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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #600 on: March 26, 2024, 10:42:17 AM »
I know she's not technically running for anything this year, but Tulsi Gabbard went on Trump Jr's show (podcast?) to discuss her change of view on the 2A.  Interestingly she flat says that RKBA was for use against a tyrannical government in between the usual "protect yourself" platitudes.

I feel like she's definitely positioning for a run for something, if not in 2024 then down the road.

Needs a dot on that 2011 though:

I watched parts of that interview, as well as a longer video on her channel from a year ago where she detailed her changed views. My takeaway was that she used to be in the "pro-2nd, but common sense" group until she started seeing how her fellow dems would use catch phrases like that for many things as a way to slowly erode rights.

She seems to be tying in her current views of the 2nd first and foremost being a vital tool to defend from tyrannical government as part of the rest of her departure from the dems regarding what she says is their path to banana republic land. Whether sincere or not (as of now I believe she's sincere), being red-pilled into being a staunch gun rights supporter would certainly coincide with the other "tyrannical government" stuff she talks about of late. I saw that she has been doing tactical rifle and other training.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #601 on: March 26, 2024, 11:13:16 AM »
I watched parts of that interview, as well as a longer video on her channel from a year ago where she detailed her changed views. My takeaway was that she used to be in the "pro-2nd, but common sense" group until she started seeing how her fellow dems would use catch phrases like that for many things as a way to slowly erode rights.

She seems to be tying in her current views of the 2nd first and foremost being a vital tool to defend from tyrannical government as part of the rest of her departure from the dems regarding what she says is their path to banana republic land. Whether sincere or not (as of now I believe she's sincere), being red-pilled into being a staunch gun rights supporter would certainly coincide with the other "tyrannical government" stuff she talks about of late. I saw that she has been doing tactical rifle and other training.
I don't think I was always hard line for gun rights.  In a similar way, I started to recognize that any exception that allows govt to limit the right is used as a wedge to put in more limits.  Banning guns becomes the solution to everything even sometimes when guns were not involved.  And I realized that whatever fear there was of a world with unlimited gun rights, there is more to fear in a world with no gun rights. 

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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #602 on: March 28, 2024, 11:02:59 AM »
My tinfoil is firmly in place as I type:

I think there is a good chance that the Trump team is setting things up for a Trump/Tulsi announcement. She has in the span of a week been on Trump Jr's show, an hour long interview on Tucker's show (she's actually on there a bit), and several other interviews I've caught, or at least seen in my youtube feed but haven't watched more than snippets of yet. But she has in all of them been giving answers that a lot of R, and even libertarian voters, generally want to hear about everything from gun rights to stopping establishment elites on both sides of the aisle, to keeping our noses out of foreign conflict. She also, when asked if she would take a VP role, has given the, "I would serve in any role that helps my country" answer, which is pretty much a "yes". She has also really focused on her military background, and most all the former snake eater guys with podcasts sure do seem to like and respect her, which will obviously transfer to much of their audience.

In the last couple of days, I've seen a bunch of guntube channels in my feed talking about these interviews. Some enthusiastically, some with a good deal of skepticism. I don't trust any politicians, but my current stance is that Reagan and Trump were democrats at one point, so I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt that she has embraced many of the things that are important to me. I would not be against her in the VP role. She would certainly be better than someone like Pence, and it would lead to an interesting 2028, where she would be in a catbird seat position for a presidential run to keep a "not establishment" vibe going.

Regardless, what I've been seeing in the last couple of weeks sure does seem like there might be a Trump PR machine behind the scenes to get positive PR out there on her positions and how she would be just as anti-establishment as Trump. Plus for the younger voters that don't like Trump, she might be seen as the path to someone they want in 2028.

Anyway, the recent "Tulsi blitz" has me curious. Also, I have a really crappy history about being right about political stuff, so there's a good chance that I'm wrong here.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #603 on: March 28, 2024, 11:06:34 AM »
Trump also has a history of like a magician distracting you with one hand while he pulls a ping pong ball out of his pocket with the other. So we'll see.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #604 on: March 28, 2024, 11:09:24 AM »
Trump also has a history of like a magician distracting you with one hand while he pulls a ping pong ball out of his pocket with the other.

