Author Topic: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....  (Read 282684 times)


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3175 on: July 01, 2024, 05:13:53 PM »
It's good to be a Zelenskyy:

The missus just bought a brand new Bugatti.

Holy hell. I knew they were expensive, but the cheapest model starts at $2 million and they run to $12 million.

*expletive deleted*ck off, Ukrainian government. This is no different than what any Russian Oligarch does. I wonder when Jill Biden is getting hers?
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3176 on: July 01, 2024, 05:36:56 PM »
I wonder when Jill Biden is getting hers?

It wouldn't surprise me if she already has.  Just keeping it under wraps until after her pull toy leaves office.

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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3177 on: July 01, 2024, 06:19:01 PM »
It's good to be a Zelenskyy:

The missus just bought a brand new Bugatti.

Not for nothing, but that post is an AI generated video, has been community noted, and in the thread it claims the car was delivered,  but the invoice they modified says the car will be built in Jan '26.

I suspect this is not a true story, short of some more believable evidence.


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3178 on: July 01, 2024, 06:25:42 PM »
I'm not on x so can't see community notes, but if this is AI, it's certainly an example of what I keep saying here about AI dangers, and it certainly fooled me.
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3179 on: July 01, 2024, 06:29:05 PM »
If you go full screen on a large monitor it looks fake. His mouth movements in particular don't look natural
And it very well could have a foot print trail going back to the Kremlin

I'm not on x so can't see community notes, but if this is AI, it's certainly an example of what I keep saying here about AI dangers, and it certainly fooled me.

What you may not be seeing

Aussie Cossack
Embedded video
🚨🤣🇺🇦Zelesnky's wife Olena just spent 4.5 million euros of your tax payer money on a brand new Bugatti Turbillon (1 out of 250) in France.
💰An employee of the Bugatti dealership in Paris by the name of Jacques Bertin revealed that the Zelensky's made this purchase whilst
Currently rated helpful
Shown on X
Note originally added to the video on this post, and is showing on 6 posts that include this video
This video is a deepfake video. This guy is not real and this was never said.

The website that is linked literally still has parts describing what should be put there along with the fake news.

Simeon Boikov is a known Kremlin propagandist.
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3180 on: July 01, 2024, 07:37:01 PM »
Not for nothing, but that post is an AI generated video, has been community noted, and in the thread it claims the car was delivered,  but the invoice they modified says the car will be built in Jan '26.

I suspect this is not a true story, short of some more believable evidence.

There lies the problem, how do you know the people doing community notes (which I can't see either) are any more truthful than the original poster of the video or the source webpage? You can't trust anyone or anything in this day and age.



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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3181 on: July 02, 2024, 04:54:36 AM »
There lies the problem, how do you know the people doing community notes (which I can't see either) are any more truthful than the original poster of the video or the source webpage? You can't trust anyone or anything in this day and age.


Community Notes need to include sources, it is incumbent upon the reader to check the sources and judge their veracity.  Just reading a Note and taking it as gospel is no different than taking a random tweet as gospel. Community Notes are a great resource,  and help against X itself manipulating  the feed again, but are just one tool in the information war.

To be fair, it has always been the job of the reader of news to judge the credibility of the news source,  most were just to lazy to do it.


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3182 on: July 02, 2024, 07:36:06 AM »
To be fair, it has always been the job of the reader of news to judge the credibility of the news source,  most were just to lazy to do it.

This is absolutely true. However, in the age of information overload, I could easily spend my entire day verifying stories and sources. At some point, I have to outsource my research to a trusted source. Sadly, it seems I can't always trust even my trusted sources.
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3183 on: July 02, 2024, 09:01:32 AM »
Thread Drift:

I actually find it easier now than in the Pre internet/information overload age.  I can read something (like the post above), click the links in the "note" read them, scan the profile of the OP for obvious bias, and find and and skim background articles in like 5-10 min. That generally gives you a decent feel for "true, untrue, or can't easily tell, don't trust" which is all you really need for 95% of internet news articles.

In the case of the linked post about the Bugatti, it took less time to get to the conclusion that that was *probably* untrue and move on than I have spent since talking about it.  In the 90's it was much more difficult, or imposable, to look up competing news sources or even a different POV. 

In the age of engagement farming for money and open propaganda fights from multiple sources you gotta be active about intel assessment.


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3184 on: July 02, 2024, 09:16:02 AM »
Thread Drift:

I actually find it easier now than in the Pre internet/information overload age.  I can read something (like the post above), click the links in the "note" read them, scan the profile of the OP for obvious bias, and find and and skim background articles in like 5-10 min. That generally gives you a decent feel for "true, untrue, or can't easily tell, don't trust" which is all you really need for 95% of internet news articles.

Yeah, but you're a government worker. You can spend all day doing that stuff from your desk at work. I'm retired, so I have way less free time than a government worker does.  =D =D =D
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3185 on: July 02, 2024, 09:30:21 AM »
I'm retired, so I have way less free time than a government worker does.  =D =D =D


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3186 on: July 02, 2024, 09:33:21 AM »
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3187 on: July 02, 2024, 03:49:20 PM »
Not for nothing, but that post is an AI generated video

Well ... *expletive deleted*it.

