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Basic question

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I goofed, big time. Hit the wrong button on the electric range, and turned the heat under an empty, aluminum, teflon-coated saucepan to high and then walked away for about half an hour. The pan didn't melt (to my amazement), but it obviously got very hot, and across much of the bottom (inside), the teflon is either discolored or gone.

I'm assuming that after having been burned the teflon is probably not in a condition that I would want it in contact with anything I'm going to eat. Does anyone know if it's safe to continue using a teflon utensil that has been seriously overheated?

I don't know for certain, but I bet that pan is ruined.  It is not worth trying to use it.

It is not safe.  If you had a bird in the house in close proximity to the fumes, it would be dead.

Toss it, go buy a non Teflon, non stick pan.

K Frame:
It's safe, but it's not recommended.

Good think you didn't have a bird in the home. Overheated teflon is HIGHLY toxic to birds.


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