Author Topic: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?  (Read 2180 times)


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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2023, 09:59:34 AM »
I'm not talking optimism, or about funding media.

I'm saying despair is what we're being programmed for. Don't go along with it. That doesn't make you an optimist. It just means, if we're being part of the problem by letting the sickos take over, while we check out; we should own up to it, and at least admit we're wrong. And quit bragging about how black-pilled we are, and quit promoting that viewpoint to others. Let's quit discouraging other people, who could make a difference.

That's what the Right has been doing for a long time, and it's just what the sickos want us to do. Do something else.

It's good to take responsibility for what's directly under your control, but that's small stuff. If we don't take responsibility for our whole country (talking to myself here), we're just going along with the anti-American program.

I vote my vote, and vote with my dollars, but I guess that's not what we're talking about.  Otherwise I actively limit the negativity that comes into my island.  Call it checking out if you will, but I'm not subjecting myself to latest depraved cultural thing - why - for what?

You think this approach is wrong.  In your opinion, what should I be doing, and how would it have an impact on anything other than my own wellbeing?


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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2023, 07:18:47 AM »
If enough people do their own version of checking out of the system and then network among likeminded folks, parallel systems will develop ( if the current system doesn't crush them).

If you feel called to work within the current system for change, may God go with you.

The constitution has been mostly bypassed through legislation and court rulings, so the republic is functionally gone. Representation through democratic elections has morphed into the gov/media complex manufacturing consent. When that fails, the permanent bureaucracy just ignores the will of the people or outright fakes election outcomes.

Sometimes, the hard cold reality is a black pill.

I just view the govm't/media beast system as something akin to the weather. I have no control over it. My responsibility is to organize my life in such a way that me and those I have responsibility for can weather the storms. You don't buy in or take ownership of the weather, it just is.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2023, 11:06:20 AM »
I vote my vote, and vote with my dollars, but I guess that's not what we're talking about.  Otherwise I actively limit the negativity that comes into my island.  Call it checking out if you will, but I'm not subjecting myself to latest depraved cultural thing - why - for what?

You think this approach is wrong.  In your opinion, what should I be doing, and how would it have an impact on anything other than my own wellbeing?

I don't think I said you should start watching the Grammy's, or take in any other negative stuff that wears you down. All I've really prescribed, I think, is that we quit telling each other that we can't win, and that things will never get better.

Other than that, yes, we should do what we can. What exactly is that for each one of us? I really wish I knew. I know my own attempts at political activism have not exactly been stellar successes. Everyone's different, and not everyone is cut out to be James O'Keefe, or Chris Rufo, or even to run for their local school board.

All I'm really getting at is that the despair doesn't help, and buying into victim culture won't be good for anybody.
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Perd Hapley

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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2023, 12:50:29 PM »
If enough people do their own version of checking out of the system and then network among likeminded folks, parallel systems will develop ( if the current system doesn't crush them).

If you feel called to work within the current system for change, may God go with you. 

On the contrary, I think parallel systems and institutions (schools, co-ops, whatever) are going to be a big part of rebuilding. But as you say, “if the current system doesn't crush them.” The black pill of hard, cold reality is that we are dealing with people that wanted to force nuns to pay for birth control. We can’t just hope they leave us alone. These sickos probably have plans to groom Amish kids, and force their parents to buy phones, just so they can give the kids likes on their trans rights TikTok videos.

I just view the govm't/media beast system as something akin to the weather. I have no control over it. My responsibility is to organize my life in such a way that me and those I have responsibility for can weather the storms. You don't buy in or take ownership of the weather, it just is.

It’s OK to admit that we don’t know how to effect change in our government, or that we feel inadequate, or even powerless. What’s sad is when we try to dodge accountability by claiming it’s some unstoppable force beyond our control.

People haven taken on worse odds than we face, with less, and still managed to change things. It can happen.
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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2023, 05:24:46 PM »
On the contrary, I think parallel systems and institutions (schools, co-ops, whatever) are going to be a big part of rebuilding. But as you say, “if the current system doesn't crush them.” The black pill of hard, cold reality is that we are dealing with people that wanted to force nuns to pay for birth control. We can’t just hope they leave us alone. These sickos probably have plans to groom Amish kids, and force their parents to buy phones, just so they can give the kids likes on their trans rights TikTok videos.

It’s OK to admit that we don’t know how to effect change in our government, or that we feel inadequate, or even powerless. What’s sad is when we try to dodge accountability by claiming it’s some unstoppable force beyond our control.

People haven taken on worse odds than we face, with less, and still managed to change things. It can happen.

Taking them on directly using their system is letting them choose the field of battle. You start off in a fragile position. I don't begrudge those who are still motivated to try, I understand. Maybe this a situation of both, some take on the system in the system and others separate or build alternatives. But the game is rigged IMO and any successes in the system are baked into the cake just to keep the suckers in the game.

Working to minimize the systems direct control over you by debt elimination, self sufficiency, networking among others of like mind to provide for each other in various ways etc... at the minimum makes you more resilient. Anything we can do to separate ourselves from TPTB, creating alternative options to the system is
 a better option than trying to institute reform. Anything we can do individually to eliminate leverage points the system can use on us is taking on the system and weakening its hold.       
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2023, 05:53:55 PM »
People haven taken on worse odds than we face, with less, and still managed to change things. It can happen.

As I said above, it won't be any of us who change it. It will be the incoming generation. It won't be in the form you expect. But that doesn't mean it will surely be unambiguously worse.
Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.


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Re: In which direction are we headed? At what rate?
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2023, 06:51:38 PM »

As I said above, it won't be any of us who change it. It will be the incoming generation. It won't be in the form you expect.