Author Topic: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control  (Read 85895 times)


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #200 on: April 20, 2021, 09:17:03 AM »
The left is as relentless as the "right" is capitulating.

Amazingly the gun issue is the one place where the right has been able to bend but not be broken, holding the line and pushing back.

Hold the line!

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #201 on: April 20, 2021, 09:23:59 AM »
The left is as relentless as the "right" is capitulating.

Amazingly the gun issue is the one place where the right has been able to bend but not be broken, holding the line and pushing back.

Hold the line!
The R's seem to do that more when they are in the minority. 
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #202 on: April 20, 2021, 08:22:07 PM »
Sen Kennedy proposed that very thing back in the 80s.

So did Clinton when he was President.

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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #203 on: April 20, 2021, 08:30:41 PM »
Sen Kennedy proposed that very thing back in the 80s.

I heard that loathsome piece of *expletive deleted*it is going to be 12 years sober this fall.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #204 on: April 20, 2021, 09:02:37 PM »
I have to admit that I was unaware of this "oversight authority" nor that Trump removed it when he was in (another stealth move by Trump, and one that I guess many of his supporters were unaware of).

Between it being The Hill, and the dumbass politicians they interviewed, I'm guessing there is a ton of inaccurate firearms related language here. But "sniper rifles"? Again? We're back to banning Savage 110s? I guess the bright side might be that it will rile up some of the Fudds that are fine with EBR bans. I'll have to mention this to the old guy (a Fudd) that I hunt with.  :laugh:

EDIT: Oh, as an entertaining (or aggravating) tangent, check out the comments to this article. Not just on guns, but the people who read The Hill believe crap like this (a commenter responding to someone stating that with groups like antifa, people want to be armed):

How locked down and narrow do your news sources need to be to actually believe this?

EDIT 2: I guess this is foreign sales. Still, bringing in nebulous terms like "sniper rifle" will have domestic gun control connotations.

I have said it before a few times...after “assault rifles” the focus will be on “high powered sniper rifles” and “deadly street sweepers”...aka deer rifles and shotguns..
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Holy hell. It's like giving a loaded gun to a chimpanzee...

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the last thing you need is rabies. You're already angry enough as it is.

OTOH, there wouldn't be a tweeker left in Georgia...

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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #205 on: April 20, 2021, 10:27:23 PM »
I heard that loathsome piece of *expletive deleted*it is going to be 12 years sober this fall.

What you did there, I see.  <yoda>
Islamic sex dolls.  Do they blow themselves up?


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #206 on: April 20, 2021, 10:52:52 PM »
I heard that loathsome piece of *expletive deleted*it is going to be 12 years sober this fall.

Well, he has had plenty of time to "dry out".  >:D
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #207 on: April 20, 2021, 11:23:20 PM »
Leaked ATF Document Details Biden Plan to Ban ‘Ghost Guns’

The document reworks and broadens the definition of what parts constitute a regulated firearm receiver. It then says any unfinished part that “may readily be converted” into a receiver must be treated as a receiver and requires sellers to obtain federal licenses, mark the unfinished parts with serial numbers, and perform background checks on buyers. The proposal provides only subjective standards for what makes an unfinished part “readily” convertible into a finished firearm but provides footnotes to court cases where the term has been applied. One court example included in the document said a part completed in “around an eight-hour working day in a properly equipped machine shop” was considered “readily” convertible. The only example of a ruling defining when a part is not “readily” convertible involved a process that “required [a] master gunsmith in a gun shop and $65,000 worth of equipment and tools.”
The document also lays out plans to broaden and update the federal definition of firearms receiver to correct a problem with the ATF’s interpretation of the current definition. Courts have begun questioning the ATF’s long-running determination that an AR-15 lower is a receiver despite not including several of the parts required in the current definition. Prosecutors have been forced to drop cases involving the ATF’s determination in recent years.


ATF Leaked Document Reveals Rule Changes, Definition Changes, and MORE!
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #208 on: April 20, 2021, 11:35:55 PM »
So we have to serialize all pieces of metal now. And shovels because I have seen an AK reciever made out of a shovel. Serialize #D printer filament too.
AKA Navy Joe   

I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #209 on: April 20, 2021, 11:39:49 PM »
The document reworks and broadens the definition of what parts constitute a regulated firearm receiver. It then says any unfinished part that “may readily be converted” into a receiver must be treated as a receiver and requires sellers to obtain federal licenses, mark the unfinished parts with serial numbers, and perform background checks on buyers. The proposal provides only subjective standards for what makes an unfinished part “readily” convertible into a finished firearm but provides footnotes to court cases where the term has been applied. One court example included in the document said a part completed in “around an eight-hour working day in a properly equipped machine shop” was considered “readily” convertible. The only example of a ruling defining when a part is not “readily” convertible involved a process that “required [a] master gunsmith in a gun shop and $65,000 worth of equipment and tools.”