True, but I will still bet that if not a VP role, she will end up in his cabinet or as a senior advisor. Though the latter roles I wouldn't wish on anybody, given how so many of his previous senior staff went form "the brightest person in the world" to "imbecile" status. The VP role is a bit protected from that.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #605 on: March 28, 2024, 02:29:24 PM »
What Republican could he choose who would gain him support?  Most are either already popular with Trump supporters or they would be suspected never-Trumpers or might erode support.  Someone like Tulsi has a chance of giving him access to a different set of voters.  She is also most likely anti-Biden and anti-DNC leadership.

Regardless, she is still a better choice than Biden/Harris. 
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #606 on: March 28, 2024, 06:02:32 PM »
Holy hell - the Biden team is trying to gaslight people into believing that Trump is the guy in the basement, afraid to engage. I would say that people can't be this stupid, but...
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #607 on: March 28, 2024, 06:02:39 PM »
What Republican could he choose who would gain him support?  Most are either already popular with Trump supporters or they would be suspected never-Trumpers or might erode support.  Someone like Tulsi has a chance of giving him access to a different set of voters.  She is also most likely anti-Biden and anti-DNC leadership.

Regardless, she is still a better choice than Biden/Harris.

You like her that much?   =D

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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #608 on: March 31, 2024, 07:37:17 AM »
Some gaslighting from He Who Sleeps With Chinese Spies

    This election is NOT about a Democrat vs a Republican. It's about ALL Americans vs Extremism.

    Re-electing @JoeBiden means:

    Community, not chaos
    Votes, not violence
    Laws, not lies
    Books, not bans
    Truth, not tantrums
    — Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) March 30, 2024

"Americans vs Extremism"
Guess which side of that he thinks he's on

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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #609 on: April 01, 2024, 02:03:33 AM »
Now the Left pretend to be offended that Trump did an ad for an edition of the Bible that Lee Greenwood is selling.

They're "offended" that the ads are running on Holy Week. Because none are more zealous to protect the sanctity of Christian festivals than those pious fundies in Left-wing media, right?

They're "offended" that this Bible includes the text of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Which seems really silly, given there are Bibles now for every niche market (soldiers, teens, women, recovering addicts, etc). Yet they claim it's controversial to sell a version of the Bible that includes the founding documents of the US. Sure, Jan. Besides, shouldn't they want MAGA country to start reading the Constitution? Wouldn't that be good for Our Democracy?

They're offended that Trump is making money from the ads, which is awfully rich, coming from the same people that are so pleased with the Biden campaign's fundraising.

Then, most comically from my viewpoint, they complain about the price, roughly $60. Well, here:

KJV Large Print Compact Bible, Burgundy Cross LeatherTouch

That was the closest match I found on Amazon, and as you can see, Amazon charges about the same price. (Greenwood's website doesn't specify the binding or cover, so I'm guessing it's not an edge-lined, Corinthian leather cover, handmade by Ricardo Montalbán.) Granted, the cross-references in the Amazon Bible might cost more than just adding on the patriotic documents. On the other hand, we all know the celebrity endorsement is the main selling point for this Bible. My favorite is the guy on CNN, who decided to throw the entire dead-tree publishing industry under the bus, by pointing out that you can read the Bible online for free. I love an argument that cuts off the face, to spite the nose.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #610 on: April 06, 2024, 09:39:11 AM »
I will be interested to watch the talking heads report on Trump's upcoming fundraiser. With the Biden/Obama/Clinton fundraiser, they gushed over all the celebrities and how Biden "blew Trump away" on $$$ raised, and that Trump could never pull something like that off. Trump's fundraiser is expected to significantly surpass Biden's. I expect the takeaways by the MSM to be "billionaires and fraud".  :rofl:

FTR, I'm not crazy about richy riches contributing seven figures to any candidate's political funds. It's hard not expect undue influence because of the contribution. Still, it will be fun to watch the heads explode when Trump's fundraiser is tallied up.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #611 on: April 06, 2024, 01:32:25 PM »
"White people are scare of brown people and if Trump wins he's going declare himself king of the world to put us in camps"

ABC sitcom star warns of White backlash against minorities following 2024 election: ‘Have us in camps’
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #612 on: April 06, 2024, 01:38:20 PM »
And if you thought that was insane you ain't see anything yet
The below is NOT the Babylon Bee

Make It Stop: Pennsylvania Biden Voters Attempt to CRINGE People Into Voting Trump (WATCH)
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #613 on: April 07, 2024, 08:22:40 AM »
Trump took in over $50 million in his fundraiser, surpassing the "record" that the MSM gushed about from Biden's fundraiser. CNN actually covered it, though they compared it to Bidens' March total, which was more. Hilariously (and expectedly) , MSNBC just had stuff about Trump using murders to his advantage with uneducated, angry white male voters.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #614 on: April 07, 2024, 08:26:48 AM »
Trump took in over $50 million in his fundraiser, surpassing the "record" that the MSM gushed about from Biden's fundraiser. CNN actually covered it, though they compared it to Bidens' March total, which was more. Hilariously (and expectedly) , MSNBC just had stuff about Trump using murders to his advantage with uneducated, angry white male voters.

