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Gun Control Watch

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Trying to avoid a mess of threads and since they're coming in hard and fast now I think a single thread to keep a watch on them is needed.

A bill from MA defining all semi autos as "assault weapons" and since "assault weapons" are banned in MA....Well you do the math.

Massachusetts Democrat introduces ban on all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns

--- Quote ---Which is weird, because Massachusetts already has an ?assault weapons? ban on the books dating back to 1998; one that was dramatically expanded through a ?re-interpretation? of the statute by then-Attorney General Maura Healey in 2016.

Those bills defined ?assault weapons? by features, and in some cases by name, but Rep. David Linsky?s new bill takes a much simpler approach; defining all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns as ?assault weapons?.
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--- Quote ---SECTION 1. Subsection (b) of section 61 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2018 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the words ?assault weapon?, in line 13, and inserting in place thereof the following words:- any rifle or shotgun containing a semiautomatic mechanism.
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Meanwhile in New Mexico

Bill introduced limiting mags to 9 rounds

--- Quote ---Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-ABQ) on Monday filed House Bill 50 (HB0050 (, legislation making it a felony to possess, use, manufacture, import, purchase, sell, loan, borrow or transfer a magazine or similar device capable of holding 10 or more rounds of ammunition in the state. This restrictive measure contains no grandfather clause for currently- and lawfully-owned magazines and it includes a $1.5 million appropriation to the New Mexico Department of Safety to "administer" this ban if it becomes law. 
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First Anti-Gun Bill Filed in New Mexico Legislature: Magazine Ban Legislation

Here's Colion Noir

New Mexico House Bill 50 Limits Magazines To 9 Rounds, Here's How This Leads To Banning All Guns

Another federal "assault weapons" ban bill and an age restriction bill submitted by Dianne Turn them All In Feinstein

She cites the Monterey Park shooting despite M11s already being illegal in CA

BREAKING: Federal Assault Weapons & Magazine Bans Submitted...There's MORE Too!!

Bans the sell and transfer of 205 named AWs and others by features including shoulder things that go up.
Mandates "safe" storage
The usual mag stuff
Ban bump stocks and any device that allows a semi autos to fire at FA rates
etc etc etc... I think you know the routine by now.

AW bill
--- Quote ---To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear
arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes
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Age bill.


--- Quote from: WLJ on January 24, 2023, 09:21:54 AM ---AW bill

--- End quote ---

On the listed firearms, it's kind of a crackup on all the Thompson variants listed. Sounds like they got some of their gun education from 1930s gangster movies.


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