Author Topic: Wow. Weird night.  (Read 3236 times)


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Wow. Weird night.
« on: May 19, 2005, 09:38:05 PM »
Well, I was enjoying one of the freedoms that the terrorists hate us for... you know, fighting terror by staying brave and all... at an exotic dance facility. It was only my second time, the first being an enjoyable enough experience to warrant returning. Unfortunately this night wasn't going as well.

The first, um, personal exotic dance rehersal that I received was good. Not great, but not good. The second sucked, because the rehersee seemed tired. Probably the end of her shift. We had a conversation about Nine Inch Nails brought on by my shirt, though.

The final performance promised to be good. She was a short, my-age-looking (that is to say, young) girl with a pleasant face. Seemed familiar somehow. I flagged her over, and she told me she told me that she would be back as soon as she was done on the stage. Sure enough, after two electronic music boogy-woogies, she came back and escorted me to a more comfortable seat.

Once seated, she looked at me for a moment. "You look familiar." I echoed the thought in my head.

"Ummm, I was here a couple nights ago."

"No... where do you live?"

I told her.

"No... did you used to go to church?"

Needless to say, we both had a chuckle. I had indeed gone to the same church she did. Her grandmother was a nice lady who gave me stale candy and constantly tried to set me up with her cute little granddaughter. I was almost as clueless about girls then as I am now, and being set up by one's grandmother is never really ideal, so nothing ever materialized. She did her dance, and it was good.

"That wasn't too weird, now was it?"

No, it wasn't. A little, definitely, but not too weird. I thanked her, smiled, and assured her we were both going to hell. She agreed.
Disenchanted with the Libertarian party and seeking practical ways to promote personal liberty.


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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 10:21:43 PM »
Once seated, she looked at me for a moment. "You look familiar." I echoed the thought in my head.
.  Yea, weired, is it not?  I never was a frequent guest of such venues, but a good friend was back in the late 80s/early 90s.  The hangout he liked to drag me to now and again had as a feature dancer a lass we went to school with, and partied with on the weekends.  In the intervening years she'd had the obligate "enhancements" installed, the better to earn $$$ to support herself and her son.  It was always a little strange to watch her perform, this then young woman who I'd known from High School.  It would get even stranger when she'd come sit with us and chat, since that would usually garner my friend and I some ugly looks from the patrons who had not grown up with the woman, but still had dropped some cash tips on her.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 11:57:04 PM »
Weird indeed. I can't handle things like lap dancing, strippers or even the overly friendly young ladies in lycra at some of the motorcycle events I attend.  How do you guys keep a straight face when you're there? I get embarrassed, uncomfortable and go bright red. I would love to say that this is entirely down to a moral objection to prostitution without the sex but if that was the case I would own no porn.  Yet meeting one of the young ladies in the car park where she has blocked me in with her landcruiser presents no problems, in fact it's a pleasure.  I'm not even catholic so god knows why, freudian fear of a sexually aggressive woman? Smiley

Bills first day of therapy: "doc you've got to help me, can I get strippers on the NHS or do I have to join BUPA?"

What do you guys get out of it? I'm not condemning the pleasure to be had from watching bendy ladies, far from it, I just can't do it.  I would find it easier to question the sexuality of the bouncer and his preference for the bull or bitch role.
Just so happens Satan's behind the bar pulling the late shift for a buddy...


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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 04:05:54 AM »
Weird huh?

When in college, a guy I worked with had his grandmother ask him to go to one of these establishments.  If you are still reading, her reason for wanting him to go was to see if his cousin was working there.  I haven't ever been to one of these places and at the time neither had this guy.  Fastforward though, yes he found that his cousin was working there.  I don't know if he ever reported it back to his grandmother or not though.

There are some things in this world that are best left undiscovered.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations - APS homepage 3/4/05 - 5/20/05

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« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 06:13:38 AM »
If you want an awesome "Gentleman's" club experience and you are ever in the S. Florida area, might I suggest Scarlett's.  Just an FYI for you boys (and girls) that like this sort of thing.  Top notch all the way.



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« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 06:24:20 AM »
My best friend starting from elementary school is a stripper. Even though I know exactly which one she works at, I'd be terrified every time I stepped foot in one. I can't even imagine how many synapses in my brain would have to shut down for me to be able to stand that sight. Thankfully for both of us though, I've no desire to go to a strip club. Smiley
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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2005, 06:46:41 AM »
What do you guys get out of it?
I really don't get anything out of the experience (which is why I'm such an infrequent patron) aside from occasional exposure to new music.  I first heard Lords of Acid "I sit on acid" off of the album Lust at one club years ago and was instantly hooked.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2005, 06:52:51 AM »
Ya think that's weird?

I was down at Ft Stewart mob'ing for a deployment.   One evening, a bunch of the guys wanted to go to such a 'exotic dance facility'.  In the spirit of teamworking, I went also.  Strip clubs aren't usually my thing, but my buddies assured me they had good pool tables also.

