Author Topic: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?  (Read 2630 times)


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how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« on: May 13, 2023, 08:39:35 PM »
  an authoritarian lesbian left a very unpleasant voicemail for me, detailing how she "knows" I like talking to women  :rofl: but also that she has pictures of my car, had me followed and called the police.
 Of course, nothing came of it because it is not illegal to ask a lady over fifty years old out to coffee, or park in public and drive on roads.
 She's on the board of directors of a local club house where they have AA meetings .
 "right wingers" are "bad orange man supporters" but I was extra bad because NV law does not allow for concealed carry without a permit so I was forced to open carry,  we are a 45 minute drive to meetings in Cali and when I was told that me wearing a gun made people uncomfortable, I shrugged and recommended going to California ( Reno is very blue now , they aspire to be a mixture of San Francisco and Portland )
 I'm now banned, even if I do not carry or have the permit - I will reacquire it of course, its just going to be by the end of the summer - I'm working a lot  and saving up PTO to get business  done I put off during the plandemic .
  I want to fight back some how - all I could come up with on the googles is calling the IRS - but I only suspect corruption and malfeasance , NV has a law on the books saying its illegal to keep older people from recovery and therapy ( older is simply defined over sixty )  .
 I want to be super legal and aboveboard , AA is a spiritual program designed by what would now be considered a rightwing christian armed lunatic ( Bill Wilson was a champion marksman, winning shooting competitions in the early 1900's ) Him and Dr Bob encouraged Bible reading in order to stay sober but kept AA a non religious org in order to help as many people as possible .
 Now the clubs are run by people  with virtue signaling replacing religion and controlling what is said and who says it .
There is not really anything I find on the web as a means to fight back .
Anyone here ever successfully challenged the status quo of a non profit?
Anyone know how I look up where they get grants from?
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
Rocket Man: "The need for booster shots for the immunized has always been based on the science.  Political science, not medical science."


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2023, 09:32:28 PM »
Forget it.

"Accept the things I cannot change."

It is now up to them to make amends to you.

Forget it.

Terry, Friend of Bill's, but never got my 30-year chip, 230RN

French G.

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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2023, 09:51:50 PM »
Open your own chapter. In my limited experience with AAs they seem to replace one addiction with another. Coffee is a mild one. The sex addicts can be fun. You need to find the gun addicts and have a fun clubhouse.
AKA Navy Joe   

I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2023, 12:38:41 AM »
 both good answers, I just do not have the time/money to start my own clubhouse .
I'm gonna figure some ethical way to fight back

  no one knows how to research where a 501 c3 org  gets its grants from? isn't it public info?
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
Rocket Man: "The need for booster shots for the immunized has always been based on the science.  Political science, not medical science."


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2023, 03:21:02 AM »
Is it really worth your efforts just to "get even?"

I don't think you're in a good enough position to complain to "officialdom" because uou were expelled, especially since it involves open carry of a firearm during the meeting.  Nowadays, sorry to say, facing reality, and considering your "opponent(s)," that weakens your position quite a bit, "rights" aside. Again, "facing reality."  Today's reality.

I know somebody here will come along with something about "Stand up for your rights or you'll lose 'em", and they're right, but not on this battleground.  I can almost see the headline, "Drunk takes gun to private meeting, Police called."

You can run through all the self-justifications you want to, but do you think "your side" is the only side that will ever be heard?

Nope. This "authoritarian lesbian"  will have the PR advantage.

Repeating my recommendation, and that's all I'm going to say about it any more:  "Let it go."

Terry, 230RN, dry since 1993.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 04:03:37 AM by 230RN »


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2023, 07:40:25 AM »
I think Terry has the right of it.

I can think of all kinds of "unofficial" ways to get even, and if done carefully some of them probably wouldn't even result in your arrest.


Depending on the actual content of the "unpleasant voicemail" maybe forwarding it to the board of directors of the local clubhouse would have some negative repercussions for her, but from what you wrote the board may cheer her on.

