Author Topic: Ooh, they are freezing relations  (Read 15145 times)


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #100 on: March 30, 2007, 08:41:46 PM »
That doesn't make sense. GPS gives absolute position, it has nothing to do with charts whether they're new or old. You can take the position data and put it on a NASA picture of the globe if you want to.

What other means? There's GPS, inertial navigation or a sextant, as far as I know. What others do you mean?

Seeing as how the border is still in dispute, the charts might not reflect the current political situation.  The new Iraqi govt and Iran haven't apparently worked out all their relative issues.
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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #101 on: March 31, 2007, 01:26:21 PM »
Apparently, we are expected to believe a religious nutcase over GPS. "Fugget 'bout tehnologie, read my lips"

Iran president: U.K. sailors trespassed By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 3 minutes ago

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted Saturday that 15 captured British sailors had been seized in Iranian waters, calling Britain and its allies "arrogant" for refusing to apologize, the country's official news agency reported.

"The British occupier forces did trespass our waters. Our border guards detained them with skill and bravery. But arrogant powers, because of their arrogant and selfish spirit, are claiming otherwise," IRNA quoted Ahmadinejad as saying during a speech in the southeastern city of Andinmeshk.

"Instead of apologizing over trespassing by British forces, the world arrogant powers issue statements and deliver speeches," Ahmadinejad told the crowd celebrating the Persian New Year holiday, IRNA said.

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett urged        Iran to resolve the crisis peacefully, saying London remains open to dialogue.

The British sailors were detained by Iranian naval units March 23 while patrolling for smugglers near the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab, a waterway that has long been a disputed dividing line between        Iraq and Iran. Britain insists that the service members were in Iraqi waters. Iran has been saying the Britons were in Iranian waters and has demanded an apology.

Tehran appears intent on sending a message of strength as it faces mounting U.N. Nations sanctions over its uranium enrichment program, which the U.S. and other nations suspect the Islamic Republic is using to develop nuclear weapons.

On Thursday, Ahmadinejad accused Britain of trying to solve the crisis through propaganda and not diplomacy, state TV reported.

An Iranian diplomat said earlier Saturday that the case had entered a legal phase, according to the news agency.

IRNA said on its Web site that Gholam-Reza Ansari, the Iranian ambassador to Russia, had told Russian television Vesti-24 that, "the case of the detention of British sailors has taken on a judicial form."

IRNA originally quoted the ambassador Saturday morning as saying the sailors could be "tried if there is enough evidence of guilt." But the agency published a correction later claiming Ansari's comments were incorrectly translated by Russian television. The Russian TV station could not be reached for comment.

Britain has frozen most contacts with Iran and referred the issue to the        U.N. Security Council, which expressed "grave concern" on Thursday over Iran's seizure last week of the Britons.

Moderate former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami told reporters on Saturday that he hopes the current standoff will be resolved peacefully "instead of facing a new disaster not only for Iranian-British relations, but for Iran internationally."


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #102 on: March 31, 2007, 02:08:27 PM »

"Instead of apologizing over trespassing by seizing 15 British forces marines, the world Iranian arrogant powers issue statements and deliver speeches."

That was an easy fix.

"On Thursday, Ahmadinejad accused Britain of trying to solve enlarge[d] the crisis through propaganda and not diplomacy."

That one was easy, too...


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #103 on: April 03, 2007, 10:42:47 AM »
Or alternatively, it might have been inappropriate to be using GPS in that area.  I don't know what chart they were using, but I've looked at some of the UKHO charts of that area, and they carry a warning to the effect that - because they are based on old surveys - the lat/long of features on the chart may be inaccurate, and positions should be determined by means other than GPS.

That doesn't make sense. GPS gives absolute position, it has nothing to do with charts whether they're new or old. You can take the position data and put it on a NASA picture of the globe if you want to.

What other means? There's GPS, inertial navigation or a sextant, as far as I know. What others do you mean?

It is a lot easier to accurately determine the position of something relative to another nearby feature, than it is to get an absolute position for it.


The original surveyor may have determined that a particular feature (a rock, a buoy, or an international boundary, etc) was exactly 1.2 miles from a particular headland, on a bearing of 093 degrees, and that the headland was at approximately 30 degrees north, 50 degrees east. 

