Guess who has the rona?
At this point it wouldn't shock me if she is faking it
Faking it and gonna blame DeSantis and his policies.
I don’t see where faking it plays well for her. The people in her district have school kids eating outside. They have to show vaccine id to eat. They won’t care for the rules for thee but not for me. Plus blows a hole in the unvaxxed are dangerous narratives. Triple vaxxed and gets it. If it was because you were partying with unvaxxed drag queens then why? You lecture us not to yet you did. Dumbest political thing she could do.
Since when has that ever stopped her? But don't worry, she'll top it soon, she always does. 99% of what comes out of her mouth sounds like something a spoiled 5 year old who can't see past today would come up with to mess with things when they don't get their way. You're looking at it with the mindset of an adult.And yet she gets reelected. what does that say about her constituency?
. . . And yet she gets reelected. what does that say about her constituency?
Wasn't it George Carlin who said the average person is stupid, and half of all people are dumber than that?
It says nothing good. A very telling observation applicable to a great many elective offices. Wasn't it George Carlin who said the average person is stupid, and half of all people are dumber than that?
Oh brother.
“It gave me a brain freeze,” more text on the video reads. “But I must say it worked! Turns out dunking your head into freezing cold ice water is a pretty good way to redirect. Hope this helps someone!”
.@AOC: "Fossil Fuel extraction" is correlated with "abduction and murders of indigenous women across the United States"
AOC 2020: "Conservative politicians are big babies! Activists are supposed to be impolite! Keep up the good work!"AOC 2022: "You're being rude!"