Author Topic: Tonselectomy?  (Read 2476 times)


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« on: May 05, 2005, 08:38:01 AM »
I have been getting strep throat with rediculous frequency ever since I was a wee lad. It is really miserable, and it really gets bad. My throat gets amazingly sore and is nearly swollen shut and it basically keeps me down for a week or so. My mother used to beg my dad to get my tonsels taken out (he's a doc) but he always said no.

Now, I'd like to think this isn't just because my dad hates me, but I really think they should have come out. Since I am just now beginning to get over strep throat for the third time this year, and THIS IS FINALS WEEK, I'm sort of reaching an end point in my tolerance. It sucks trying to study when your fever is jumping all over the place. I just can't afford to be taken out of the running this often. Since antibiotics are basically useless on my now immune diseases, I'm looking for more permanent options.

I don't actually know how much difference getting my tonsels taken out would make, but if it's even a little, it would be worth it. Has anyone here had theirs out? Had any problems that can be attributed to their removal? Or positive health changs attributable to the same?
"She could not have reached this white serenity except as the sum of all the colors, of all the violence she had known." - The Fountainhead
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« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 11:59:52 AM »

I had my tonsils taken out shortly after I graduated from college and it was the best thing that I ever did.  Like you, I sufferred from an annual bout of strep throat that put me under for a week at a time.  Since having my tonsils removed I have not had a single case of strep throat or even a sore throat for that matter.  I will tell you that the recovery is not fun (or at least mine was not).  The first day or two I was fine and felt like I could do anything.  By the third day when all the healing really started I was in serious pain and it hurt to eat or drink anything.  On the positive side, you will lose weight since there are days where you just don't eat anything.  Hope that helps.


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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 12:01:51 PM »
Usually your ENT won't take them out unless you're getting a strep infection more than about 10 times a year.  No kidding on that, I've actually heard it.  But, since this is May, and you're getting over number 3, I'd say you're a prime candidate.

A tonsillectomy is generally pretty effective at curbing strep infections.  There is some significant debate over this, however.  Each generation seems to have its fad surgery.  When my dad was a kid, it was tonsillectomy.  For my generation, it was ear tubes.  I don't know what the latest one is.  Anyway, what this means is that a whole bunch of people who really didn't need to have them removed went under the knife.  I think that's why doctors won't do the surgery without a significant number of infections.  

My boss just had it done.  He is 30.  He was out of work for nearly two weeks.  They gave him some "happy drugs" for the pain, and he couldn't drive to the office.  He said that it was unpleasant, as there was somebody dicing up the inside of his head, but that it really is making a difference.  Like you, he had numerous infections, and he has not had even the slightest problem in three months.  He said that the scab peeling off was pretty bad, but that he was doped up enough that he didn't really care.  He was back to 100% within three weeks.

That said, you need a referral to an ENT.  Don't talk to your GP about this except to get a referral.  An ENT will have much more insight into what's going on, and will check out all the holes in your head pretty carefully to determine just what needs to be done.


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« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 12:16:52 PM »
I have always been curious why they quit taking out tonsils so much.  I have heard because it is considered unnecessary surgery.  I had my tonsils out when I was 3, I'm 42 now.  I don't remember anything about it and I'm glad my parents had it done.  I see people all around me, for years, having swollen tonsils and getting sick.  I wonder just how many people have developed complications due to tonsilectomies that warrant not taking that risk.


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« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2005, 05:48:27 PM »
Get 'em yanked.  I had my tonsils out at the age of 32, after a lifetime of sore throats and infections.  My tonsils were huge bacterial sponges.  Since getting them out, I hardly get sick anymore.


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« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2005, 06:58:07 PM »
Good lord that's music to my ears. Thanks for the replys guys. I am going to find a doc to have em sliced out either this summer or next spring. This is really getting old. I can't imagine what it's like to have a full life instead of giving  10% to illness.
"She could not have reached this white serenity except as the sum of all the colors, of all the violence she had known." - The Fountainhead
"Smoke your pipe and be silent; there's only wind and smoke in the world"  - Irish Proverb