If the chart was made using this information, then the lat and long of the feature will be *** (I can't find the appropriate formulae to work it out, or an appropriate chart to measure it from).  If the assumed lat and long of the headland was wrong, then the lat and long of the feature, as read from the chart, will also be wrong.  Consequently, if you are trying to find (or avoid) that feature by using GPS, then you will fail.

But if you can find the headland, and then calculate your positions from that by using radar ranges and bearing (for example), then will will be able to find (or avoid) the feature.


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #104 on: April 03, 2007, 01:54:32 PM »

There is speculation that the US and the UK might have had something to do with the disappearances of Ali Reza Asgari (former IRGC-QF commander, deputy defence minister), Colonel Amir Muhammed Shirazi (IRGC) and Brigadier General Muhammed Soltani (head of IRGC, Persian Gulf).  There was also an incident inside Iran back in Feb with allegedly 17 deaths. 

A rumor being spread around is that the US raid on the Iranian consolate in Irbil, Kurdistan was an attempt to capture Mohammed Jafari, (deputy head of Iranian NSC), and General Minojahar Frouzanda (chief of intelligence of the IRGC).  Both of them were in Iraq on an official visit.  They met with President Talabani, and later with Massoud Barzani (President of the KRG) outside of Irbil.

The five Iranians seized at the Iranian liaison office in Irbil are still being held by US forces.  Jalal Sharafi, an Iranian diplomat, has recently been released.  He was captured by 'unknown gunmen', dressed in Iraqi uniforms.

Another rumor is "someone" has been nailing various members of the IRGC. 
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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #105 on: April 04, 2007, 06:23:09 AM »
"We'll return what is yours as a gift to you, and because you apologized for letting it be taken."

Iranian leader says he'll free Britons By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer
8 minutes ago
TEHRAN, Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said        Iran would free the 15 detained British sailors and marines Wednesday as an Easter holiday "gift" to the British people.

He said the captives, who were seized while on patrol in the northern Persian Gulf on March 23, would be taken to the airport following his news conference, but Iranian state television reported they would leave Iran on Thursday. An Iranian official in London said they would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran.

After the news conference, state television showed Ahmadinejad meeting with the British crew, dressed in business suits, at the presidential palace. He shook hands and chatted with them through a translator, and a caption to the video said the meeting was taking place as part of the "process of release."

"We appreciate it. Your people have been really kind to us, and we appreciate it very much," one of the crew could be heard telling Ahmadinejad in English.

Another said: "We are grateful for your forgiveness."
Ahmadinejad responded in Farsi, "You are welcome."

Iranian TV said the British captives had watched Ahmadinejad's news conference live and were ecstatic when a translator told them what the president had said.

Their release would end a 13-day standoff between London and Tehran that was sparked when the crew was seized as it searched for smugglers off the Iraqi coast. Britain denied Iranian claims the crew had entered Iranian waters.

In London, the office of Prime Minister        Tony Blair said it welcomed the news.        President Bush, who had condemned the seizure of the Britons and referred to them as "hostages," also welcomed the news, said his national security spokesman, Gordon Johndroe.

In New York, British U.N. Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry said "if this news is confirmed, then it's tremendous news and we're delighted."

Recent days saw talk of direct negotiations between Britain and Iran, and a decrease in tensions that had risen after Iran broadcast videos in which female British sailor Faye Turney and others "confessed" to violating Iranian territorial waters, and Britain expressed outrage.

Ahmadinejad said the British government had sent a letter to the Iranian Foreign Ministry pledging that entering Iranian waters "will not happen again." Britain issued no immediate confirmation of the letter.

"On the occasion of the birthday of the great prophet (Muhammad) ... and for the occasion of the passing of Christ, I say the Islamic Republic government and the Iranian people  with all powers and legal right to put the soldiers on trial  forgave those 15," he said, referring to the Muslim prophet's birthday on March 30 and the Easter holiday.

"This pardon is a gift to the British people," he said.

The surprise announcement came shortly after Ahmadinejad pinned a medal on the chest of the Iranian coast guard commander who intercepted the sailors and marines.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said Blair's office was "establishing exactly what this means in terms of the method and timing of their release."

An Iranian official in London said the crew members would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran and that it would then be up to the Foreign Office to decide how they would return home.