Just walk away and don't look back is my advice.
Trump won in 2016. And again in 2024. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2023, 08:52:11 AM »
I'm also with "walk away".   She sounds like a borderline crazy person. (" detailing how she "knows" I like talking to women  :rofl: but also that she has pictures of my car, had me followed and called the police.")   Obsessed stalker? 

Walk away.  Lots of crazy people in the world.;  And keep on asking mature women out for coffee.  That sounds like a perfectly fine thing to do.
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2023, 09:15:44 AM »

Walk away.  Lots of crazy people in the world.;  And keep on asking mature women out for coffee.  That sounds like a perfectly fine thing to do.

I agree.


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2023, 09:21:48 AM »
"I'm a foolish old man that has been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop."


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2023, 11:31:37 AM »
You're in the desert. Know anyone with a backhoe?

Just kidding

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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2023, 12:11:11 PM »
Lots of advice to drop it. That will work fine for you but probably not for her. Keep all voicemails or other communications so you have a case for harassment if needed.

As you know in NV you are perfectly legal open carrying into their clubhouse unless the owner (or person in authority) tells you not to. Is she the person in authority or is she just the authority in her mind? If you wanted to pursue it all you can do is contact the rest of the board find out if she can make the decision or if it has to be a board decision.



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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2023, 12:22:23 PM »
Gunsmith, I think you're on the wrong track.

You said the woman who banned you is on the board of the "clubhouse" where they hold AA meetings. So why are you looking for income info on AA? They don't own the building, they just use it. AA meetings are held in all kinds of places, from hotel conference rooms to schools to church basements. If I understand it correctly, you weren't banned by AA, you were banned by the club that owns the building.

And that's their right. It's not a public property, it's private property. Stores can ban people who carry guns, malls can ban people who carry guns, and private clubs can ban people who carry guns. I don't like it any more than you do, but that's what is.

Who owns the club? Is the club a 501(c))3) non-profit? Do they get their funding from grants, or do they get their money from member dues and rental fees?

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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2023, 05:31:18 PM »
Get Lois Lerner on the case?
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2023, 06:07:28 PM »

If you're going to joust with windmills, at least pick the right windmill.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2023, 07:49:20 PM »
This strikes me as being up there with "can't fight city hall."
Idea: Are there any local gun groups on facebook? Figure out a place to do an AA meeting once a month, and let folks know. Preferably a free spot for target shooting, discussion, whatever...  See if  you can get a range or three to sponsor, or at least allow a little free range/training room time?
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2023, 08:19:09 PM »
I think Bender French G has the right of it.

"Start your own chapter, with blackjack and hookers."

It wasn't your chapter, you evidently weren't among the leadership of it and valued enough to at least have a discussion about the matter, and there's lots of other chapters.  Don't hang around people that don't value you, and definitely don't FORCE yourself onto people that don't value you.  Find another chapter or start your own.  Blackjack and hookers optional.
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I reject your authoritah!


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2023, 09:11:01 PM »
Once again ... HE WAS NOT BANNED BY THE AA CHAPTER. He was banned by a member of the board of the club that owns the building.
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2023, 12:39:24 AM »
Once again ... HE WAS NOT BANNED BY THE AA CHAPTER. He was banned by a member of the board of the club that owns the building.

exactly, AA is a fine org.
Reno AA is messed up but globally and nationally - AA is just fine.

I could drive to more rural areas but I generally avoid leaving town with my current vehicle - it is such a beater that I do not drive further than a days walk from home .

I have not had a drink in over ten thousand days, God willing I will continue to be sober until my last breath .

The club is owned by a 501c3 corp,  but where they get their funding and who else is on the board?
If I knew some way to find out, that would be a good start.

I do not want to return there, ever.
I want them to have consequences for repugnant unlawful behavior.
( it is unlawful to keep older people from alcohol and addiction recovery under the Nevada Revised Statues N.R.S , I have no idea on how to bring legal action for it tho ) .

