Author Topic: Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?  (Read 1996 times)


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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« on: May 08, 2005, 09:03:27 AM »
I have burglar bars on my house, including a portal that blocks off the alcove before my front door. Now, birds are hanging out in there, and on the horizontal bars, and crapping all over everything. I've considered wiring galvanized hardware cloth to the bars (1/4" or 1/2" mesh), but I think the bright galvanized color will just look trashy. Any suggestions on a good-looking bird barrier? The whole portal is 90" high and about 82" wide. The door is full height and about 42" wide, centered.


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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2005, 07:18:08 PM »
Might try hanging some of the bird tape we hang on peach and nectarine trees, any crop tree. Get it at a gardening or seed supply store. Its red on one side and silver on the other side. I cut it about 18 inches long and let it dangle in the breeze. The flashes (reflections) of light spooks the birds, they don't even hang around.

I've put it up in a lady's yard because the birds were driving her nuts early in the morning with all the warbling whistling and singing. All last year she reported it was all quiet and she was sleeping nicely.

It's about $7 a roll, looks like Christmas ribbon.

A cat might help.



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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2005, 08:25:45 PM »
CHNG, why would you put bird tape on a cat???

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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2005, 10:33:03 PM »
I've a few chicken snakes around my place if you want to come catch them. Put one on each window ledge and I'll bet the birds will vacate Smiley

Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2005, 12:01:34 AM »
Stand_Watie...  that is not cool.

0330, the cat wakes me up with something to the effect of "Dad, open this door RIGHT NOW, or go find the carpet cleaner."

0331, roused from my slumber, I decide to see who's on APS.

0333, I find this thread.  Then I see your picture.  In my o dark thirty bleariness, I think you're holding some sort of stick, think you must've typed "chicken stake," and wonder why I've never seen one in the hardware store.

0338, I finally decide that I just have to give these magical "chicken stakes" another look.  Upon reviewing the photo, this time with the goo cleaned off the lens of my eye, I discover that you are in fact refering to some sort of lizard.  Then I look at the photo again and exclaim in a voice loud enough to be heard by the neighbors (by which I mean our neighbor to the north, Canada.  No, I don't know why I said it that loud, it's early, ok?), "Holy crap!  That's the biggest snake I've ever seen!"  It isn't, but it's early, and it seemed like the thing to say.

You ever notice that mothers can hear their child cough slightly two states away?  Well, mom knows I have a special hatred for snakes.  Mom also knows why.

0339, I've moved on to better things, namely tomorrow's (today's?) weather forecast.  Mom comes stumbling into the room, stepdad in tow, both in bathrobes, and mom has my maglite in hand ready to beat down any slithering creatures that might be present.


I guess it's good to be protected.

P.S.: CHNG, you want to borrow a cat?  I'm considering all this to be his fault, so I'm mad at him right now.  He loves the outdoors, and fancies himself a great hunter.  A junebug got the best of him once, but I'm sure he at least looks intimidating to *something*.


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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2005, 03:14:58 AM »
Heh, heh azrael. I've seen one that wasn't 1/5th that size with four baby birds in it's belly.
Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"

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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2005, 09:18:31 AM »
rubber snakes or a scarecrow Owl should do the trick

bird brains don't need much prodding to inspire the "exit stage left" knee jerk
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He strikes from below like a viper or on high like a penny dropped from the tallest building around!
He only has one purpose--Do bad things to good people! Mit science! What good is science if no one gets hurt?!"


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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2005, 01:09:19 PM »
D-con on the window sill will keep them from coming back too.
Be careful that the toes you step on now aren't connected to the ass you have to kiss later.

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Anti-bird barrier that's not unsightly?
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2005, 04:47:55 PM »
You might try some fishing monofilament around and through the bars.  The birds can't see it and they run and fly into it and don't like it.  I have used it in limited areas to keep chickens out of flower beds.  They don't like running into somethung they can't see.