Most of the night, I played pool, chatted with the ladies, and had a few drinks.   Usually I handed over dollars to be left alone.  "Hello there, yes you are very attractive.  So attractive, I'm having trouble concentrating on this shot.  Here's a buck, could you please stay out of my line of sight for this shot so I don't look like more of an idiot than I really am?  Thanks, appreciated."

At the end of the evening, I go back to the table where my coworkers are all gawking at the ladies.   I'm kinda tired at this point.   I'm chatting with one of my Sergeants on my left when I detect movement on my right.  It's some attractive young lady.  I give her a buck to leave me alone, and my Sergeant invited her to have a seat.

Sergeant : "So...  Where ya from?"
Lady : "Pennsylvania"

We're in Georgia, but we're all originally from PA.

Sergeant : "Oh?  Where in PA?"

Lady : "xyz, PA"  (Insert real name of city all the NCO's are from. )

All the NCO's are cringing.

Sergeant : "Uh....   Did you go to xyz High School?"

Lady : "Yea!   I graduated two years ago"

Sergeant : "Did you know a girl named abc?"

Lady : "How'd you know!  That was one of my best friends in HS!"

Sergeant : "abc is my daughter...."

I was hysterically laughing, all the NCO's and the Lady are just kinda staring at each other.

Now, THAT is a weird night.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2005, 06:21:05 PM »
Haha, Rev!  I guess when the entertainment becomes a bit too "Electra", the fun's over.

I've been to them, but not in years.  I find them really depressing.  The last time was in Las Vegas-I figured it was obligatory to go to an all-nude Vegas strip club.  Got a lap dance, etc.  It was surreal, really.  I'm thinking, "OK, I've done it, I can go home now".  Very anticlimactic in EVERY sense of the word.

Plus, from a tactical sense, they're not the kind of places you really want to expose yourself to-between the "girls", who are the hardest, coldest human beings I've ever met, the patrons, who have deluded themselves into thing they're going to go home with one of them if they toss enough cash her way, and don't take kindly to your attentions to her (or her's, back), and the owner's who are often "connected" and almost always armed-trouble WILL happen.
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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2005, 07:12:41 PM »
*shrug* I just view it as professionals providing a service. Like a waitress who is nice to you even though you've been a pain in the butt to her. Girls didn't really seem cold, either. Maybe it helps that I'm around there age or younger. I guess I just take it for what it is.
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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2005, 07:20:28 PM »
Only been to one, for a few minuets before finding out with their security that 18 was NOT legal age in Kentucky to view their show (stupid law, that there), but never quite got the place.  All show and no goodies does not sit well with me.
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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2005, 07:56:00 PM »
When I met my husband, he was running security for Richmond's premier "gentlemen's club," the Paper Moon.  It helped get that whole trust thing out of the way quickly, that's for sure.....


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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2005, 04:40:16 AM »
A good friend of mine put herself through Vanderbilt University dancing at a (now defunct) Gentleman's Club in Nashville.  When she graduated (with a degree in anthropology) she went out and got a Real Job.  At the end of two weeks she received her first check and said "Good God!  I could make this on a good NIGHT!"  She quit and went back to dancing long enough to finish paying for her house and then gave it up.

I don't go to those places anymore, but at one time I did.  I always made it a point to stay out of the place I knew she worked.  "I play Trivial Pursuit with you and our other friends Elizabeth.  Watching you shake it on stage would be a little ... weird."

In an unrelated story she is responsible for one of the best laughs I've ever had.  Several of us were playing a board game (EuroRails, if memory serves) when another female friend decided to play footsie with her husband.  Her husband happened to be sitting next to Elizabeth.  Other friend got the wrong leg.   Elizabeth gets this surprised look on her face for a moment then she realizes what's happened, looks across the table, smiles and says "You like him a lot don't you?"  

Our other friend suddenly realizes what has happened and blushes very VERY red.  Her husband is sitting there with this confused look on his face.  A classic moment.
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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2005, 10:13:30 AM »
Quote from: BryanP
A good friend of mine put herself through Vanderbilt University dancing at a (now defunct) Gentleman's Club in Nashville.  When she graduated (with a degree in anthropology) she went out and got a Real Job.  At the end of two weeks she received her first check and said "Good God!  I could make this on a good NIGHT!"  She quit and went back to dancing long enough to finish paying for her house and then gave it up.
Same thing happened to a friend of mine.  She's a dominatrix, and has a STARTING rate of $500 per hour.   She doesn't physically touch any of the clients, nor do any of the clients touch her.   She wears clothing that is more modest than what you'd see on most women at the mall.

Hmm.  Work a boring office job (she has a nice degree), or make half a grand an hour beating the tar out of someone?  

Nice caring person too.   She makes great cookies, tho her pasta dishes need improvement.  I pity any mugger that tries to steal her purse.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Wow. Weird night.
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2005, 06:08:39 PM »
I hate strip clubs.

At the end of the night you're just as sexually frustrated as when you walked in the door, and your wallet is $100 lighter.

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