I support some individual police officers, if I know them personally. I am finding it harder and harder to support "Law Enforcement" and I don't support any Law Enforcement Agencies I can think of. Between the seemingly never ending series of throwing their weight around and accidentally killing suspects, kicking in doors and shooting people at 0-dark-30, rolling in MRAPs whenever they have an excuse like they are military, and happily following blatantly unconstitutional orders during COVID cops no longer get the benefit of the doubt from me. Prove to me you are a moral person that happens to be a cop, and I'll support you. Until then I will assume you are a thug that will take my freedoms or maybe kill me without recourse. AS Terry might say: It ain't the odds, it's the stakes.
On the riots and looting? I'm pretty meh. That's not how I would handle this situation were it in my community, but folks are getting killed with regularity, and while these cops might face real consequences, we all know that is a rarity. The folks in that community probably have many more stories of thuggery by cops that didn't make national news, no trust in the justice system to make it right, and no trust in the authorities to stop it with anything more then the barest of lip service, and I can't say I blame them or find fault in those assumptions.
They are angry, scared, and hopeless and a bunch have clearly entered the "burn it all down" phase. Like I said, that's not how I would handle it, but I see where they are coming from.
If they had the cultural background (and weapons) we do, they'd be in city hall with AR's demanding blood, and I wouldn't blame them there either.