Author Topic: Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...  (Read 3081 times)


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« on: May 10, 2005, 11:47:54 AM »
Some fairly hellacious thunderstorms passed through the area earlier today.  Round about the strongest part of them, the thunder was continuous for 15 minutes without interruption and there were several lightning strikes all around.  I kinda' like storms so I was standing out on my porch, open air but covered, enjoying the show.

All of a sudden there was a bright, blue, blinding flash just in front of me and the house and quite possibly the loudest 'earth-shattering kaboom' I've ever experienced.  Immediately after it happened, I just stood there, everything was quiet even though the rain was pouring and it was still thundering.  I think I was a bit disoriented, it sort of felt like I had the wind knocked out of me and my ears were ringing.  Took me a moment or two to collect myself.

After the storm passed, I checked around the house for damage.  Seems there are a couple of appliances that no longer work, but I couldn't find any actual damage to the house or anything else.  I'm not sure that the house was actually struck, but rather the lightning hit somewhere out in the yard.  I seem to be okay too, except for a bit of a headache now.  I don't know that it's necessarily related though.

But man... that was a hell of a thing.


Anyone else ever have an electrifying experience?



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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 12:09:02 PM »
I had lightning strike a tree about 30 feet from my apartment window in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1986.  The tree burst into flames, but since there was a heavy rainfall at the time (accompanying the thunderstorm), the fire was "naturally controlled" until the fire department got there.  The bang as the tree was struck was loud enough to shake my building and crack window glass, and auto alarms all over the neighborhood went off.
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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 12:09:02 PM »
I've had a few close encounters like that.  Fortunately, the property damage was limited to an old answering machine that I wanted to replace anyway.  

I wouldn't be surprised if your headache is a combination of the loud noise and the extremely bright flash.  Really loud noises do that to me.

I find that it is best to turn off anything you want to survive a lightning storm.  Of course, you're not always home when it happens, but you do what you can.  Surge suppressors are also a big plus if you're in an area that gets zapped frequently.  I have four running in this room alone.  They're relatively inexpensive, and usually carry some kind of warranty.  I've never tested the warranty on any of them, but I haven't had anything cook off in a thunderstorm since I got them.  You need to put them on more than just your computer.  TVs, radios, answering machines Smiley, and even your garage door opener.  Most people don't think of that last one, but the radio set and the motor control components are all sensitive electronics just like your computer.

You might also look into lightning protection for the house if you're in a particularly dangerous place.  Sitting in a suburb is fairly safe, but the lone house on top of the hill is definitely at risk.

Safety issues aside, ain't it cool?  I had a strike hit the hood of my car once.  It cooked the ignition module right away, which shut off the car.  Good thing, too, as I was pretty well blind for about five minutes.  It was an older car without any fancy electronics to fry, so it cost me $10 for a new part, and I'm told that a car is a very safe place to be in that situation.  It scared the hell out of me, but it was a fantastic experience.  I was hoping for some kind of residual effects, like x-ray vision, ability to control electronics with my mind, etc., but all I got was a bit of a headache.  Do let us know if you develop any mysterious powers.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 12:36:04 PM »
I have had several close ones and was in the house at 4:30 am when the house got hit. kinda cool and an experience you won't forget.
My house is in some kind of "hot" geophysical lightning area. Lived there 10 years. house was hit just before I bought it and 2x since. The whole house surge protection helps but doesn't guarantee no damage. Had a little tree near the end of my drive get hit in March and again September of the same year- big trees all around and a barn and house all uphill on higher ground were spared.
Saw ball lightning once while driving when a bolt hit the power lines just behind me and I got passed by this big fuzzy blue ball (3-4' diameter) that traveled down the power lines then bounced out into a beanfield before it disappeared.
I like lightning... but not too close.
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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 04:48:25 PM »
I've had a couple like that.

Years ago, I and a group of friends were camping up in the hills west of Boulder, Co.  The camp site was down in a deep valley, not far off the paved road.  Come nightfall, a major storm rolled through from the west.  We are all standing around the camp fire in the rain, passing around a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 and having a great time.  The lightening is about a mile away by ear, so we are not too worried (young males, full of vim & vinegar and EtOH, you figure it out).  Suddenly the WHOLE FREAKING CANYON is illuminated by a bright flash of light and a God-awfull BOOM!!

"Wow, that was close!"  
                                 "Ya think?"                  
                  "FRELL ME DEAD!  LETS GO CHECK IT OUT!"  <== not my actual verbage mind you, cleaned up a tad Smiley
                                                                                "Shut the heck up 'Sin', I don't wanna be electricuted."

Next morning, we wander back up the canyon toward the car and find that about 100 yards up the trail a nice, tall Lodgepole pine had been hit, and the strike had blown the bark off the tree in a spiral pattern from the top to the base.  It was only the wet conditions that had prevented the tree from burning.  One can still see the scorch marks on the tree close to 20 years later.

- years pass -

About four or five years ago, one of those same friends and I are camped down at the south end of South Park, up near the continental divide.  A few grey clouds and lots of blue sky.  We are getting ready to play some cards after spending the afternoon plinking old cans with my FAL and the buddies .30-.30 Winchester when there is a bright flash of light and the BOOM of a strike, seperated by about one second.

"Frell dude, did you see that?"

"Yep.  Maybe we should play cards in the truck"

"Good idea.  And lets not forget to put some libations on the cook fire for Thor and his traveling companions tonight."
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 06:13:05 PM »

There is a long story behind this photo, and the photo was not taken by accident or luck.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2005, 06:23:56 PM »
Quote from: RevDisk
There is a long story behind this photo, and the photo was not taken by accident or luck.
Do tell!



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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2005, 07:26:43 PM »
Okay, Rev, 'fess up. Leaving us hanging like that is just ee-vill!

We had a flight attendant almost quit over a lightning strike in flight to one of our DeHavilland Dash 8's. She claimed that when they got hit, the whole main cabin door crackled with St. Elmo's Fire, then the energy sort of rolled up into a ball and hovered momentarily just off the floor in the middle of the cabin aisle then zipped down the aisle and out the back of the plane.

Lightning does weird things to airplanes.
APS #405. Plankowner? You be the judge.
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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2005, 11:45:40 PM »
Quote from: spin180
Quote from: RevDisk
There is a long story behind this photo, and the photo was not taken by accident or luck.
Do tell!


I fully deny any rumors of me chanting to the Dark Elder Gods immediately before the 8 second long lightning strike and I deny asking said Dark Elder Gods to call down "fire missions" to smite the unbelievers!   Uh, and I have no memory of EVER chanting " Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! " or similiar phrases.

Not saying anything specific...  but did you ever ponder what would happen if you pointed an powerful and properly tuned radio at the sky during a storm and cranked up the power?
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2005, 09:06:58 AM »
A friend of the family was a NASA test pilot at Langley Research Center.  One of his projects was to take a heavily-instrumented F-106 up with the specific intent of getting hit by lightning!
Well, if you have the sudden urge to lick your balls you'll know you got the veterinary version... K Frame

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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2005, 10:31:32 AM »

If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2005, 04:47:55 PM »
Quote from: Antibubba

Similiar idea, but no, not HAARP.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2005, 06:28:28 PM »
Whats HAARP?


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2005, 07:19:49 PM »
Quote from: TimH
Whats HAARP?
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.  The tin foil hat people think it's used for either weather manipulation or mind control.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Nearly Rode the Lightning Today...
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2005, 07:22:43 PM »
Chris - awesome pic!  Wow!
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