The below is a bit of a ramble, you've been warned.
It occurred to me that the "You'll-Own-Nothing" concept is a version of
Roko's Basilisk.In that the humans who control the platforms that people will rely on to survive are going to thoroughly investigate people to find those that did not share the excitement of this concept. The will go through all of your social media history, your forum posts, texts if they can get them, any professional publications and so forth to find a reason why you cannot be trusted and then use that as a reason to de-platform you.
Just like the Basilisk will know that you did not do enough to being it into existence earlier. They will know you were not a True Believer.
This won't be a Day One event but in time they will run back-checks on everybody and separate them into various groups.
The lower the rank of your group, the less options you will get until you are removed from society. In short you will be slowly tortured to death for not doing more to support the concept. Even if you turn into a slavish devotee of the concept you will rank behind those that were on the train before you.
And this will carry on to your family, like in the North Korean prison camps where families are imprisoned for three generations for the political failings of the first generation.
If they want to live they will have no choice but to denounce you.
Please note that I am not a believer in the Basilisk but I am a believer in the potential for depravity in mankind because of the overwhelming evidence of such.
I also do not believe they'll be able to get the entire population enrolled in this concept. There will be significant push-back, including outright armed resistance if it becomes necessary.
But it will capture a lot of the blue-city technophiles who love their gadgetry and their being hyper-connected to everything all the time, and the disruptive business models of the Silicon Valley elite. And everything that comes with it.
Go go go into the future!
They won't realize that until it's too late that they aren't consumers of this concept, rather, they are it's prey. But then, what to do? Rebel? How?
There is a
novel called We by Zamyatin that lays out what such a society might look like.
This novel influenced Orwell and other dystopian writers. Orwell is certainly better known but I think the city in We is much closer to the reality of the You'll Own Nothing concept than is 1984.
In We people ate together in shifts, and went from home to work and back in shifts, lived together as work groups, had virtually no privacy, and you had to get permission to do anything, even to have sex. 1984's Oceania wasn't as tightly regimented as I recall. Still a nightmare, though.
That's how it will eventually become in the Y-O-N society. It has to, if it is going to work at all. And by "work" I mean for those at the top. Everyone must comply as any deviation will risk fracturing the society. The society will be very brittle and fragile if people start having doubts then the whole is at risk of coming apart and the people at the top will not survive that. Not only are they at risk for retribution, if the services go off-line they will have no skills to provide for themselves. They will be a pampered elite that will not be able to survive outside of their gilded cage.
There was a rebellion in We, but whether it worked or not is up to the reader.