I had just come from a Renaissance Faire rehearsal, and I was stuck in Elizabethan dialect[0]. I stopped in the Discovery Channel store to pick up a Galileo thermometer for my office (I'd started a new job 4 days before, and needed some cool stuff to spruce the place up). I was staring disconsolately at the single display model that was the color I wanted (one that was all-blue), and at the endless boxes of multi-colored (and therefore precisely
wrong) ones.
A rather cute female employee came up to me, and asked if she could help me. I gestured to the display, and said (still stuck in dialect), "None of these are right. I want a
blue one, and all of these have these horrid other colours in."
She noticed my accent, and wanted (so I found out later) to know what part of the UK I was from. So she asked me, "You aren't from around here, are you?" Then she blushed. Then we talked for about 30 minutes. Then I asked her to meet me when she went on break. Then, on her break, I asked her to dinner after her store closed. Then, at dinner, we talked until they threw us out of the restaurant so they could go home (at 1 in the morning). Then I told her I wasn't done talking with her, and asked if she's like to come back to my place. Then, back at my place, we sat on the couch and talked until 5am.
Going to work the next day sucked.
2.5 years later, we were married, in our own back yard, in what is becoming a rather well-known Grove in Manassas.
- And I didn't have any beer in my pickup truck, either.