From 2016:
Israel's opponents say he's built a publicly funded political machine, paying back supporters with jobs and using them to keep him in office. They say the money could be better spent, particularly after the sheriff complained about not having enough funding to secure the county courthouse, where a murder suspect recently escaped.
Israel said he built the outreach wing from nearly nothing, aiming to foster "a love affair with the community." He said it would engender trust with the community that was lacking under the tenure of predecessor Al Lamberti. He defending the tapping of people he knew, some from the campaign trail, into outreach and other roles.
"What have I done differently than Don Shula or Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Ghandi?" asked Israel. "Men and women who assume leadership roles surround themselves with people who are loyal, who they can depend on and who they appreciate their skill set."
This is more of our institutional/moral/societal rot.
In the 90s, we had people
saying "I take full responsibility" and then clearly not taking responsibility for horrific government actions. (See: Waco, Janet Reno)
We've now progressed to the point where "leaders" won't even mouth platitudes about "taking responsibility".
The quote most appropriate is "Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue."
As bad as hypocrites are, they at least know and recognize what is right. (For example, a leader OUGHT to take responsibility for what is done by his organization.)
We're now to the point where they don't even believe in what is right (AND failing to do it.)
Honestly, I'd prefer the hypocrite. (I'd prefer one who actually does what is right, but at least recognizing what is right is a step up from not.)