I do not need AA to be sober, I have no cravings for anything - I do not even put sugar in my coffee .
The hardest thing I ever have is ibuprofen and even that I do way less than most folks in their early sixties .

The good news is I have an extra hour or two per week now by not going .

right now my company is offering plenty of overtime - so I have been welding over 40 hours a week .
when it goes back to regular schedule my plan is to figure out what agency helps older people here in NV, contact the Attourney General and the IRS .

I blocked her phone number so, I probably will not be bugged by her again.

Thank you guys for the good advice, it is good advice - but I'm very angry and I intend to legally and ethically fight back.

NYC is the main office for AA, I will try talking to them too
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
Rocket Man: "The need for booster shots for the immunized has always been based on the science.  Political science, not medical science."


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2023, 01:12:53 AM »
exactly, AA is a fine org.
Reno AA is messed up but globally and nationally - AA is just fine.

I could drive to more rural areas but I generally avoid leaving town with my current vehicle - it is such a beater that I do not drive further than a days walk from home .

I have not had a drink in over ten thousand days, God willing I will continue to be sober until my last breath .

The club is owned by a 501c3 corp,  but where they get their funding and who else is on the board?
If I knew some way to find out, that would be a good start.

I do not want to return there, ever.
I want them to have consequences for repugnant unlawful behavior.
( it is unlawful to keep older people from alcohol and addiction recovery under the Nevada Revised Statues N.R.S , I have no idea on how to bring legal action for it tho ) .

I do not need AA to be sober, I have no cravings for anything - I do not even put sugar in my coffee .
The hardest thing I ever have is ibuprofen and even that I do way less than most folks in their early sixties .

The good news is I have an extra hour or two per week now by not going .

right now my company is offering plenty of overtime - so I have been welding over 40 hours a week .
when it goes back to regular schedule my plan is to figure out what agency helps older people here in NV, contact the Attourney General and the IRS .

I blocked her phone number so, I probably will not be bugged by her again.

Thank you guys for the good advice, it is good advice - but I'm very angry and I intend to legally and ethically fight back.

NYC is the main office for AA, I will try talking to them too

I don't know much about AA, but I suspect this is not really your fight.  Talk to the the AA chapter president or 'Lustrous Potentate or whatever he's called.  Have AA contact the facility on your behalf; they are the ones with the lease.  They are the ones who should know how to press the issue on that NV Revised Statute.  If they're not willing to at least contact the facility management, they don't really want you there anyway.

Since a gun is at least peripherally involved and AA main office is in NYC, they are not going to help you -- they kinda wish you were dead (no offense)
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2023, 12:06:00 PM »

The club is owned by a 501c3 corp,  but where they get their funding and who else is on the board?
If I knew some way to find out, that would be a good start.

A 501(c)(3) is a charitable not-for-profit organization. They are supposed to be engaged in charitable activities, they cannot engage in political lobbying or activism, and members cannot personally benefit. Depending on the state, non-profit corporations (assuming they are a corporation) may be registered with the state attorney general's office or with the secretary of the state's office. Start checking there to see if they are registered as a corporation. If so, the registration should include a list of the officers. (You may have to submit a formal FOIA request.)

If the group that owns the building isn't engaged in charitable activities, you could report them to the IRS and possibly get their 501(c)(3) status revoked.

I want them to have consequences for repugnant unlawful behavior.
( it is unlawful to keep older people from alcohol and addiction recovery under the Nevada Revised Statues N.R.S , I have no idea on how to bring legal action for it tho ) .

Substance addiction, including alcoholism, is generally considered to be covered under the ADA. ADA violations are investigated by the federal Department of Justice. You can start by called the ADA assistance line:

I wasn't clear from the opening post if she followed you, or if she had you followed. If she followed you and you have evidence to prove it, report her to the police as a stalker. If she had you followed -- who did the actual following and how do you know? There may or may not have been a crime committed -- check the Nevada laws on stalking.
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2023, 01:29:04 PM »
Yep - different types of non-profits. A club will have a different designation than a charitable organization, which will be different from a trade association.
Some boards are just figureheads for the sake of organizational paperwork, and others actually govern. Some are funded by member dues and others by donations or grants. 

