Author Topic: The Prez vs. the media  (Read 623 times)


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The Prez vs. the media
« on: December 24, 2018, 09:37:03 PM »
The Associated Press doesn't seem happy with our leader:

As the first two years of President Donald Trump’s administration close, Republican allies still haven’t figured out how best to influence a leader who takes cues from the forces that swept him to office and seems to fear losing them above all else.

Republicans on Capitol Hill and even the president’s closest advisers have been whipsawed over a series of recent actions that show how intently Trump relies on what is sometimes called his gut — an adherence to campaign promises he made ...

So the AP thinks it's a bad thing for a President to listen to the people who elected him rather than the entrenched bureaucracy (i.e. "deep state"), and to honor his campaign promises. In other words, the establishment Republicans can't understand why he doesn't stab his voters in the back -- like every other Republican president in recent history.

Now, as Republicans prepare to relinquish their hold on government, with Democrats taking control of the House in January, the opportunities — and limits — of the GOP alliance with the Trump White House may be running their course.

What GOP alliance with the Trump White House? The Republicans in Congress have wasted two years doing their very best to NOT allow Trump to fulfill any of his campaign promises. Why should we care what they think, say, or do now?
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