If it's because of the old racist zoning laws it seems like it would be easier to just forcibly relocate some folks. Have the .gov seize 30% or so of the houses in Malibu and Beverly hills and move some families from Compton in. Problem solved. All those good little white lefties would cheer the equity from their new porches in South LA, right?
They always seem to find a way to bypass the liberal rich conclaves and hit the "rich" middle class with those plans instead.
I still recall my Junior High school years. My immigrant parents worked hard for years to move us into a house in a good part of town with good schools. Three years later, when I started Junior High, they had instituted school bussing (Hi Kamala!) and instead of going to the school my parents worked hard to put me in, I was bussed to a school in the worst part of town, and spent three years (along with most of the other bussed kids) getting beat up by up and coming gang banger gangs (they never fought one on one). Probably the most hated three school years of my young life. I would have been better off if my parents had just stayed in the run down part of town and had gone to that Junior High. But hey, diversity and equality, amiright?