"They will go through some brief formalities and then they will go to the embassy," said the diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations. "They can go on a British Airways flight to Heathrow, they can go through the UAE (United Arab Emirates), it is up to the British Embassy in Tehran in coordination with the Foreign Office here."

In London, a Foreign Office spokesman said wanted to "make sure we've actually got them in hand, and that they're safe and well," before making travel plans.

A group of British service members who were seized by Iran in 2004 were sent back to the British sector of southern        Iraq aboard an Iranian commercial flight, after stops in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

Ahmadinejad's announcement came after Iran's state media reported that an Iranian envoy would be allowed to meet five Iranians detained by U.S. forces in northern Iraq. Another Iranian diplomat, separately seized two months ago by uniformed gunmen in Iraq, was released and returned Tuesday to Tehran.

Ahmadinejad said Iran will never accept trespassing in its territorial waters.

"On behalf of the great Iranian people, I want to thank the Iranian coast guard who courageously defended and captured those who violated their territorial waters," he said.

"We are sorry that British troops remain in Iraq and their sailors are being arrested in Iran," Ahmadinejad said.

Ahmadinejad asked Blair not to "punish" the crew for confessing that they had been in Iranian waters when they were seized by Iranian coast guard. Iran broadcast video of some of the crew giving confessions, angering Britain.

He also criticized Britain for deploying Turney in the Gulf, pointing out that she is a woman with a child.

"How can you justify seeing a mother away from her home, her children? Why don't they respect family values in the West?" he asked of the British government.

Iran has denied it seized the Britons to force the release of Iranians held in Iraq, and Britain has steadfastly insisted it would not negotiate for the sailors' freedom.

Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency said earlier Wednesday that an Iranian envoy would be allowed to meet with the five detained Iranians in Iraq but gave no further details.

A U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad said, however, that American authorities were still considering the request. The spokesman, Maj. Gen. William C. Caldwell, said an international Red Cross team, including one Iranian, had visited the prisoners but he did not say when.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told The Associated Press that the case of the five Iranians detained in Irbil, the capital of the Kurdish self-governing region in northern Iraq, had no connection with the British captives.

Zebari, a Kurd, said his government had been relaying Iranian requests for a meeting with the five detainees, but could not confirm the request had been approved.

In a commentary, the Iranian news agency said the movement on the Iranian prisoner issue was due in part to "the new American political and military appointments in Iraq."

The agency was referring to Gen. David Petraeus, who assumed command of U.S. forces in February, and Ryan Crocker, who began work as the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq last month.

U.S. troops detained the five Iranians on Jan. 11, accusing them of links to an Iranian Revolutionary Guard network that was supplying money and weapons to insurgents in Iraq.

Secretary of State        Condoleezza Rice said President Bush had approved the strategy of raiding Iranian targets in Iraq as part of efforts to confront the government in Tehran.

Iraqi Kurds, like the country's Shiites, maintain close ties with *expletive deleted*it-dominated Iran, despite their warm relationship with the U.S.  and have been upset over the arrests in their own capital.

Iran denounced the raid and insisted that the five were diplomats who were engaged exclusively in consular work. The Iraqi government said they were arrested at an office that was supposed to become an Iranian consulate.

The British newspaper The Independent reported this week that the Irbil raid had escalated tensions between the U.S. and Iran and may have set the stage for the March 23 seizure of the British naval personnel.

Also Wednesday, a Kuwaiti newspaper quoted Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem as saying Damascus was also mediating the case of the 15 Britons.


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #106 on: April 04, 2007, 03:06:10 PM »
"We'll return what is yours as a gift to you, and because you apologized for letting it be taken."

The UK did not apologize nor acknowledge crossing into Iranian waters, but said they'd pay more attention to the contested border.  Iran says they did, but claims they will release the personnel anyways because they're nice people.

The rest is just political showboating called diplomacy.  It could have been a lot worse, CA.  Realistically, there were not many other options for either side. 
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #107 on: April 04, 2007, 06:33:49 PM »
Not many options?!?  Iran had the "option" of not taking foreigners hostage in the first place.  Iran had the "option" of releasing those hostages 13 days ago.  Iran had the "option" of not coercing false statements from the hostages.  Iran had the "option" of doing what every other nation does as a matter of course. 

Basically, Iran had the option of behaving as a civilized nation.  They chose not to exercise that option.