And they're having a melt down over it.

ARGLE BARGLE REEE! Trump Raised $50.5 million for His Campaign in Just 1 Night and Lefties Cannot DEEEAL

But that's okay, Hunter will sell a couple of paintings to some mystery Chinese buyer.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #615 on: April 10, 2024, 11:14:45 AM »
Biden pulling out the big guns

President Biden and Vice President Harris’ re-election campaign has announced a new push to win over a group of voters that it claims is "a force to be reckoned with." The initiative comes just seven months ahead of the president’s rematch with presumptive Republican nominee, former President Trump.

As Biden seeks to win another term in the White House despite facing historic low approval ratings, Team Biden-Harris announced the launch of "Out for Biden-Harris." The campaign describes the program as a national effort to mobilize LGBTQ+ voters and community members across the country.

Biden, Harris announce new campaign push for LGBTQ support, call members 'a force to be reckoned with'
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #616 on: April 10, 2024, 01:25:40 PM »
Biden pulling out the big guns

Biden, Harris announce new campaign push for LGBTQ support, call members 'a force to be reckoned with'

Oh. I thought everything they'd done the last four years was a "campaign push for LGBTQ support." I'm a little nervous about what it will look like, if they increase their pervert-pandering. Sleepy Joe in the full "drag queen" get-up? Kamala becoming Karl?

I support them, though. Anything they can do to alienate parents with kids and grandkids in school, while at the same time they keep ignoring and demonizing white men...
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #617 on: April 16, 2024, 06:10:15 PM »
After the judge said Trump had to be in court every single day thus not allowing him to do any campaigning the Babylon Bee had the exact same thought I did

Judge Warns Trump Criminal Trial May Last Until, Say, November 6
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #618 on: April 21, 2024, 12:33:33 PM »
Lefties SQUEEING Over Michelle Obama Shopping at Target Without Being Recognized is SO Telling (Watch)

Trump should shop at Target next to trigger a boyott of Target
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #619 on: April 23, 2024, 08:25:50 AM »
Mark Hamill says that Biden is the best President that the US has ever had.

Best comment:

I haven’t seen acting this bad, since Corvette Summer.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #620 on: April 23, 2024, 08:38:31 AM »
Mark Hamill says that Biden is the best President that the US has ever had.

Best comment:

Like I keep saying there's something in the water out there
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #621 on: April 23, 2024, 09:16:12 AM »
And like a bad smell she keeps coming back

    Hillary has been popping up an awful lot lately. Look for her to be a possible “swap” candidate…
    — Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) April 21, 2024
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #622 on: April 23, 2024, 09:33:00 AM »
And like a bad smell she keeps coming back
Perhaps.  Dem's are stupid, after all.  But I don't think swapping in a 76 year old woman that had obvious health issues while campaigning 8 years ago is the power move some are thinking.

If the D's want to be *really* evil, they will swap in some 40YO far leftist female Justin Trudeau.  Someone that normally wouldn't get enough votes but can capitalize on 20 million or so "stop Trump!!" votes.

AOC scares me, or someone like Katie Hobbs. I think the only thing saving us from that move is the Establishment thinking they couldn't contol someone like that enough.


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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #623 on: April 23, 2024, 09:38:39 AM »
Perhaps.  Dem's are stupid, after all.

They are next level stupid, but not that stupid, IMO. I love Carol Roth, but I think she's off here. Hillary Clinton popping up is pure Hillary Clinton, who is still walking in the woods wondering what happened.
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Re: The 2024 Circus
« Reply #624 on: April 23, 2024, 09:41:47 AM »
Do the Dems have any younger, smart candidates?  Tulsi is the only one I can think of and she has been pushed out.  Most all the other choices I have seen are sort of brainless and probably wouldn't hold up unless running against someone spineless like Mitt Romney (or other establishment candidate). 
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