they just commuting through, actually performing their job etc. be they academia or the ghetto. The unproductive class, BLM or other professional protestor classes may not have such mobility.

The closest example in history I can think of are the right-wing paramilitaries of S. and Central America during various times of unrest there. I don't expect the US to be at all cool with that, like say Columbia sometimes was in the face of FARC... but certain state and municipal governments that are largely "red", and have maybe one "blue" metropolis embedded within it? I could see that happening.

Also, I too hold no illusions about anyone "winning" a Civil War, but then again, I think I speak for many of us here when I say if it gets that bad, I'm willing to pay that price, rather than let the Left go unopposed.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2017, 05:01:02 PM »
I've said for years that the problem is they have well-funded 8-hour-a-day highly motivated professionals running their outfit.

While we're basically just hobbyists who like to shoot at tin cans from our back porches.

Terry, 230RN


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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2017, 05:15:51 PM »
Yeah, but once things start to go rodeo, you will see veterans, community leaders, and others* who will decide that enough is enough and take matters into their own hands.

Neighborhoods will band together to protect their areas (all one has to do is look at what happens after a large natural disaster like a Tornado or Hurricane). 

At first that's what it will be "We need to protect us."  It will take some time, but eventually it will move to the "Fark this.  We will take the fight to them to end this BS."

You'll see small bands grow larger.  At first it will be the veterans doing the shoot and scoot ambushes and targeted attacks (kill the head and the snake will die).

Then it will grow into larger operations.  And it will be ugly.  There will be no "innocents".  Everyone will be a target for one side or the other.

*-The informal leaders, those that command respect in the community.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2017, 05:24:16 PM »
I've said for years that the problem is they have well-funded 8-hour-a-day highly motivated professionals running their outfit.

While we're basically just hobbyists who like to shoot at tin cans from our back porches.

Terry, 230RN
"professionals" at what?  All I see right now are professional agitators.  I don't see professional fighters/killers/revolutionaries.  That is why I think a lot of the civil war talk is premature.  I think this is a calculated exercise intended to make it look like their is a crisis or make the far left numbers/voice look much stronger than it is.  If the media wasn't pumping these people up, no one would even give them a second thought.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2017, 06:57:16 PM »
^^^I agree.  We have a long way to go, if ever, before 'Wolverines!' occurs. 
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2017, 09:12:11 PM »
Short story long, yes, left wingers may not individually be skilled or equipped but they have superior organization at present.

Folks on the (broadly conceived) right tend to have lives and hobbies.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 09:24:57 PM »
"professionals" at what?

At PR, politics, journalism, teaching, etc.  I didn't mean professional warriors.  I meant professionals who can influence public opinion by the simple trick of changing the language.  These are the ones who can create the presently disorganized street warriors and the other useful idiots.

But I'll bet the real professional warriors are just waiting in the wings for the right time to enter the stage and take effective control of those street warriors.  


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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2017, 09:38:04 PM »
The left have spent the last 80 years, if not more, infiltrating media, academics, government/bureaucracy, ensuring amongst other things that the narrative is almost always in their favor in the press...and people need to be told that "the left is better organized"? You don't *expletive deleted*ing say? Face it, people. The Soviet Union may have fallen...fat lot of good that did for the rest of us when their useful idiots and fellow travellers are still around to peddle their filth. Lenin is smugly smiling in his mausoleum.

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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2017, 08:47:03 AM »
"professionals" at what?  All I see right now are professional agitators.  I don't see professional fighters/killers/revolutionaries.  That is why I think a lot of the civil war talk is premature.  I think this is a calculated exercise intended to make it look like their is a crisis or make the far left numbers/voice look much stronger than it is.  If the media wasn't pumping these people up, no one would even give them a second thought.

Professional organizers. Professionals at setting up or infiltrating institutions. Again, leftist terrorists during the 60's and 70's had support entities, legal support, found them jobs at universities, media support, etc. Organization takes practice. It's also very decentralized.

No, they have always had few to no professional fighters. Always amateurs and typically expendable morons for that job. Antifa is generally people with basket weaving degrees and at best retail jobs. Their 'shock troops' are a long way from the professional street thug armies of the original communist organization they borrowed the name from. Stalin arose from those professional communist street thug classes, to give you an indication of the uh, nature of such groups.

Those are valid points. Although there's a wide array of assumptions. I wouldn't postulate that Rightists would be doing this in any coordinated fashion "today", but only after things had gotten worse. Much worse. I'm talking worse than the 60's/70's... which I think you and I are in agreement we have not reached even 50% of yet. It only seems worse because of the modern electronic mediascape.

And holding off like this, that in of itself is one of the Right's attributes. The whole "too busy living my own life"-factor, which makes their overall threshold for action much much higher than the Left's. So my assumption is that by the time the Right is actually trying to get it's licks in at some rate that stands clear of the usual signal-to-noise ratio, things are pretty far gone already. And when things are that rodeo, fear of getting "caught" is greatly reduced. Conversely, security for ops is probably easier.

