I've been messing with an idea for several months now, but there is no way in hell I could put it out there without studying hard for about three years. My skills are non-existant.
The project involves databases, forums, users and if it were to ever succeed would have to be of huge proportions - IMDB size.
Obviously I'm keeping the nature of the project close to my chest, but if anyone can offer me any advice about who to go to, where to go and how much cash any initial outlay may be (just to get a developer to put the barebones into place) I'd be grateful.
SQL, sounds like. Personal in nature, or ya trying to make a profit? Access is a no-go for something like this, obviously. Active server pages would be rather slow. Oracle would do the job, but is not free. SQL is lightweight, but very powerful. The style you it written in shouldn't matter too much. Just stay away from too from ANY dependency on Active X and not try not to use any javascript.
If you were using pre-packaged modules, the initial outlay should be very cheap. If you want customized everything, ouch. Not to sound too crazy.... But do you like Wikipedia.org ? You could go Wiki style, and some hosts specialize in providing wiki's to their customers.