That is... extremely broad.

Assuming I had the fixture plates made up ahead of time, and the taps/reamers needed - with some practice runs -  I believe I could go from a 0% AR lower forging to a functional lower in my machine shop in under 8 hours.

Hell, people have made them for like, cutting boards laminated together, haven't they?  Think a guy even did one out of wood.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #210 on: April 21, 2021, 12:54:25 AM »
ATF Says Serialize Everything With Retired Agent Vince Cefalu/ Hank Strange WMMF Podcast Ep. 750

Hank Strange has Vince Cefalu on his show this evening talking about the leaked rules and the new BATFE nominee.  I have only caught the first 1/2 hour so far and it sounds pretty good. 

He didn't talk a great deal about the ATF nominee, but he thought the nomination would never get out of committee and he didn't have anything good to say about the man.  Also some spirited debate about gun laws.  This guy approaches things from the perspective of a federal agent, but he seems to be general agreement with gun rights and freedom.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 08:46:18 AM by MechAg94 »
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #211 on: April 21, 2021, 10:41:59 AM »
And now another shooting in Nebraska at a shopping mall. The Dems have to be behind this *expletive deleted*it.

It is not a conspiracy, but it is not a coincidence either.

We have around 330 million people in the country.

A tiny fraction are crazy evil nut jobs consumed with feelings of inferiority and entitlement.

The media deliberately hypes these types of crimes for ratings and to attempt to pass gun controls.  They obsess over the motives and identity of these worthless losers, making them famous.  If the perps survive to go to prison, large numbers of girls write them love letters.  At least one of these swine had his cell wall plastered with bikini pics sent to him by these women.

Then surprise!  Crazies get the correct idea that the easiest way to become famous and "important" is murder a lot of innocent people.  These bastards study each others crimes and try to up each other.

The copycat phenomenon is very well documented. 

If our media would stop giving these jackasses what the want, there would not be as many of them.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #212 on: April 21, 2021, 11:22:34 AM »
That is... extremely broad.

Assuming I had the fixture plates made up ahead of time, and the taps/reamers needed - with some practice runs -  I believe I could go from a 0% AR lower forging to a functional lower in my machine shop in under 8 hours.

Hell, people have made them for like, cutting boards laminated together, haven't they?  Think a guy even did one out of wood.

I could 100 percent go from flat 1/8" steel to a functional lower in less than 8 hours.  Without a CNC.

I suspect I could go from flat sheets of 1/8" acrylic and a chunk of aluminum to a functional lower in about 2 hours with my laser.

All pipe must now be serialized.

Entertainingly enough, you know what can't make an AR lower in 8 hours?  A 3D printer.  That takes about 2 days.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #213 on: April 21, 2021, 11:51:35 AM »
I could 100 percent go from flat 1/8" steel to a functional lower in less than 8 hours.  Without a CNC.

I suspect I could go from flat sheets of 1/8" acrylic and a chunk of aluminum to a functional lower in about 2 hours with my laser.

All pipe must now be serialized.

Entertainingly enough, you know what can't make an AR lower in 8 hours?  A 3D printer.  That takes about 2 days.

I've thought about the flooding the system angle.  Depending on the definitions and process of serializing, particularly if there's a grandfathering process that doesn't cost anything to register existing ghost guns....  Form 2's go Brrrr.....

One could pretty easily take, say a F150, and within the confines of their definitions make a lower out of it.  Thereby making every F150 owner in construction possession.  The problem is that antics like this are just ignored by the legal system, they impart no change in the status quo.  A shoelace and an M1 is technically constructive possession of a MG under current rulings, right?  Yet no one is ever charged with that one, but the law still sits there, threatening to bite anyone.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #214 on: April 21, 2021, 12:17:53 PM »
I've thought about the flooding the system angle.  Depending on the definitions and process of serializing, particularly if there's a grandfathering process that doesn't cost anything to register existing ghost guns....  Form 2's go Brrrr.....

