Trudges down the hallway to Moderator's room
Looks through the enormous ring of keys for the right one. No, that one doesn't work...Nor that one., not that one., slide, slide, slide...Ahhh hear it is....
Door creaks open from disuse...
Okay, which box is it in.....hmm, that looks like never been opened...so that's not it..., nor, that one, nor the one underneath that one...not that one either..
maybe over here in this stack. UGH!!! Jamis stash your handicapped, midget, dead hooker in the cloud or somewhere else, UGH. That's just nasty, nasty stuff.
Maybe over here in this drawer....Nope, that full of spammers trying to get in. Nor this draw, it's full of banned spammers.
What about over here in this corner..... Hey, I haven't seen that in long time. cool....
What was the question again ?