Anyone have an opinion on this area?
Here's the skinny.I don't have a college degree,I haven't taken a vacation in thirteen years,&,because of my work schedule,I haven't been able to really enjoy the hunting/fishing seasons in Mi.
I see Jacksonville as:
1) A place w/a major college-get that degree
2)Decent weather year round w/access to the ocean & the swamps.
3)The hunting seasons in both Florida & Georgia both seem longer & fuller than what I'm used might get a deer/turkey)
4)With all the hunting stories both on THR & TFL I really want to hunt hogs.There doesn't appear to be a feral population in Mi.
Thoughts?Opinions?Better ideas?
BTW,I'm single w/no attatchments(wife/gf/kids)so I'm thinking that the move should be pretty straightforward.
After I get the sheepskin I'm planning on moving due West.