One could pretty easily take, say a F150, and within the confines of their definitions make a lower out of it.  Thereby making every F150 owner in construction possession.  The problem is that antics like this are just ignored by the legal system, they impart no change in the status quo.  A shoelace and an M1 is technically constructive possession of a MG under current rulings, right?  Yet no one is ever charged with that one, but the law still sits there, threatening to bite anyone.

This is not 1994.  This definition will get challenged in court in .32 seconds.  Lawyers will stand there with slam fire shotguns and point out they take 10 min to build.  F150's will be brought up, as will the aforementioned shovels, AR flats receiver plans, Sterling plans, the Aero rifle, and I don't know how many others.

This will force actual a judicial ruling on the ATF's "interpretation"  of 27 CFR 478.11 vs. it's plain text.  I won't guarantee a win for our side, but the pretty clear legal answer is that it has to go back to the Legislature for rewording.  Honestly, the words "readily restored to...." only apply to machine guns, not firearms as a whole.   This isn't even a 2nd amendment issue.  This is an issue of regulatory agency vs. legislation.

Could the courts say "*expletive deleted*ck 'em" and decide to turn a blind eye?  Sure, wouldn't even really surprise me.  But at least will know how for down the slope we really are.

If that happens I guess we can all climb n the Defund the Police bandwagon.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #215 on: April 22, 2021, 06:11:01 PM »
Bill to make silencers illegal with no grandfathering.

H.R.3454 - Help Empower Americans to Respond Act

Bills Look To Both Remove Silencers From NFA As Well As To Make Them Illegal Nationwide

Edit: Just noticed that bill is from June 2019
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #216 on: April 24, 2021, 09:34:44 AM »
Funny how it seems just right after they propose a ban on something we get a highly publicized incident with that very thing.  [tinfoil]

GRAPHIC: ‘Ghost gun’ used in San Diego shooting that killed 1, injured 4
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #217 on: April 24, 2021, 09:38:49 AM »
There is no such thing as a coincidence.
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #218 on: April 24, 2021, 11:10:47 AM »

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill into law Friday that's intended to protect gun owners in the state from any new federal regulations or bans on firearms.

"Today, I proudly signed Rep. [Jedediah] Hinkle's law prohibiting federal overreach into our Second Amendment-protected rights, including any federal ban on firearms," Gianforte, a Republican, wrote on Twitter. "I will always protect our #2A right to keep and bear arms."

Good for him.  Not sure how much weight this law will actually carry.
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #219 on: May 01, 2021, 08:58:41 AM »
I wonder if AR mag supplies are starting to dry up? Primary Arms is not raising prices yet, but they have dropped their order limit to three mags per order.
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #220 on: May 01, 2021, 09:13:46 AM »
Not that I’ve seen for AR Mags.  I’ve been buying a few 10 packs of Gen 2 Magpuls here.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #221 on: May 01, 2021, 01:59:30 PM »
I must take exception to this:

(of the types that can be owned and carried)

Nothing in the Second Amendment limits the keeping and bearing of arms to only those which can be afforded or hefted.

My great grandfather, a whaling captain with his own ship, owned cannon and bore them on his ship, no special license, permit, or caliber restrictions. He could afford them. He could bear them on his ship. No law said he couldn't. The Second Amendment prohibited anyone from creating such a law. No amendment has altered the Second Amendment. Ergo, the Second Amendment means the same now as then, and the right protected is as absolute now as then. No court of law can change that. The right existed long before any court in this land - or any other land for that matter - was created.

The need to keep and bear arms is no less relevant and essential now as it was any time in the past.

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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #222 on: May 01, 2021, 05:01:10 PM »
Hell, the early government depended on those private ship owners, issuing them letters of marque which was an official blessing for them use their private arms to attack and plunder the British Navy.


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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #223 on: May 01, 2021, 05:26:44 PM »
Hell, the early government depended on those private ship owners, issuing them letters of marque which was an official blessing for them use their private arms to attack and plunder the British Navy.

It needs to be brought up more as a counter-argument every time one of these dumbasses brings up the "but muskets" line. I want my own Littoral Combat Ship.
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Re: Looks like Biden is Ready to Move on Gun Control
« Reply #224 on: May 01, 2021, 05:42:36 PM »
A plan is just a list of things that doesn't happen.
Is defenestration possible through the overton window?