In my defense, there was no community note when I posted the link.  Still should not have taken the article at face value.

Lesson learned.

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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3188 on: July 02, 2024, 11:26:26 PM »
Yeah, but you're a government worker. You can spend all day doing that stuff from your desk at work.
I'm retired, so I have way less free time than a government worker does.  =D =D =D

Yeah, it's all those "Honey do" projects !  :rofl:
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3189 on: July 21, 2024, 07:25:47 PM »
I don't follow the events in Ukraine, so there may be nothing new here, but just in case:
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3190 on: November 17, 2024, 04:32:54 PM »
Biden (or somebody) just approved Ukraine's use of US missiles for offensive strikes into Russia. I can't help but think that it was a deep state move to make things harder for peace talks come January.
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3191 on: November 17, 2024, 04:44:39 PM »
"I can't help but think that it was a deep state move to make things harder for peace talks come January."

And was it the nefarious ultra anti-Trump super duper deep state that accepted North Korean weapons AND combat troops  to fight for Russia?

Think THAT might have made peace talks harder come January?
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3192 on: November 18, 2024, 09:19:00 AM »
And was it the nefarious ultra anti-Trump super duper deep state that accepted North Korean weapons AND combat troops  to fight for Russia?

Sorry, but what obstacles or prohibitions could there be for Russia to accept North Korean (or any other) weapons OR combat troops onto its sovereign Russian territory?
I sinfully thought - this is a personal matter between these two countries?))


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3193 on: November 18, 2024, 09:24:48 AM »
Sorry, but what obstacles or prohibitions could there be for Russia to accept North Korean (or any other) weapons OR combat troops onto its sovereign Russian territory?
I sinfully thought - this is a personal matter between these two countries?))

There's not that I'm aware of and it has more to do with what does it signal? Are the Russians running out of men and weapons? Come on now, N. Korea?? Be like the US accepting troops  and weapons from Haiti into it's army which would be taken as a sign things aren't going well. Plus when you need aid from N.Korea it's a sign your allies are very few and highly questionable
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3194 on: November 18, 2024, 09:42:43 AM »
There's not that I'm aware of and it has more to do with what does it signal? Are the Russians running out of men and weapons? Come on now, N. Korea?? Be like the US accepting troops  and weapons from Haiti into it's army which would be taken as a sign things aren't going well. Plus when you need aid from N.Korea it's a sign your allies are very few and highly questionable

Tell me you've never done a mission with our NATO partners without telling me you've never done a mission with our NATO partners.

It's pretty common actually for countries with military alliances to bring in their allies if they have ops running to give those allies a chance for real world missions, and to test TTPs and joint interoperability.  Our working with the Georgians in 2008 didn't signal we were running out of men and weapons.  For that matter neither di Ukraine's participation in MNF-I.

The real question is what are the Norks planning to do with all this suddenly acquired real world military experience.


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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3195 on: November 18, 2024, 09:50:38 AM »
Our working with the Georgians in 2008 didn't signal we were running out of men and weapons.  For that matter neither di Ukraine's participation in MNF-I.

We weren't sticking them into the front lines of a stalemated attritional war on our border.
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3196 on: November 18, 2024, 10:14:23 AM »
We weren't sticking them into the front lines of a stalemated attritional war on our border.

Well not on our border anyway.  Iraq circa 2008-9 was pretty stalemated.

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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3197 on: November 18, 2024, 10:41:16 AM »
Sorry, but what obstacles or prohibitions could there be for Russia to accept North Korean (or any other) weapons OR combat troops onto its sovereign Russian territory?
I sinfully thought - this is a personal matter between these two countries?))

It's sarcasm.

It seems as if every action, no matter how large or small, that is take in Washington right is met with cries of HOLY *expletive deleted*ck IT'S THE DEEP STATE MOVING TO SCREW OVER DA DONALD!!!! PERFIDY! TREASON!

So it's not at all a stretch to think that the Deep State Doom Criers would immediately think "HOLY *expletive deleted*it THE DEEP STATE JUST COLLUDED WITH THE NORKS AND RUSKIES TO FORCE TRUMP INTO WORLD WAR III JUST TO MAKE THE REPUBLICANS LOOK BAD!!!!!!!!

I went to the store on Saturday and they were out of a product that I wanted...


Just *expletive deleted*ing breath, people. Not everything is deep state.
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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3198 on: November 18, 2024, 10:42:45 AM »
"The real question is what are the Norks planning to do with all this suddenly acquired real world military experience."

MAGA unto others as you would have them MAGA unto you!

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Re: War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....
« Reply #3199 on: November 18, 2024, 10:46:49 AM »

Just *expletive deleted*ing breath, people.

Looks like you might want to take that advice yourself.  =)
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