Well, if the caps aren't bad, I thought possibly, my power supply is bad, since that is also another side effect of a bad PS, random reboots, and when the computer is turned on, even though it doesn't boot, the CD-Drive should get powered up to be able to open the door...
But also, the funny electronic burning smell coming off the comp last time I turned it on could be from either the board or power supply. Bleh.
Well, looks like my wifes computer is going to be the crash test dummy later in the week, I'll test the PS in her computer and see what happens. And then see what I have to start buying after that.
So in my years of computer use, this could be the third bad PS I have gone through, or maybe the second blown motherboard, I've only had one graphics card burn out, one hard drive failure, and three ethernet cards (lightning storm all three computers at once) and two modems meet an early doom (what stress those modems faced, no clue). I would start getting worried if it was all at the same house on the same AC system!