So, in the vein of teaching my daughter a little of her Norwegian food heritage I was finally able to appropriate the family flat bread iron from my ex. A huge flat electric griddle that goes to 500 degrees, pretty much built by Midwest Lutherans for Midwest Lutherans.
Of course first up was Norwegian flat bread, a holiday staple. Nobody makes it since it takes a lot of effort to get it the right thickness, about .030" if I had to guess. Other than that it is just flour, water, lard and salt, rolled out in liberal amounts of whole wheat flour where it acquires its taste. Very addictive with soft butter around.
But the real fun is now I have an excuse for a tortilla press, so I got one, channeled my inner fat mexican woman and am cranking out corn tortillas. And eating way too many of them. Tortillas, fried egg and melted cheese on top is the new breakfast taco.