A timely article on the economics of a charging network.
Does that article address my question of from where all this "new" electricity is going to come? Are they opening any new electricity mines? Drilling any new electricity wells?
What I'm wondering is if all this new demand will ultimately soften the anti-nuke crowd's viewpoint.
And also maybe soften the regulatory structure regarding nuclear power.
Energy is energy no matter how it's measured, BTUs or Joules (Watt-seconds) or electron volts or kWhs or ergs or foot-pounds or Subaru-feet*.
Or no matter how it's obtained.
So where are we going to get all these new Subaru-feet of electrical energy?
Terry, 230RN
* A Subaru-foot in Terry International Units (TIU) is the energy required to lift a 1997 Subaru Outback one foot, or 3154 foot-pounds.