Wow. Just like Castle Key's former neighbor. His house flooded in a terrible storm a couple of years ago and he lost his *expletive deleted*it at Republicans for allowing climate change.
When I pointed out that Democrats, who have controlled his county for decades, need to share a lot of the responsibility for allowing the county to be essentially paved over without adequate storm water management, he absolutely lost his *expletive deleted*it on me.
I laughed at him. Hard.
This is the argument to use. Just tell them you concede to them that "climate change" is to blame. Climate change is real. Climate change is here. In that case, why has the state government, especially in CA, where climate change is a religion, done anything for climate resiliency*? Accepting climate change should mean that you accept controlled burning for resiliency. You expedite permits for easement clearance for resiliency. You fill reservoirs for resiliency.
Instead, they spend billions of dollars on "who to blame and who to nag" classes instead of creating resilient infrastructure.
*I use the term "climate resiliency" because when I was in fedgov is when that term, under Obama, was introduced into what the gov did. It actually was something that (or could have, if implemented correctly) made sense. You were supposed to step back from the climate change argument and just look at how you make anthropogenic infrastructure climate resilient, whether the climate changes were natural or "man made". For instance, don't build your million dollar home 100 yards from an ocean that you claim is rising.