Back in 2014, I came home from a stint on the road, and found out that the gas company was charging me $30+ per month just to be connected, with zero usage. That was $360 a year.
Okayfine. Decided that I would see how I could do without a furnace for a winter. It's a small house. I bought two of the oil-filled electric radiators. They do very well until it gets in the thirties, at which point #3 goes on. Under about 15-20 degrees, I supplement with a propane vent-free during waking hours. I'm a "cold" person, and 60 degrees makes me happy. This winter, when it got down to -5, the coldest the house was when I got home from work was 45... And recovery from that was pretty fast.
I pay about as much extra on electric, averaged, as I did for just the connection charge for the gas.
Probably going to wire in a 220 electric baseboard sooner or later. Three rooms, 700 square feet...
I used 423 kwh last month. Electric water heater and cooking. I used about 1700 in January.