Author Topic: The Real Ahmadinejad  (Read 1020 times)


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The Real Ahmadinejad
« on: April 06, 2007, 07:47:56 AM »
The Real Ahmadinejad
by Alireza Jafarzadeh

Posted: 04/06/2007
Yesterday Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad greeted the 15 British sailors and marines kidnapped by Islamic Revolutionary Guards with a smile and gifts before their release from two weeks of captivity. This made-for-television event quickly made the rounds of the cable news channels, broadcasting Ahmadinejads smiling face to the world. As he becomes a more recognizable figure to even casual news watchers, what is often glossed over is how little most in the West really know about him. Who is the real Ahmadinejad?

The answers to these questions actually lie within Ahmadinejads history, something about which he and the Iran government have been less than forthcoming. According to sources inside Iran, before becoming president, Ahmadinejad served the Iranian regime in several capacities. First, as a militant student leader chosen by Ayatollah Khomeini shortly after the revolution, he was a co-founder of Khomeinis Office for Consolidating Unity (OCU), an organization that stormed universities and jailed students and professors. He next worked as a professional interrogator, responsible for questioning and torturing political prisoners, including U.S. hostages. A member of Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from its inception, Ahmadinejad fought on Irans northwestern border during the Iran-Iraq War. At that time, he participated in a special operations mission in Kirkuk, deep inside Iraq. It is now widely acknowledged that Iran is heavily involved in sending roadside bombs, explosives, and arms into Iraq to kill American forces, all with the full backing of Ahmadinejad and the supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. Ahmadinejad knows exactly what they are capable of in Iraq because he conducted missions there himself. He has also served as a senior commander of an elite section of the IRGC, which later became the Qods Force. In this role he conducted secret operations to assassinate the regimes enemies in Europe and the Middle East.

The everyman perception of Ahmadinejad as a big-city mayor who came from behind to win the presidency is based on a fiction put forward by the regime. In reality, Ahmadinejad was carefully selected for his post based on his military expertise, devotion to the regimes fundamentalist brand of Islam, and strong ties to the supreme leader.

Years in the OCU and IRGC steeped Ahmadinejad in Khomeinis monolithic Islam, laying the groundwork for the ideology that underlies his actions today. To be clear, Ahmadinejads virulent anti-Western and anti-Israeli rhetoric is the true voice of the Iranian regime. He speaks for the hard-line power elite that has always controlled Iran. The "moderate" voices of past presidents Khatami and Rafsanjani served only to hide Khameneis growing animosity toward the West. Khatami and Rafsanjani, despite the perception of being moderates, did not achieve any sort of rapprochement with the West, nor helped modernize the Iranian economy. Nonetheless, policymakers continue to hold out hope that this moderate influence is truly working on the regime. It is a fallacy, and a very dangerous one.

Ahmadinejads current mission in his lifelong commitment to the Iranian regime is to smooth the path for the development of a nuclear weapon, and he is succeeding brilliantly. While Tehran escalates its race for a nuclear weapon, Ahmadinejad buys more time by drawing attention away from Iran's nuclear weapons program. The IAEAs reports reveal concrete examples of Irans stalling tactics, lack of cooperation, and outright lies about its nuclear facilities and programs. The louder Ahmadinejad rants about nuclear power, the closer the regime comes to achieving its real nuclear goals.

So, what does Ahmadinejads history and his actions tell us about who he really is? In short, he is a zealot, a man who absorbed Khomeinis all or nothing brand of Islam -- an ideology that brooks no dissent and requires its exportation through any means necessary around the globe -- as a student, lived its philosophy whole-heartedly over the course of the past three decades, and now works to give its followers the ultimate weapon.

So when Ahmadinejad smiled at the British sailors, his performance for the cameras should not draw the attention of the international community from what its true goal must be: stopping Irans drive toward creating a nuclear weapons arsenal, as well as preventing Iranian rulers from turning Iraq into a sister Islamic Republic. While strong resolutions in the Security Council are steps in the right direction, they must be coupled with real efforts in the United States and Europe to support the indigenous Iranian opposition, which is already engaged in efforts to replace the regime with a democratic and secular government.

Experts and policy-makers, including a large bi-partisan group in Congress, increasingly agree that the best way to counter Irans threat is to remove this opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran -- designated in 1999 as a terrorist group by the State Department as a goodwill gesture to the Iranian clerics -- from the terrorist list to expedite change in Iran, before the ayatollahs win the race to get their first nuclear bomb.

Sanctions alone will not stop Ahmadinejad and the regime from acquiring nuclear weapons; only unleashing the discontent of Iranian citizens and its organized opposition against the regime itself can do that. Until the world realizes this, it is not a question of if Ahmadinejad will succeed in his mission but when.

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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 08:32:37 AM »
I've never seen him on TV but my impression is he comes from a distinguished history of charming thugs.  This plays well with the Euros, who like articulate people.
Why anyone would think he is anything but a menace is beyond me.
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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 08:45:55 AM »
He's insane, but not stupid.

Those dealing with him would do well to remember that.

Matthew Carberry

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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 09:31:59 AM »
Is he insane? 

Or is he just motivated by a worldview we disagree with and find unacceptable?

Look at street crime.  I don't think it's insane that folks are willing to kill and rob to achieve their goals, I just can't wrap my head around anyone remotely intelligent and self-aware finding that an acceptable thing to do and, so disagreeing, I'm willing to resist it.

If we call him insane, we sorta back door into an attitude that he can't be predicted or anticipated when really all we have to do is (for predictive purposes) twist our world view to parallel his and we can see where he's trying to go.  that's an edge, that we might actually be able to comprehend this guy's short and long term goals.
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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2007, 09:59:55 AM »
"Know thy enemy as you know thyself."


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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 05:01:08 PM »
He seems to have the pulse of the successful, lazy democracies that will probably not act. The press will make excuses for him since it is self-destructive. He knows that he can give a nuke to terrorists to follow out his orders and the liberals will argue that we really don't know who did it. One side playing with restrictive rules. The other side playing with no rules. The rest of the world thinking this is a zero sum game where our success is limiting their success, and voting in the UN to hurt us. They do not realize they are cutting off the branch from the side that is away from the trunk of the tree. The other UN countries apparently want to be equal with us all being at the least common denominator.
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Re: The Real Ahmadinejad
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 06:38:29 PM »
If Iran's nuclear program is not stopped, Israel WILL stop it--and that will be the start of WWIII.
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