There are definite concerns in my mind over the liberties of the UK citizen but Blair's reduced majority may well make it harder for him to push through bills like this years Anti-Terrorism Bill (deep concerns over the use of house arrest) and the ID cards bill (which only failed because it ran out of time, and Blair stated that it would be re-introduced if Labour were re-elected)
Do you know much they won the ID card vote?
Because I know a lot of the Lib and Con MPs who "opposed" it abstained / didn't turn up (and they complain about our apethy?), so hopefully if they actually stand up for their beliefs, and get support from the new Lib MPs, they will may be able to put it down.
As for the BNP - I doubt they will get much further than they have, and if they do, they'll probably end up getting arrested for bar-fighting or similar, as they normally do shortly after they managed to convince people they'd become "respectable". I hadn't heard they were supporting gun rights, but even if they were, I wouldn't vote for the people I would most likely have to take arms against.
On a more humorous note, and in the words of a recent Post Office advertising slogon, "I saw this, and thought of you..."
(From the
Independent, 6/5/05)
In a polling station in Kelmness, one voter startled the officials by coming in dressed in combat uniform, with a balaclava helmet on his head. Having got a voting form, he crept around the wall, using every bit of cover, dashed into the voting booth, voted instantly and then made a rapid retreat by rolling across the floor to the door and shooting out.
Later he said: "I was voting tactically".