Once again ... HE WAS NOT BANNED BY THE AA CHAPTER. He was banned by a member of the board of the club that owns the building.
exactly, AA is a fine org.
Reno AA is messed up but globally and nationally - AA is just fine.
I could drive to more rural areas but I generally avoid leaving town with my current vehicle - it is such a beater that I do not drive further than a days walk from home .
I have not had a drink in over ten thousand days, God willing I will continue to be sober until my last breath .
The club is owned by a 501c3 corp, but where they get their funding and who else is on the board?
If I knew some way to find out, that would be a good start.
I do not want to return there, ever.
I want them to have consequences for repugnant unlawful behavior.
( it is unlawful to keep older people from alcohol and addiction recovery under the Nevada Revised Statues N.R.S , I have no idea on how to bring legal action for it tho ) .
I do not need AA to be sober, I have no cravings for anything - I do not even put sugar in my coffee .
The hardest thing I ever have is ibuprofen and even that I do way less than most folks in their early sixties .
The good news is I have an extra hour or two per week now by not going .
right now my company is offering plenty of overtime - so I have been welding over 40 hours a week .
when it goes back to regular schedule my plan is to figure out what agency helps older people here in NV, contact the Attourney General and the IRS .
I blocked her phone number so, I probably will not be bugged by her again.
Thank you guys for the good advice, it is good advice - but I'm very angry and I intend to
legally and ethically fight back.
NYC is the main office for AA, I will try talking to them too