FBI CAUGHT STAGING & TAMPERING With Evidence in Trump Raid 'Crime Scene Photo' | Jack Smith JAIL? - Benny Johnson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQmTv5pKuBkStuff I am hearing lately:
1. Many of the boxes at Mara Lago were shipped there the year before by the Govt who supposedly wanted to get rid of them. And were apparently still closed up meaning no one had accessed them.
2. The "Top Secret" cover sheets seen scattered over the floor in the early photos released weren't in the boxes. The agents at the raid brought those with them and were using them as book marks, etc. Not part of the evidence. Just a photo op.
3. Much of the top secret files and boxes were sent to D.C. instead of being kept locally. Poor tracking of what was there and where it was and if it is still there.
Trial postponed indefinitely from what I am hearing. I guess Ben posted that yesterday.