And after they finally come around and do what they should have done right from the beginning, their nutjob of a president has nerve to call it a "gift".  Makes me want to punch him in the nose.


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #108 on: April 04, 2007, 08:34:21 PM »
Makes me want to punch him in the nose.

...with a daisy-plucker.  grin

Laurent du Var

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #109 on: April 04, 2007, 08:45:59 PM »
Thank God the members of the Royal Navy are free and everybody is happy.
So Tony Blair just sat out the kidnapping of his soldiers without having
to do anything usefull before he gets the heck out of Downingstreet N° 10
and the weird Iranian, a world without Israel, political leader gets to hold his ugly mug into worldwide TV and talk about a gift because of the prophet's birthday.

For a while I was really worried about the 2 Billion Euros my gas provider Total had invested in the Iranian offshore. First the food for oil went down the pooper and now this. It is a good thing that everyone is now buddy buddy with the Ayatollas rolleyes   
Vada a bordo, Cazzo!

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #110 on: April 05, 2007, 10:00:41 AM »
I do not see a diplomatic solution that does not involve strong-arming the bandits or inexcusable concessions by the West camp. The Tehran kidnappers expect to get territorial expansion or perhaps even a green light for nuke development in exchange for 15 soldiers. They already stated they want an admission of guilt, which will not only embarrass the UK but, more importantly, essentially bargain away Iraqi territory for 15 British lives. None of the above is acceptable at all. The only bargaining chip the bandits-in-charge in Tehran understand is their own miserable pathetic shameful lives.

I would not be surprised if Bush is criticized 50 years from now for not going far enough just as he is criticized now for going too far. Instead of sinking into nation-building in Iraq, it seems it would have been better to run amok and topple all terrorist regimes once and for all.

Yet another winning analysis by CAnoneer.
Did Britain actually give up anything?  Obviously Ahminadjad's expression of "Easter gift" isn't too credible, coming from someone who regularly oppresses the Christian minority in Iran.  So what gave?
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De Selby

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #111 on: April 05, 2007, 10:10:34 AM »
Yeah, it looks like Britain didn't do anything except say "we promise not to do anything differently than before, and we'll deny that we said anything differently whenever you say otherwise"

The victory for Iran in this is not in giving up the hostages without being attacked.  The points they scored are PR ones:  they had western prisoners, ostensibly from a coalition that represents a threat to their country, and instead of sticking them in a Guantanamo type prison in orange jumpsuits and waterboarding them for information on British security procedures....

They gave them new suits, put them in a nice hotel room, and let them play chess and write letters home while the diplomatic wrangling went on, and then sent them home first class with bags of treats from Iran after a personal, friendly meeting with the President of the country.

The message they're sending is: Who is uncivilized and barbarous in the way it treats others?  And they did it well, regardless of the fact that no one thinks this represents a new imprisonment policy for dissidents and other foreigners throughout Iran.
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #112 on: April 05, 2007, 12:11:17 PM »
Not many options?!?  Iran had the "option" of not taking foreigners hostage in the first place.  Iran had the "option" of releasing those hostages 13 days ago.  Iran had the "option" of not coercing false statements from the hostages.  Iran had the "option" of doing what every other nation does as a matter of course. 

Basically, Iran had the option of behaving as a civilized nation.  They chose not to exercise that option.

And after they finally come around and do what they should have done right from the beginning, their nutjob of a president has nerve to call it a "gift".  Makes me want to punch him in the nose.

I was referring to the options AFTER the initial incident. 

We're still holding Iranians (detainees or hostages, depending on your political views).  We've held folks in Gitmo longer than strictly necessary before releasing them (some for very long periods of time, not two weeks) without charges.  We've coerced or strongly questioned folks into making confessions at our various ghost prisons around the planet.  I'm not saying Iran is in any way in a morally superior position than the US.  Their human right stance is far worse than the US.  I'm just pointing out that diplomacy is a world of greys, not black and whites.

After the taking of the hostages, UK only had the option of diplomacy.  They do not have the military capability to invade Iran.  A rescue mission would be very unlikely to succeed.  Sanctions wouldn't do much, if anything.

