Series has dropped. Binged the first four episodes. Very surprised, and in a good way.
Looks like they're doing a whole season per book. First season is based on book one in the series, Killing Floor. Without going back and re-reading to compare, seems the show is following the book almost word for word. Nice. I thought the guy who was playing Reacher was a bit wooden in the trailer. Turns out that works pretty well in the show, playing to the character as originally written.
Another surprise was the production company, Skydance Television. I'm presuming, but guessing that it's the TV subsidiary of Skydance Productions, producer of the two Reacher movies. It's also a Tom Cruise company. Guess he found a way to stay in the Reacher franchise after all, just not as the main character.
SWMBO got into it so it must be pretty decent outside the environs of Reacher fans. Give it a watch if you have the chance.