After 60 years of running away at the mere mention of Limburger cheese, it has now made me its bitch.
My dad has loved limburger all his life. The smell drove me out of the house since I was old enough to remember. He always gave me the, "How do you know if you don't try it?" routine, but I never fell for it. Until now.
My dad is visiting me this week, and when we stopped at the German store in Boise this morning, he insisted on buying some of their limburger*. I started complaining, but the store owner and top shelf chef, who I have come to know from my many visits, sided with my dad but also told me about the Limburger sandwich, apparently quite popular in Wisconsin. Rye bread slathered in German mustard, thick slices of sweet onion, Limburger cheese, and wash it down with a very dark beer or strong coffee.
I don't know why, but that sounded good. So I bought some fresh rye bread and schwarz beer from the guy, got back to the house, and made a Limburger sandwich. Damn it all to hell. It was really good. Now I seem to be hooked. It might have helped that I have a stuffy nose today, but I got past the smell and the cheese just had a really good flavor. Don't know if I could eat it straight, but with the bread and the onion, somehow that combo worked.
So apparently now I'm hooked. Dammit.
*Despite my previous hate of it, I've been buying the old man Limburger online for many years since he can't get good stuff locally. I've been getting him the Country Castle, apparently made in Wisconsin in the last US Limburger factory. Damned expensive to buy and ship, but I figured it's the least I can do for the old man in his last years. Now I guess I'm ordering some for me, too.

The local German store has the St Mang, but according to my dad it's not as good as the American Limburger. I thought it was good in the sandwich, so I'm curious to see what the Country Castle tastes like.