The UK did not apologize for anything, nor did they acknowledge doing anything.  They merely stated that they have never crossed into Iranian waters, and won't do so in the future.  Iran milked the situation for as much PR as they could, and released the hostages.  The President of Iran is a politician.  I don't believe it's wise to believe everything a politician has to say.  Obviously, we won't know what happened until the hostages can tell their tale on home soil, but from all current appearances, they were not harshly treated.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #113 on: April 05, 2007, 01:24:46 PM »
The points they scored are PR ones:  they had western prisoners, ostensibly from a coalition that represents a threat to their country, and instead of sticking them in a Guantanamo type prison in orange jumpsuits and waterboarding them for information on British security procedures....

More cultural equivalence from the master apologist. Hehehe.

To be equally "civilized", we should come to your house, drag your wife out at gun point, take her with us, hold her for several weaks, dress her the way we like, parade her on TV, get her to admit she is a filthy whore on TV, get her to apologize for being a filthy whore on TV, tell you publically that you have no family values for letting her be a filthy whore, threaten to imprison or kill her unless you apologize for her being a filthy whore, claim you did apologize when you did not, then finally say that she is a filthy whore, but we are going to return her to you as a gift to you.

May you get all the "civility" you deserve.

The Rabbi

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #114 on: April 05, 2007, 01:31:08 PM »
You seem to thrive on ill-conceived, poorly thought out comparisons.  The US is like a house.  UK Marines are like RevDisk's wife.  I think your posts are like mouse droppings.  I want to ignore them but end up picking them up anyway.
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De Selby

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #115 on: April 05, 2007, 01:40:34 PM »
How is pointing out that the Iranians used the hostage situation to make a point other than "Iran is nuts" "apology"?

If you're trying to argue that the Iranians treated the british hostages in an inhumane fashion or vulgar fashion, you need a serious reality check.  They got better treatment, just from the videos and their faces on homecoming, than a pre-arraignment suspect gets in the United States, with US citizenship.

And that was the point: Iran took these captives and gave them a royal treatment to say "Look, we're the civilized Iranians...we're so nice we even wonder why the British would send a young mother to the front lines!" 

That's not a vulgarity, it's propaganda...and it's good propaganda. 

An inability to recognzie the Iranian leadership for what they are (ie, not that dumb) is much more destructive to this country (and I was born in the USA-were you?) than, say, people who argue that nuclear war is a bad thing.  IMHO, anyway.
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."

Perd Hapley

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #116 on: April 05, 2007, 02:01:46 PM »
I can't believe I'm seeing more sense from shootinstudent than from CAnnoneer at this point.  Wait, yes I can.   cheesy
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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #117 on: April 05, 2007, 02:59:49 PM »
You seem to thrive on ill-conceived, poorly thought out comparisons.  The US is like a house.  UK Marines are like RevDisk's wife.  I think your posts are like mouse droppings.  I want to ignore them but end up picking them up anyway.

The quote was from SS. Your usual attention to detail.

Mouse droppings? The feeling is mutual. Like I said before, both you and SS are free to enjoy an internal look of your colons as much as you like, that is until the social bubbles you live in burst and release you to the environments you deserve. The only unfair thing in the entire proceedings is that people like you and SS are dragging people like me, Manedwolf, and jfruser to the same ignominable end.

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #118 on: April 05, 2007, 03:39:22 PM »
The quote was from SS. Your usual attention to detail.

Oh, OK.  So you didn't say this:

More cultural equivalence from the master apologist. Hehehe.

To be equally "civilized", we should come to your house, drag your wife out at gun point, take her with us, hold her for several weaks, dress her the way we like, parade her on TV, get her to admit she is a filthy whore on TV, get her to apologize for being a filthy whore on TV, tell you publically that you have no family values for letting her be a filthy whore, threaten to imprison or kill her unless you apologize for her being a filthy whore, claim you did apologize when you did not, then finally say that she is a filthy whore, but we are going to return her to you as a gift to you.

May you get all the "civility" you deserve.

Try scrolling up before you post more indefensible garbage.  That's the little thing on the right side of the screen or the little ball on your mouse.
The ineptness, the inability to reason, the sneering self-absorbed haughtiness.  Yes, I definitely think you are an FBI plant.
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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #119 on: April 05, 2007, 04:05:19 PM »
Oh, OK.  So you didn't say this:

I was clearly referring to SS and therefore his wife. You implied I was referring to RevDsk's wife.

