I am tired of seeing Active Duty Army and Marine units being extended past their original redeployment dates, when there are National Guard Units that have yet to deploy to a combat zone in the last 40 years.
Apparently this gentleman is unaware that roughly 40 percent of the total troop strength is NG. And from personal experience, I know of many NG soldiers who have pulled multiple tours and very few NG's that were not deployed to Iraq or activated to support deployments. Ancidotal, sure, except I saw about a 50 to 1 ratio. Marine and US Army Reserves have also been doing plenty of tours as well. Only units I know of that didn't deploy to Iraq are mob support related units, don't know a single one that didn't deploy individuals.
Actually, orders were posted back in Oct to send 4,000 Pennsylvania National Guard soldiers to Iraq. Primarily the 56th Stryker Brigade. Unfortunately, they'll be commanded by LTC Ferraro whom I knew as a Major. Gods help them.
So lets get it done. Until the fight is won and there is no more fight left.
Sigh. I saw a lot of this back in ye Old Days. Folks still think if they win the Battle of This or Battle of That, the war is won. There is no Berlin or Tokyo to take. There IS no "get 'er done". There is only better or worse. Removing havens for insurgents, keeping foreign aggitators out, interdicting supplies to the insurgents, infiltrating insurgent groups and militas (we suck at this, BTW), improving the government structure, minimizing govt corruption, keeping the militias in order (disbanding them would be a bad idea, equal to disbanding the Iraqi Army), preventing ethnic cleansing.
It's possible to win, believe it or not. Killing the bad guys is only one part, and not actually even the most important one.
I am tired of Democrats saying they are patriotic and then insulting my commander in chief and the way he goes about his job.
And so far, all of our games have been away games, and I dont know about the ignorant, treasonous Democrats and the completely insane radical leftists and their thoughts on the matter, but I would like to keep our road game schedule.
Was this written by a soldier? This guy is definitely in the wrong line of work. DHS, specifically the TSA, is the place for him.

Seriously, though. Insulting democrats, liberals, moderates, or any folks who disagree with ya is a favorite hobby of soldiers. So long as it's just venting. Folks who automatically associate criticism and dissent with treason are however a bit worrisome.
I do however fully agree with him about the beloved US Army Officer Corps. From my conversations with Vietnam and Korean vets, they've been going downhill for decades. However it's been fairly recent the Warrant Office Corps has sold out to the Officer Corps and nosedived. They used to command an insane amount of respect. Some still do. But it's less every year.