Although I admit I was making educated guesses. Like the Arisaka being a 38... just because that was the earlier one, and it was a WWI quiz. I can always recognize an Arisaka, but I don't really know the different types from bupkis. There's an old one, a new one, and the takedown one, one was in 7.7, and then there's a 6.something one too, and some have the weird monopod and aircraft leading legs on the sights, but I can't ever remember which. Also, there's a dustcover over the bolt almost nobody ever has, because the Japanese would routinely discard it because it rattled.
And other things like "Mannlicher is always that one with the funny looking magazine."
I remembered the Ross because of the whole, "put the bolt in backwards it'll blow into your skull"-thing (grossly overstated IIRC) but it was enough to make me remember the very smooth featureless rear reciever that looked almost semi-auto-ish...
Other things helped me too, like being able to discard a multiple choice answer because it sounded like it was made up, or one of the choices I knew what it looked like and it wasn't that rifle.