I won't tell you what I would do because I have been known to kick hornet's nests and I've paid for it every single time.
But I can't see any way this ends well if you pursue it. I realize you're angry, but try to look at the big picture. What result are you hoping to achieve? Who are you going to alienate or make an enemy of in the process? What would that mean for you long term?

Not to wax philosophical and all, but stuff like this usually boomerangs. What's she's doing is going to come back on her at some point. But so will whatever YOU do. I'd go to the range and get myself a little boom therapy until the anger passes.

And I agree with the others. You don't have to have a fancy clubhouse to start a chapter. You could have meetings in a park, at a local gun range, or maybe even a room at the local health department. Carve your own path, but take the high road to get there. 
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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2023, 01:36:31 PM »
You've been going to AA for how long now and that hasn't sunk in yet?

I said:

"...and that's all I'm going to say about it any more"

I lied.

You are not thinking straight.

You're gnashing your teeth in defeat, looking for any option, rational or not, to strike back and turn your defeat around.

Any, and I repeat any efforts you are proposing, except the somewhat impractical one of founding your own AA group, are bound to fail, which will only add to your sense of defeat.

This might well turn into a classic example of reciprocal escalating injuries eventually turning into a war you are in no position to win.
Once again:

I can almost see the headline, "Drunk takes gun to Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Police called."

That's a major vulnerability, gunsmith.  You can bring up all the "justifications" you want to re-establish your self-esteem, but you are not thinking straight.

If you proceed, despite the unanimous recommendations to let it go and to walk away, it will be a self-defeating proposition.

And you will be creating your own troubles all over again.


« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 02:16:25 PM by 230RN »


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2023, 02:07:35 PM »
Go back to step 3.  And lean real hard into 6&7.
Then maybe 9 won't be so difficult.
You asked.
  an authoritarian lesbian left a very unpleasant voicemail for me, detailing how she "knows" I like talking to women  :rofl: but also that she has pictures of my car, had me followed and called the police.
 Of course, nothing came of it because it is not illegal to ask a lady over fifty years old out to coffee, or park in public and drive on roads.
 She's on the board of directors of a local club house where they have AA meetings .
 "right wingers" are "bad orange man supporters" but I was extra bad because NV law does not allow for concealed carry without a permit so I was forced to open carry,  we are a 45 minute drive to meetings in Cali and when I was told that me wearing a gun made people uncomfortable, I shrugged and recommended going to California ( Reno is very blue now , they aspire to be a mixture of San Francisco and Portland )
 I'm now banned, even if I do not carry or have the permit - I will reacquire it of course, its just going to be by the end of the summer - I'm working a lot  and saving up PTO to get business  done I put off during the plandemic .
  I want to fight back some how - all I could come up with on the googles is calling the IRS - but I only suspect corruption and malfeasance , NV has a law on the books saying its illegal to keep older people from recovery and therapy ( older is simply defined over sixty )  .
 I want to be super legal and aboveboard , AA is a spiritual program designed by what would now be considered a rightwing christian armed lunatic ( Bill Wilson was a champion marksman, winning shooting competitions in the early 1900's ) Him and Dr Bob encouraged Bible reading in order to stay sober but kept AA a non religious org in order to help as many people as possible .
 Now the clubs are run by people  with virtue signaling replacing religion and controlling what is said and who says it .
There is not really anything I find on the web as a means to fight back .
Anyone here ever successfully challenged the status quo of a non profit?
Anyone know how I look up where they get grants from?
7-11 was a part time job.


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2023, 02:19:52 PM »
We may have to accept the fact that gunsmith can't take good advice.


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Re: how would somebody fight back against a non-profit?
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2023, 03:52:49 PM »
We may have to accept the fact that gunsmith can't take good advice.

Do any of us take good advice when we are righteously [I chose that word carefully] pissed off?  I may have once or twice in my life, but I usually don't.   [ar15]
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