Man, with all you guys running to Costco, I'd better buy some more stock!
I was actually just there yesterday, but realized I'm pretty stocked up food-wise already. The only thing I bought was some frozen stuff like chimichangas that would make Jamis cringe
mostly because I usually keep a couple of Costco sized packs of that stuff in the freezer for when I'm too lazy to do anything else.
I did buy a couple of extra sacks of water softener salt, as that was one of those things I didn't think about that I might need but not want to expose myself to get. There's probably more stuff like that I could use that I'm not thinking about right now - the aforementioned dog food being one of them. I was complaining to myself about extra long lines there, but neglected to see if it was the first day of a new sale or if people were buying bulk food items and the like.
Tangentially, I realized today that I'm starting to get a little paranoid, in that yesterday, the guy who checks of your stuff at the exit at Costco was coughing into his elbow a bunch right when I got to him, then today, I just got back from grabbing a bite at a brewpub in downtown Boise, and the bartender (I was sitting at the bar) was coughing left and right and not even covering her mouth.
Normally I wouldn't make a big deal about it, but I guess the beer virus has me a little hyper-aware, and I'm now thinking I should already minimize my interactions with crowded places, because WTF good does it do for me to live at remote Festung Ben if I drive to crowded places and potentially expose myself?