Author Topic: Google and civil rights - EU edition  (Read 436 times)


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Google and civil rights - EU edition
« on: December 08, 2022, 08:25:47 PM »
Apparently in Europe people have a right to be forgotten:

And the EU court has ruled that when Google is informed that their search engine is linking a person's name to inaccurate or false information, if the person requests that the links be taken down Google MUST take them down.

How about now posting false links in the first place?
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100% Politically Incorrect by Design


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Re: Google and civil rights - EU edition
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2022, 12:19:42 PM »
"The European Court of Justice ruled that search engines must 'dereference information' if the person making the request can demonstrate that the material is 'manifestly inaccurate. '”

"To avoid making it too hard to get false results removed, the ruling said a court decision isn’t needed and that people can 'provide only evidence that can reasonably be required. '”

Pardon my paranoia, but relative terms like that in legal stuff make my sphincters shrink.

If applied here, some LW numbnuts can claim that  it is manifestly inaccurate that the second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to have guns.

Think that's outlandish?  Have you seen what's been going on with right-sniping in politics for, oh, say, the last nine years?

Terry, 230RN
« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 09:23:49 PM by 230RN »