And there's already been enough examples of internecine fights within the Left, BLM shutting down gay-pride LBGTQ events etc. depending on how the violence is carried out, nobody may actually know who's done what.

And considering ALL the broad-based stereotypes of a nominal "Right" vs. a nominal "Left" who has more ability to pass through or into each other's AO's? Truck drivers, cops, construction workers etc. work in their areas. OTOH, the other sides types don't generally work or pass through ours. The productive class still has to enter into certain Leftist areas to work, be they just commuting through, actually performing their job etc. be they academia or the ghetto. The unproductive class, BLM or other professional protestor classes may not have such mobility.

The closest example in history I can think of are the right-wing paramilitaries of S. and Central America during various times of unrest there. I don't expect the US to be at all cool with that, like say Columbia sometimes was in the face of FARC... but certain state and municipal governments that are largely "red", and have maybe one "blue" metropolis embedded within it? I could see that happening.

Also, I too hold no illusions about anyone "winning" a Civil War, but then again, I think I speak for many of us here when I say if it gets that bad, I'm willing to pay that price, rather than let the Left go unopposed.

Agree with everything you said, obviously.  =D

Ugh, I concur that having bush armies of right wing paramilitaries won't end well. They tended to be just as dangerous as the Marxist enemies towards both the civilian population and government. I don't think that's extremely likely, and hopefully remains a mostly Central/South American 'thing'. A good example of the potential for outside entities enabling domestic armed groups.

Much like your point about FARC like groups, that's essentially what we have now with the rising leftist street thug groups. They can ONLY operate in areas that are already essentially under the control of their ideology. Because the cops, local government, media and other support entities support and enable such groups. They just want to keep their hands clean and keep a PR distance. If the cops are sitting in their cars watching normal political street thugs do the normal political street thug activities, it's because they're being told to do so by someone. Put political street thugs in... Take your pick. Anywhere that wasn't already occupied territory. They'd be likely arrested to the last person, charged with a long list of felonies and do a couple years in prison. If they weren't shot by the police, citizens or whatnot.

That acts as a major break on the very desired civil war round 2. Neither side can act very effectively in each other's turf. Good luck getting right wing types to try to beat up hippies in Berkeley, or oppress minorities in Oakland. Most right wing types would generally NOT EVER want to go into said areas. Contrary is, Antifa and anarchist types aren't likely to try their rampaging in corn fields in Iowa or Nebraska. Occasionally you get some weird event like the hippy fest protesting an oil pipeline or something. But you'll notice, they refused to really move far from their own cluster of fellow travelers. Wait a couple months, they get bored and move on. Typically leaving an incredible mess because hilariously they tend not to give an excrement about their own direct impact on the environment.

The left have spent the last 80 years, if not more, infiltrating media, academics, government/bureaucracy, ensuring amongst other things that the narrative is almost always in their favor in the press...and people need to be told that "the left is better organized"? You don't *expletive deleted*ing say? Face it, people. The Soviet Union may have fallen...fat lot of good that did for the rest of us when their useful idiots and fellow travellers are still around to peddle their filth. Lenin is smugly smiling in his mausoleum.

Ayep. The Soviets don't deserve a hundred percent of the credit for the far left in America, but they indeed helped. Their legacy lives on long after the fall of their government. Keep in mind, they also had 80 years of crafting the narrative. So, no. A lot of right wing types have NO BLOODY IDEA about the organization of the leftists. None. Whatsoever. They think it is neatly controlled by... someone. Rather than a sea of varying ideologies. Often complementing, but often diametrically opposed. Some is centralized, some are radically decentralized. They have far more horizontal integration.
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2017, 12:07:03 PM »
The left have spent the last 80 years, if not more, infiltrating media, academics, government/bureaucracy, ensuring amongst other things that the narrative is almost always in their favor in the press...and people need to be told that "the left is better organized"? You don't *expletive deleted*ing say? Face it, people. The Soviet Union may have fallen...fat lot of good that did for the rest of us when their useful idiots and fellow travellers are still around to peddle their filth. Lenin is smugly smiling in his mausoleum.

Did they intentionally infiltrate those professions or are those just areas where their personality types gravitate?
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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2017, 12:47:33 PM »
Did they intentionally infiltrate those professions or are those just areas where their personality types gravitate?
Probably both. I seem to remember that over here, it was an intentional thing in the 60s, 70s & early 80s (mainly, but still a thing). Had plenty of communist, leninist & marxist groups here spreading their *expletive deleted*it.

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Re: Interesting article on left vs right wing organization
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2017, 04:36:48 PM »
I'm a little vague on this, but isn't their playbook, "Rules For Radicals," by Saul Alinsky?  The way I understand it (and I've only read about it, not having actually read it myself) all these "fifth column" infiltration techniques were laid out in that book.

Terry, "ignorant but willing to learn," 230RN