OK, if I'm reading that little piece of posturing bullshit correctly, my Browning High Power and my Beretta 81 are both OK, so I won't have to take them boating.
The AR that I used to have, but which was tragically lost in a boating accident, is a bad, evil gun because it has the thing that goes up, the magazine clip that holds many hyper turbo ungodly powerful bullet rounds has much too much freedom capacity, and there's an evil thing on it that can hold a stabby stabby, because as we all know drive by assault stabbings are a huge problem in Governor Blackface country.
Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg of how the Blackface OK! party is going to try, and likely succeed, to roll back positive gun laws in the Commonwealth that have absolutely no effect on crime.
They're already trying to do away with state preemption to allow localities to pass a mishmash of anti-gun laws in excess of what the state has adopted.
I've also heard rumblings that a wet dream they're going to try to get away with is elimination of shall issue status for handgun permits and going back to "I'm the Sheriff. I have to approve your application. If you "donate" $50,000 to my personal general fund, I'll give it to you. Don't have $50,000? You don't have rights, either."