Try scrolling up before you post more indefensible garbage.  That's the little thing on the right side of the screen or the little ball on your mouse.

In view of the above, you certainly seem to need to take your own advice to heart.

The ineptness, the inability to reason, the sneering self-absorbed haughtiness.  Yes, I definitely think you are an FBI plant.

More quality postings from the Rabbi we have grown to know and despise. I am to be the "self-absorbed haughty" one, yet you honestly think you are worth FBI's time? Hehehehe. This is just priceless. Mouse droppings indeed. Hehehehe.

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #120 on: April 05, 2007, 06:18:18 PM »
The quote was from SS. Your usual attention to detail.

I was clearly referring to SS and therefore his wife. You implied I was referring to RevDsk's wife.

That clinches it.  You're command of idiomatic English slipped.  You are none other than Vladimir Putin!
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Perd Hapley

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #121 on: April 05, 2007, 07:34:11 PM »
It should be obvious to anyone who the FBI plant is on this board.  Duh, the guy who's here all the time.

280plus, who else?    cheesy
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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #122 on: April 06, 2007, 04:17:31 AM »
You seem to thrive on ill-conceived, poorly thought out comparisons.  The US is like a house.  UK Marines are like RevDisk's wife.  I think your posts are like mouse droppings.  I want to ignore them but end up picking them up anyway.

Hey!  My lady interest has FAR better taste in light firearms than the Royal Marines.  Her carry piece is a Desert Eagle chambered in .40 S&W.  She'd rather be dead than be seen with an L85A2.  Like any proper lady, she prefers a lovely AK.  Tho, I suspect she has feelings towards M16's.  As a proper gentleman, I subscribe it to just temporary insanity caused by the fact she was born in Texas.

To be equally "civilized", we should come to your house, drag your wife out at gun point, take her with us, hold her for several weaks, dress her the way we like, parade her on TV, get her to admit she is a filthy whore on TV, get her to apologize for being a filthy whore on TV, tell you publically that you have no family values for letting her be a filthy whore, threaten to imprison or kill her unless you apologize for her being a filthy whore, claim you did apologize when you did not, then finally say that she is a filthy whore, but we are going to return her to you as a gift to you.

Uhm.  You clearly don't know my lady interest.

Ok, just for the sake of extremely inaccurate comparisons.   Let's say Iran invades Central PA, perhaps with the assistance of the Amish Libration Front, kicks in my door and tries to capture my lady interest.  Assuming she does not start throwing knives, swords, frying pans or high velocity lead, and for some very unusual reason divorsed from reality, decides to surrender...   I give it two days before they start begging me to take her off their hands.  None of this "gift" stuff, I'd hold out for serious cash for the gift of relieving them of such a demon.  

If ya think 300 Spartans messed up a lot of Iranians, try to imagine what a REALLY pissed Texan chick would do to 'em.  "The thousand nations of the Persian Empire decend upon your crazy woman.  Our Pasdaran will blot out the sun!"  "Ok buddy, if I were you, I'd ask for reinforcements now, and call me whenever you want to negiotate a surrender.  I need a beer and some popcorn to watch this."

The last guy that got fresh with her ended up with a dislocated finger.  Hell, she once accidently dislocated my jaw.  I really would not like to imagine what she'd do to Iranians, as I plan on eating within a few hours. 

"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #123 on: April 06, 2007, 05:57:17 AM »
That clinches it.  You're command of idiomatic English slipped. 


You are none other than Vladimir Putin!

So now I am Vladimir Putin acting as an FBI plant, just to confuse the almighty Rabbi? Delusions of grandeur too. Another psychiatric specimen. Have fun, bubble boy. If what you want comes to pass, the days of your autocolonoscopic utopia are numbered. Har-har-har.

The Rabbi

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Re: Ooh, they are freezing relations
« Reply #124 on: April 06, 2007, 06:01:15 AM »
No, Vladimir Putin trying to keep his pulse on what America thinks so he can plot his take-over.  Step 1: flood the US with illegals, destroying our culture.  Step 2: Elect Hillary Clinton.  Step 3: Debase the US currency by promoting lack of faith in it.
Very clever, Mr. Putin.  But not clever enough.
Fight state-sponsored Islamic terrorism: Bomb France now!

Vote Libertarian: It Not Like It Matters Anyway.