Some applications are much better suited to EVs than others. The ideal use would seem to be local delivery vehicles that don't have go a very far distance, do a lot of stop and go, and have owners who would benefit greatly from saving money. So if EVs really save money, are lower maintenance, etc. why aren't all local delivery vehicles already electric? Why do companies keep buying gas-burning vehicles that rack up fuel bills, have all those terrifying engines and transmissions with the dreaded "thousands of moving parts', need oil changes, etc, when they could supposedly reap a big competitive advantage by switching to EVs? Why haven't EVs completely taken over these applications where the deck is stacked in favor of EVs? And if they are still inferior to IC vehicles at these specialized roles, then how much more inferior must they be for more typical use cases? Why are we trying to get joe average to switch to an electric pickup when there are already applications where EVs would be much more suited, and EVs still haven't gained any market share basically anywhere?